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I was out walking around the neighborhood trying to clear my head. There was a rumble of thunder, and It startled me. I stopped suddenly and looked around, realizing that it was getting dark outside. The sun was a distant glow on the horizon. When I tried to take in my surroundings I realized that I was lost. Somehow I had vered off of the main road. I was on a gravel path leasing into the dark woods.

I too my phone out and sighed in frustration when I realized I didn't have any cell service. "Shit? What the hell am I going to do now?" I asked out loud in a whisper to myself. I stood there for a few moments, the sky growing darker and darker. 'Maybe there's a house at the end of the road?' I thought hopefully. Instead of turning around, I continued to walk forward. To my great relief, I spotted a large Victorian home not far off in the distance.

The yellow-orange glow of lights came from within the home. A cool fall breeze blew, causing a few leaves to dance in the air. It was almost nightfall, and the thunder got louder. The wind started blowing a little harder. I knew it was going to rain, so I picked up my pace a little as I walked. Once I was under the cover of the porch roof, rain started to pour from the inky black sky. I walked closer to the front door and knocked loudly.

I hoped that the people who lived here didn't mind my sudden arrival. No one came to the door after a few minutes, so I knocked again. "Can you please help me? I'm lost and I would like to call a friend to come and take me home." I said loudly, hoping that would catch the owner's attention. After a few moments I heard footsteps approaching the door; A second later it opened. A man was standing just inside the doorway. He was a few inches taller than me, and had what looked like snow white hair.

Although the roots of his hair seemed black or dark brown. "What is someone like you doing out at this hour of the night... all alone?" He asked after inviting my inside. The home looked somewhat modern. But other aspects looked kind of like they came from a different time period. It felt cozy though in a strange sort of way. As we walked into the living room I noticed he had fire in the fireplace.

I also noticed what he was wearing; a white shirt that almost looked like lace, and a white dressing gown. It went all the way down to his ankles. "I'm Barns Courtney by the way. What's your name?" He asked curiously "Y/N L/N." I replied shyly, and a small smile spread across his plump lips. They almost looked slightly red, but I wondered if it was just a trick of the dimly lit room. Around his eyes looked slightly red or pink as well. As if he was wearing eyeshadow or something.

But his completion was quite pale. "It's nice to meet you." He said in a slightly deep, yet pleasing voice. There was something about him that was mysterious and intriguing. Yet he seemed comforting as well. "It's nice to meet you too. Could I possibly call a friend to come pick me up?" I asked him curiously. "Of course, although I doubt anyone would want to go out in this weather." He said. As if on cue there was aloud rumble of thunder and flash of lightning.

"You may be right. I just want my friends and family to know I'm okay." I replied. He lead me over to an old rotary telephone. I thanked him and started dialing the first number that came to my head. I told my friends and parents that I was okay. I told them I was with a friend they hadn't met. I didn't want them to freak out because I was actually with a stranger. After talking with them, Barns walked back into the room.

He was carrying two cups of steaming liquid. "I made us some tea, I hope you don't mind. I thought it would help you warm up." He said as he sat down on the couch next to me. "Oh, thanks. That was very kind of you." I replied with a smile. I took a sip of the tea, and it tasted delicious. We talked as we drank the tea he made us. He asked me questions about me and I asked questions about him. He seemed very kind and he was so funny.

He made me laugh the majority of the time. Well... after we talked about more serious stuff about ourselves. It kinda felt nice getting to know him. We finished our tea and I started to feel sleepy. "I'll show you upstairs to one of the rooms." He said after taking our empty tea cups to the kitchen. I followed him up two flights of stairs, and down a long hallway. The very last room was where he took me.

The room was spacious with a big bed and a big closet as well. I never seen a bedroom so large. "Wow. You live here alone?" I asked as I took everything in. "Yeah, I do. I know it's a large house for one man. But... I couldn't bare to part with it. It's where all of my memories are." He said, and I said that I understood what he meant. We said goodnight to each other before he left. He closed the bedroom door behind him as he went.

I suddenly remembered that I didn't have any pajamas. I turned and then saw a pair sitting on the bed. 'Where did those coke from?' I wondered curiously. Then I figured Barns might have put them there. Probably when I was talking to my friends and family. I touched the soft fabric of the black pajamas. Then I changed into them. Oddly enough they were a perfect fit. After getting changed I climbed into bed and got comfortable.

The rain, wind, thunder, and lighting was raging outside. I was actually surprised that the power hadn't gone out. Eventually I fell into a deep sleep. The next morning I woke up and stretched a little. I was a little confused as to where I was, but then I remember what happened. I had gotten lost and found my way here. I got out of bed and changed my clothes. There was a new set of clothes sitting in the bathroom for me. Again, I figured Barns put them there during the night.

So I took a quick shower and got dressed. When I walked downstairs I could smell breakfast being cooked. There was fresh coffee and got food waiting on me in the kitchen. Barns was sitting at the table and smiled softly when he saw me. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" He asked curiously as I sat down. "I slept really good, thanks." I replied with a smile of my own. "Good. I hope you liked breakfast." He said happily. I thanked him for making breakfast for us.

I started eating and noticed that I wasn't imagining things last night. His lips were a red color like he had lipstick on. Around his eyes were red like he was wearing red eyeshadow. I didn't say anything though. To me he looked kinda cool with makeup on. I wondered if he always wore makeup. After eating I drank more coffee. When I looked up at him he was already looking at me. That's when I realized he had blue eyes. They looked pretty in the morning sunlight.

When he smiled at me I blushed a little, making me look away. I suddenly felt shy and I wasn't sure why. I ended up helping him wash the dishes. Then I called a friend to come pick me up. "Wait... you're at that old Victorian house? The one everyone says is haunted?" My friend said on the other end of the line. "I guess... do people really say that it's haunted? Or are they just afraid of the man who lives here?" I asked. "Y/N, no one has lived in that house for years.

I thought she was just telling me this to scare me. Of course there was someone living here. If not then who the hell was Barns? I finished talking to my friend, and hung up the phone. 'She just wanted to scare me.' I said inside of my head. I stood up and went to tell Barns goodbye, but he wasn't in the kitchen. I decided to look for him and ended up looking through every room. He was no where to be found. I suddenly wondered if my friend was right. Maybe Barns was a ghost or something?

But if he was a ghost, he was very kind and sweet. Eventually I heard my friend's car pull into the driveway. I turned to look at the house, and hoped that if Barns was there he would be listening. "I'll be back, I promise." I said softly before walking out of the front door.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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