Passing Notes | Part 9

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"Hey do you wanna hangout at the park?" Barns asked me curiously over the phone. "Yeah, sure. What time?" I replied. "In a few minutes. I'll be by in a little bit. We can walk to the park together." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Okay." I replied, smiling as well. We talked on the phone as he made his way to my place. We hung up the phone once he reached the house. I made sure I had my house keys and stuff before leaving.

I even took the skateboard he got me for Christmas. Thanks to him I was able to skate, but not as good as him. But he promised he would keep teaching me tricks and stuff. Instead of walking we actually rode our skateboards. When we reached the park we found a nice spot to sit. He had his backpack with him; he laid out a blanket for us to sit on. It was absolutely beautiful outside! The sky was blue with white fluffy clouds in them. A cool breeze cut through the summer heat.

The shade from the tree helped as well. We sat and enjoyed the scenery. The singing birds sounded lovely as well. "Y/n, we have to talk." He said, and anxiety filled my stomach. "About what?" I asked curiously. "My mom and step father think it's a good idea for me to go back to England. To stay with my biological father." He said, looking at me with sadness in his beautiful blue eyes. "What? But... but... what about us?" I replied.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. It felt like a bad dream, but I knew I wasn't sleeping. "I don't want to go, but I have to. I can't fight my mom and step father." He said as he picked at the the blanket we were sitting on. The two of us laid down and I cuddled into his side. He wrapped his arms around me We stayed like that for a while. "When are you leaving?" I asked, trying to ignore the pain in my chest.

"August." He said before gently tightening his arms around me. "That means we only have two months to be together." I said, doing the same thing. "We can try to have a long distance relationship. I'll try to call and text you every day. And we can write each other letters if you want to." He said before kissing my forehead. Eventually we sat up again and held hands. We hugged and cuddled as well. The two of us didn't care who seen us.

I felt like my heard and soul were being torn in half. I didn't want him to go, but I knew he didn't have a choice. I knew his family wouldn't like the idea of him staying with me. I didn't want his family hating me even though I kind of hated them at the moment. After a while we packed up the blanket. We held hands as we walked around the park. We stopped at the local diner for lunch as well. I wanted to spend every second I could with him.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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