Treat You Better

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"You're pathetic and worthless! You can't do any fucking thing right! I can't believe I actually dated you for two years!! Consider us through!" My significant other said before storming off. We were at the local diner, and people were staring. I just wanted to disappear, but I was too embarrassed to move. So I sat there and avoided eye contact. I knew I was blushing. I probably looked as red as the ketchup bottle nearby.

The sound of boots walking on the tile floor caught my attention. I didn't look to see who it was. Not until someone sat down on the opposite side of the booth. I looked up to see a familiar face. It was Barns. I had seen him play at the local pub a few times. And I really enjoyed his music. I assumed that he was having dinner and overhead what happened. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked softly. His blue eyes were full of sympathy and concern. It made me feel like someone actually cared.

The emotions in his eyes looked so genuine. "Yeah... I'm okay." I said softly even though I didn't mean it. The waitress came by and sat down the food I had ordered. "It's on the house, sweetie. Don't you worry about paying for anything tonight." She said with sympathy in her eyes as well. Then she asked if Barns needed anything. He said no thanks to her before she left. I stared down at my food for a little while. "Go ahead and eat something. Don't let them get to you like that." Barns said softly.

I ate a couple of french fries, then took a sip of my drink. When I thought of what happened my heart ached. They had always found a reason to break up with me. Things would be fine one moment and then not the next. Barns snatched a couple of fries off of my plate after asking if he could. I thought he was going to eat them. But then he put them in his upper lip like he had fangs. At first he acted like a seal and then a vampire. I couldn't help but to smile and laugh a little.

My reaction made him smile. I actually managed to eat half of my food. "You wanna get out of here?" He asked me curiously. I nodded in response and we left the diner. We walked over to his car and I got into the passenger seat. "Would you like me to take you home?" He asked after we buckled our seatbelts. "No, I don't feel like going home right now. Can we just... drive around?" I replied. "Sure." He said as he fired up the engine.

I put my window down to enjoy the summer breeze. He turned the radio on and we listened to music. I didn't have to talk either, which was nice. He let me be with my thought for a while. We drove around for hours. The sun was setting when he pulled into the parking lot of a motel. He turned the radio off and killed the engine. "Can I ask you something?" He said, breaking the silence. "I've seen the way they treat you. Especially when you two come to my gigs. Why do you stay with him?" He said softly.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I think that he'll change. Stupid huh?" I said with a fake laugh. "It's not stupid. I understand what you mean. I kinda went through the same thing a while back." He replied. When I looked over at him there was sympathy in his eyes. A few moments of silence passed before he asked if I wanted to come inside. I said yes because I still didn't wanna go home. My phone buzzed when I closed the car door. I wasn't at all surprised to see that it was my ex.

They always break up with me and then try to get back together. I was starting to get sick and tired of the cycle. "Let me guess, it's your ex?" Barns asked as we walked to the front of his car. "Yeah." I said with a deep sigh. "Can I see your phone for a second? I know how I can get them to leave you alone. If... you trust me." He said. I thought for a moment before telling him that I did trust him. He told me to sit on the good of the car, so I did. Then he stood between my legs before taking some pictures of us.

The pictures made it look like we were a couple. He sent them to my ex before giving my my phone back. When I looked up and into his eyes, I got a little lost in them. They were so pretty and cute. Then my eyes drifted down to his plump lips. I never met a guy with such kissable lips. He noticed this and slowly closed the distance between us. When our lips met I felt sparks. A kind of warmth that I could feel in my bones. I never felt a kiss like that before.

I tangled my hands in his soft curly hair. I gently pulled him closer. He leaned into me and placed a hand on the hood of the car next to me. I was wearing shorts, and I gasped when he lightly brushed his other hand against my outer thigh. His touch gave me butterflies and goosebumps. "Do you wanna come inside?" He asked softly. "Well... I..." I wasn't sure if I should. A lot happened in the past few hours. His eyes suddenly went wide with realization.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that. We can just hangout and watch tv or talk." He said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. I breathed a sign of relief. "Okay." I replied with a small smile. He helped me off of the hood of the car. He gently took my hand and held it as we walked to his motel room. We sat on his bed and talked for hours with the tv as background noise. Before long it was nighttime, and I started feeling sleepy. Before falling asleep, I felt covers being placed on top of me. Plus a soft forehead kiss.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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