The Singer

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"Are you going to that bar again tonight?" My roommate asked me curiously. "Yeah." I replied. "You like that blues singer don't you?" She asked, and I blushed a little. "Well... yeah, but I'm too nervous to say anything." I replied awkwardly. "Just ask him out on a date. I'm sure he'd say yes." She said, but I wasn't so sure. He has so many beautiful people throwing themselves at him all the time. He's so handsome that I feel way out of his league.

My roommate and I talked for a little while. Eventually she left for her date with her boyfriend. I left a little bit later, making sure the place was locked up. I walked to the bar because it wasn't too far from the apartment. I went to one of the tables closest to the stage. The musical instruments were sitting on the stage. "What can I get ya?" A waitress asked me curiously. I ordered some food and a non-alcoholic drink. She wrote down my order on her note pad before heading to the kitchen. I sat and waited for Barns to come on stage.

The waitress came back with my drink and my food. I thanked her before I started eating. I looked around and saw a bunch of people in the room. There were old and young people. I knew that most of the girls were there to see Barns. Even the ones who were married drool over him. In my mind all of them were a lot prettier than me. A few minutes after I finished eating, Barns and his band came on stage. He was dressed in a pair of black pants with a black vest over his white button up. A matching fedora hat on his head.

His dark brown curls were grown out down to his shoulders. His eyes were hidden in the shadows of his hat. "Good evening, I'm Barns Courtney and this is my band." He introduced himself as always. Just in case there were nee people in the crowd. A few minutes passed before they started playing. When he began to sing, all eyes were on him. To me his voice sounded so comforting and lovely. It was just very pleasing to listen to.

I clapped after each song and I couldn't help the smile that was in my face. When the show was over a few people left. Others stayed and kept drinking thier drinks. I looked away when a few girls walked up to talk to Barns. Every time I see them flirt with him it hurts. I stood up and paid for my food and drinks. Then headed towards the door to head home. When I stepped out onto the sidewalk it started raining. It was more of just a sprinkle, so I figured I would make it home without getting too wet.

I got half way home when my shoe broke. I almost twisted my ankle and I cursed under my breath. The rain began to pour out of the night sky. I leaned against a brick building to take both of my shoes off. Luckily the pavement felt warm under my bare feet. "Hey, do you need a ride?" I heard a familiar voice say. A car had pulled up to the side of the street. When I looked in I saw that it was Barns. "Yes, please." I said. "Get in." He said. I hurried over to the passenger side door and climbed inside.

"You're soaked. I'll take you home so you don't have to walk barefoot in the rain." He said with sympathy in his eyes. I thanked him, feeling grateful. I also couldn't believe I was in a car with Barns. "What's your name?" He asked me curiously after a few moments of silence. "Y/n." I replied. "That's a beautiful name." He said, and I got butterflies. When we reached the apartment I invited him inside. He walked upstairs with me and I unlocked the door.

I offered him something to drink before going into the bathroom. I dried off and changed into some dry clothes. When I came back out he was sitting on the couch sipping his drink. "Thank you again for giving me a ride home. I really appreciate it." I said with a small smile. "No problem. I couldn't let you walk in that rain." He replied. I sat down next to him and noticed he had very beautiful eyes. They were a pretty shade of blue. I caught myself staring and looked away blushing.

"Why did you dress so fancy tonight?" He asked, making me feel awkward. "I... I just wanted you to notice me. The way you notice all the others." I said shyly. The look in his eyes softened and be tilted his head slightly. He moved closer to me, and my heart skipped a beat. "I've always noticed you, y/n." He said softly as he gently brushed my cheek with his thumb. I glanced down at his plump lips and his eyes did the same to me. We slowly closed the distance between us and our lips met. I shyly kissed him back, and melted from how soft and perfect they were.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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