The Fog | Part 2

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The summer weather faded as August turned into September. Which meant that fall was fast approaching. October is one of my favorite moths because of the comfortable weather. I really love Halloween as well. But with cooler temperatures there are more foggy days. Every time it was foggy, he was there. He would stand under a street light facing my home. I wondered why he was there; his presence unnerved me and made me curious. But my fear always overruled my curiosity.

Tonight was one of those chilly foggy nights. I could hear the rain pouring outside. I had the heat on and covered up with a soft blanket as I watched Halloween movies. After a while I decided to make some hot chocolate. As I got up off of the couch I walked over to window and pulled the curtain back a little. The yellowish glow from the street lights gave a spooky vibe. To my surprise, that man was standing across the street. Just like any other foggy night.

I honestly felt bad for him because it was raining. 'Maybe I should invite him inside.' I thought in my head as I kept looking at him. He looked like a ghostly figure, especially since he was wearing all white. After a few moments I closes the curtain and went into the kitchen. I turned the tea kettle on to heat water for hot chocolate. Then I headed towards the front door. I opened it and stepped out onto the porch. "Hey! You better get out of this rain and cold. You'll get pneumonia." I said.

He threw his cigarette to the ground and crushed it with his boot. I watched as he slowly walked towards me. I felt a little uneasy, but I didn't want to seem like a horrible person. "Do you wanna come inside and warm up?" I asked curiously. "Yes, thank you." He replied and he followed me inside. I closed and locked the door behind us. He was soaking wet. He had platinum blonde hair, which looked white/gray.

He was wearing a white lace shirt in a floral design, white pants with black pinstripes, and white boots that had heels. "What's your name?" I asked curiously. When he turned to look at me I noticed he had blue eyes and plump lips. He looked quite handsome. I found it kind of odd that his red eyeshadow and matching lipstick hadn't been ruined. Especially since he was drenched with rain. "You can call me Barns." He replied. "My name is y/n." I replied shyly. A small smile curled the corners of his lips slightly.

"It's nice to formally meet you. I believe we sort of crossed paths last month... when you were walking in the woods." He said, which was kind of eerie. He remembered me even though we hadn't really seen each other. But maybe he had been closer to me on my walk and I didn't see him. It was quite dark outside that evening. "It's nice to formally meet you too." I replied awkwardly. I suggested that he put his clothes into the dryer since they were wet. He said that would be a good idea, so I got him some clothes he could borrow.

I also gave him some towels to dry off. While he was in the bathroom I made us both a hot chocolate. When he came out I gave him the hot drink, and he thanked me. "Do you like Halloween movies?" I asked curiously as we sat down on the couch. "I do." He replied with a smile. I was glad, because Tim Burton's Corpse Bride was coming on tv. I couldn't help but notice that he still had his makeup on. It was odd, but maybe he just had some high quality makeup on. I didn't feel like making a comment on it.

I just enjoyed my drink and watched the movie with him. When it ended it had stopped raining and he gathered his clothes. "I should get home. Thanks for the hot chocolate and allowing me to get warm." He said with a small smile as we stood by the front door. "No problem." I replied with a small smile of my own. We said our goodbyes and I watched as he walked down the street. I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time I would see or speak to him.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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