Passing Notes | Part 8

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Barns and I told our parents about our relationship. Luckily they were happy for us. I would have been heartbroken if they didn't want us to be together. Tomorrow was the first day of Christmas break. "I'm so glad that it's a half day today." Barns said as we walked down the hall holding hands. There was an excited energy flowing through the school. Several people were wearing Christmas sweaters and stuff.

"I'm glad it's a half day too." I replied with a smile. We stopped at his locker so he could get his books. Most teachers don't teach lessons on the day before Christmas break. But every now and then you get one that will. After gathering our things, we went to a rarely used stairwell. "Come here." Barns said softly as he pulled me close. We hugged and I snuggled into his chest. He kissed the top of my head, which made my insides melt.

We broke the hug a little and kissed. I blushed because we were kissing in a public place. We usually only kissed when we were alone. Not when someone could see us at any moment. It kinda made me a little nervous. But I wasn't going to turn down his soft kisses. "What do you wanna do after school?" He asked curiously once we broke the kiss. "I'm not sure. We could go Christmas shopping. I still have to get my parents something." I said.

"Okay. We can go to the mall then." He replied with a smile. Eventually we left the stairwell. We held hands as he walked me to my class. I gave him a hug before he left to go to his class. In most of my classes we watched Christmas movies. Teachers handed out candy and snacks. Although the day was shorter than usual, it felt like it took forever to end. Once the school day did end, I met up with Barns. "Hey, I missed you." He said with a charming smile as we hugged.

He took my hand and we walked outside in the cold. Both of us were bundled up due to the cold weather. We walked to the mall where we looked around at different stores. The place was kinda packed with people, which wasn't a surprise. It's always busy a few days before Christmas. It didn't take us long to find presents for our family members. I didn't have to find him anything, because I already got him something. Apparently he got me a present a while ago also.

So we decided to just look around in a few stores. He was trying on clothes and being a goof ball. His antics made me laugh so hard, which made him smile. We almost got kicked out of one of the clothing stores. On our way to the food court we stopped at a photo booth. "I'll have to find a safe place to keep this." I said as I admired the photo strip. "Me too." He said with a smile. He kissed my temple, and we walked towards the food court.

We got something to eat and sat down at a table. As we ate I spotted a few of Barns's bullies. I hoped that they wouldn't start anything. There were a lot of people around, so I kinda doubted they would. "Do you wanna stay at my place tonight?" I asked curiously after a few moments of comfortable silence. "Yeah, that would be okay. I just have to call my parents to let them know." He replied. After eating he called his parents.

I called my parents as well, and they came to pick us up. Once we got to the house we went up to my room. I wanted to hide the presents I got for my parents. Barns and I cuddled and kissed a little. Then went downstairs to help my mom bake cookies. I loved that Barns was genuinely interested in baking. It was the best start to Christmas break.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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