The Fog

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The hot summer day turned into a cool and comfortable evening. So instead of staying inside, I decided to take a walk. A cool wind blew, which was refreshing.  To my surprise there weren't many people out enjoying the cooler weather. But I guess they preferred to stay inside. Especially since the sun was starting to set. I walked this path a million times, so I wasn't worried about getting lost. Plus I brought a flashlight with me in case it got too dark.

I enjoyed the sound of the birds and crickets. Eventually it started getting dark, especially where the trees were thicker. I could still see though, so I wasn't really worried. I knew my way back home anyway. I walked along a small creek listening to a group of frogs singing near the water. After a while I noticed some fog starting to roll in. I suddenly started to feel like I was being watched. I looked around, but I couldn't see anything due to the darkness. 'I should head home.' I said inside of my head.

The bright full moon rose in the sky as it got darker. I was thankful for the extra lighting so I was able to see. I kinda felt like an idiot for not bringing a flashlight with me. But luckily I had my cellphone with me. Eventually I reached the road that lead into my neighborhood. The yellowish colored street lights looked eerie with the fog hanging in the air. I could hear a dog barking in the distance. A few houses had loud music playing inside. I got the feeling that I was being watched again.

I figured it was just someone looking out of thier window, but I looked around anyway. Anxiety filled my stomach when I saw someone standing underneath a dead street light. The bright moonlight allowed me the ability to see him. Otherwise I wouldn't have seen him at all. It looked as if he was wearing all white. Even his shoes were white; they kinda looked like white boots or something. I watched as he lit a match and brought it to his face. He was lighting a cigarette. I stood there longer than I probably should have.

I turned and walked on, stopping every now and then to look behind me. The man stayed where he was, which made me relax a bit. 'At least he wasn't following me.' I said inside of my head. When I got home I locked the door behind me. I got something to eat before taking a long shower. When I was finished I put my pajamas on. The sound of a car alarm startled me a little. I looked through the curtain to see what was going on. My heart beat quickened and I got anxiety from what I saw. It was the man I saw under the dead street light.

He was standing underneath the light right across from my house. He was smoking a cigarette and I was right when I assumed he was wearing all white. Even his hair looked white, but he wasn't an old man. I quickly double checked to make sure my door was locked. I even put a chair in front of the door. 'Who is he?' I wondered. I turned the lights off and went up to my bedroom. I climbed into bed even though I knew I wouldn't get any sleep tonight.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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