Treat You Better | Part 3

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I was busy redecorating my apartment when my phone buzzed. I smiled when I saw that it was Barns texting me. After we spent the night in his motel room some time has passed. During that time the two of us have gotten kinda close. We hangout when he isn't playing shows or recording music. I was so happy that I decided to not go back to my ex. Barns really has been treating me better than they ever did. I got butterflies when I opened the text he sent me.

Barns: Hey, you wanna hangout tonight?

Me: Sure, I would love that.

Me: I thought you had a show tonight.

Barns: No, that's next week. Sorry if I made you think it was tonight.

Me: It's okay.

Me: What did you have in mind for tonight?

Barns: Well, I was hoping that it was okay if I stopped by.

Barns: I kinda have a surprise for you.

Me: Oh, okay. Lol

After we talked for a while I quickly tidied up the apartment. I didn't want the place looking messy. I didn't bother with getting changed or anything. It's not like it was a date. Although I wouldn't have minded if he did go on an official date. Once I got to know him I was slowly starting to develop feelings for him. I've been worked on when I should tell him. 'Maybe tonight.' I thought as I stacked up my coffee books. I couldn't help but wonder if my parents would like him.

'They'll probably love him. Especially after how much they hated my ex.' I thought inside of my head. The sound of someone knocking on my door took me out of my thoughts. I got up off of the couch and looked through the peephole. I smiled when I saw Barns standing in the hallway. I opened the door and invited him in. "Come here." He said with a big smiled. We wrapped our arms around each other in a cozy embrace. "I'm glad you could come over tonight. I was starting to miss you." I said.

Over the past week he had been recording an album. I was so proud of him. "I was starting to miss you too." He replied. After breaking the hug we went into the living room. We sat on the couch and I noticed the little gift bag that he had. "Here, I wanted to have this. Especially since you're one of my biggest fans." He said with a smile as he handed the bag to me. I took it and gasped softly when  I opened it. It was a copy of his first album, accompanied by a t-shirt. The shirt had the album cover on it.

"They look amazing! I'm so excited to listen to this." I said happily as I hugged him. "I really hope you like it." He replied. "I know I'll end up loving it." I replied. After talking for a little while, we decided to order food. We got pizza from a local pizzeria. One of my favorites I might add. As we ate we watched some movies. We cuddled underneath a soft blanket. Something we did often. There was no point to not cuddle, especially since we slept next to each other before.

"Barns, can I ask you something?" I asked after the movie ended. "Sure, you can ask me anything." He replied. I took a deep breath before asking if he still wanted a relationship with me. His pretty blue eyes sparkled. "I would love to be your boyfriend, but only if you want me to be." He replied, looking hopeful. I explained that I wanted a relationship with him, which made him happy. He kissed my forehead and we cuddled more. I was so excited for this new chapter of my life.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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