It's Cold Outside

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"I really appreciate you staying to help clean up." Barns said as we threw trash away. We met up with our friends at his place for a Christmas Eve party. Everyone left an hour ago, but I decided to help him out. Especially since he was kind enough to host the party. "Well, I should head home. I had a lot of fun tonight by the way." I said with a small smile. "I'm glad you had fun." He said as we gave each other a hug. We walked towards the front door and I out my coat on.

When I opened the door I was taken aback. We were getting a freak snowstorm. It was practically a blizzard! "There's no way I'm letting you go out in that. You can spend the night." He said as he closed the door. I was glad that he offered for me to stay. I definitely wasn't going to try and go home in that storm. I took my coat off and sat down on the couch. "Do you want some more hot cocoa?" He asked curiously. "Yeah, sure. Thanks." I replied with a smile. He went into the kitchen to make us more hot chocolate.

I texted my family to let them know I was staying at Barns's place. They were glad I decided not to go out in the storm. Barns returned with mugs of hot chocolate piled high with marshmallows. "Thank you." I said as he handed me one of the mugs. "You're welcome." He said with a smile. He grabbed a huge blanket off the back of the couch, and covered us with it. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked, and I said yes. We ended up watching the first two Home Alone movies; ending on How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

My phone buzzed and I saw that it was a text from my ex. I let out a deep sigh and rolled my eyes. "Who is that?" Barns asked, glancing over at me. "My ex. I wish they would leave me alone." I said. "Have you not blocked their number?" He asked. "Yeah, but I guess they keep getting a new one. It's so annoying!" I replied. He suggested to change my number so my ex couldn't contact me. I made a mental note to do that even if it was kind of a pain to do. I hoped that I would remember to tell my friends about the number change.

My ex kept texting me to the point where I turned my phone off. It stressed me out, and I felt annoyed with myself. I let them ruin a perfect day. "Come here." Barns said, and I looked him with a confused expression. "What?" I asked with furrowed brows. "Come closer for a hug." He said with a small laugh. "Oh." I said with a shy laugh. I moved closer to him and he wrapped an arm around me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled into his side. To my surprise he left a soft kiss on my forehead.
The kiss made me feel warm inside and melted all the bad feelings away. I felt so lucky to have such a sweet friend like him.

We finished our hot chocolate and I started feeling a little sleepy. But I didn't wanna move because I was so cozy and warm. "Are you sleepy?" He asked softly after turning the tv off. "Yeah." I replied, looking up at him. "You don't wanna get up though do you?" He asked with a smile. "No." I replied with a small laugh. "Neither do I to be honest." He said with a small laugh as well. We ended up staying on the couch. I accidentally fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up snuggled up with Barns. It made me blush and gave me butterflies. But I also felt safe and cozy. He was still sleeping soundly. 'He looks so cute.' I thought smiling. I slowly and carefully got off of the couch. Thankfully I didn't wake him up. I went to the bathroom and made myself look presentable. Then I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. I made sure to keep quiet so I didn't wake him up. When the coffee started brewing I heard him stirring in the living room.

I walked over and saw him stretching. He yawned adorably as he rubbed his eyes. "Good morning sleepy beauty." I said with a smile, and he laughed a little. "What time is it?" He asked in a deep, gravely morning voice. "Eleven o'clock. I'm making breakfast if you're hungry." I said with a small smile. "You didn't have to do that." He said as he slowly sat up and stretched more. Several of his joints cracked as a result. "It's the least I can do after you let me spend the night." I said before returning to the kitchen.

"Mmm, pancakes." He said once he had joined me. I smiled as he poured us each a mug of coffee. I thanked him and glanced over at him. He sipped from his cup. The bright white light from outside shinning on his tired blue eyes. "Oh! Merry Christmas!" He said. I almost forgot that it was Christmas before he said something. "Merry Christmas to you too." I replied happily.   Eventually breakfast was ready, and we got our food before sitting down. After eating we cleaned the dishes.

When I looked outside I wasn't surprised that the roads were covered. It looked like he and I would be spending Christmas day together too. To be honest though, I didn't really mind.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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