The Shadows | Part 2

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Barns ended up staying, and I had to convince him to buy new clothes. He didn't want to go out for some reason. So I told him to just tell me what kind of clothes he liked. I went out to buy them by myself. While I was at the store I ran into a few people I knew. They asked who I was buying all the clothes for. I told them I had a friend staying over and he didn't pack enough clothes. I made sure he had lots of underwear and stuff.

I knew he liked the old school rock and roll, just like me. So I got him a few band t-shirts along with some plain color ones. I bought him some jeans and hoodies. I got him some shorts and sweatpants. I wanted to make sure I got him stuff for every season. When I got home the place smelled amazing. He was cooking dinner for us. "Barns, you didn't have to start cooking without me." I said as I sat everything down.

"I wanted to, especially since you're so nice to me. You just went out and bought me clothes." He said with warmth in his blue eyes. A small smile spread across his plump lips. I couldn't help but to smile back. "You needed the clothes and a place to stay. I wasn't going to live on the streets." I said as I started helping him cook dinner. We were cooking a roast and decided to help cut up the vegetables. I was almost finished when I accidentally cut my finger.

I gasped and cursed as I rushed over to the sink. I washed my hands, but I kept bleeding. "What happened?" He asked curiously. "I accidentally cut myself." I replied. "Come here. Let me see." He said as he walked over to me. He gently took my hand and examined the cut. "It doesn't look too deep, but it's still bleeding." He said. What he did next surprised me. He lift my hand and put my finger in his mouth. It made me feel so awkward. It was worse when he gently sucked my finger.

He slowly removed my finger from his mouth, looking ashamed. "Sorry." He said with a sheepish smile. I gasped sharply when I noticed his teeth weren't the same. It looked like he had fangs. I backed up slowly until my back was against a nearby wall. He licked his teeth and a look of sadness and fear filled his eyes. "You... you're a vampire?" I said in a questioning tone. "Y/n, I promise I won't hurt you. Please don't be afraid of me." He said softly.

He slowly walked towards me, and I let him. Tears were welling up in his pretty blue eyes. My heart ached for him. Now I understood why he didn't have any family or friends. "If you want me to leave I will. But please don't think that I was ever going to hurt you." He said softly when he stopped in front of me. "You don't have to go. I... I trust you." I said shyly. I moved away from the wall and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

He hugged me back tightly. "Thank you." He said. Eventually we broke the hug and went back to cooking. I asked him about his past. He told me that he had been on the run for a while. Going where anyone would accept him. I felt sorry for him even if he is a vampire. He promised he wouldn't hurt me, and I trust him. He could have drained me of my blood the second we met, but he didn't. Plus he seemed so sweet and caring. I would protect him from the world if I had to.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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