Corner Store | Part 3

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A month had passed since Barns spent the night due to the snow storm. Now all the roads were clear and the snow had melted away. It was still cold though, but not cold enough to snow. All week had been getting a lot of rain. And unfortunately I think the weather has caused me to catch a cold. Even though I felt miserable, I still had to go to the corner store. I needed a few things to help with my sickness. My mom was at work like always, so I couldn't ask her to get me what I needed. I slipped on my shoes and pulled on a hoodie. I didn't feel like changing out of my sweatpants, so I left them on. I grabbed my keys and put a face mask on. Even though all I had was a cold, I didn't want to infect anyone else.

I took my time walking to the corner store. Sniffing and coughing every now and then. I unwrapped my last cough drop and popped it into my mouth. When I reached the store I grabbed a shopping cart. I grabbed a few things to make chicken noodle soup. I also got a few packs of instant ramen just in case I felt too bad to cook. Then I grabbed a few bags of cough drops, a couple boxes of tissues, and a big bottle of Tylenol. I grabbed a few snacks as well. Then I got in line to pay for my things. I smiled and got butterflies when I saw that Barns was the cashier. I was happy to see him again. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked when it was my turn to pay for my items.

Concern and sympathy filled his blue eyes. "I have a cold." I said before coughing a little. A look filled his eyes as if it hurt him to see me sick. "You could have texted me. I would have gotten the things you needed and brought them to you." He said as he scanned the things I picked out. "I didn't know you were working." I replied shyly. "Even if I wasn't working I would have done it." He said with a soft look in his eyes. It made me feel warm inside. "You're very sweet." I replied and I thought I saw him blush a little. "I get off of work in a little bit. Why don't I help you take your groceries home? I could help you make chicken noodle soup." He offered kindly, and I melted inside. "Sure, I would like that. But... I... I don't wanna get you sick." I replied.

"It's okay. Besides, I could use a few days off of work." He laughed softly as I gave him money for the things I got. I sat on a nearby bench as I waited in him to get off of work. A few minutes passed before I spotted him walking in my direction. "You ready to go?" He asked as he ruffled his brown curly hair. "Yeah." I said with a small smile even though he couldn't see it. He grabbed a few shopping bags and I carried what he didn't take. We talked about the weather and other things as we walked back to my place. When we reached the house he helped me put everything away. I took my mask off because he said that it was okay if I did. But I knew if he got a cold I would feel guilty. I popped another cough drop in my mouth before washing my hands. Then we got started on cooking homemade soup.

While the chicken cooked we chopped celery, carrots, and onions. Then put the chopped veggies into the fridge for later. The two of us ended up on the couch watching tv and cuddling under a soft blanket. "Do you need some tissues?" He asked me curiously. "Yes, please." I replied. I blew my nose into a couple of tissues. He kissed my forehead and I blushed. "At least your forehead isn't warm. You don't have a fever." He said, gently rubbing my back. I felt so comforted and safe with him. I was thankful that he came home with me. Otherwise I would have been suffering home alone. Eventually our homemade chicken noodle soup was ready to eat.

We filled bowls and sat at the small kitchen table to eat. I would have eaten in the living room, but I didn't wanna spill my soup. I wanted him to spend the night, but I doubted that he would. We weren't getting a massive snow storm like the last time. But at least I got to spend time with someone I really enjoy being around.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

Please check out my other Barns Courtney fanfiction: "Young In America" loosely inspired by Barns's song of the same name. <33

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