Subject 404

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"I should warm you, he's very manipulative. He has a silver tongue." My superior told me as I gathered my clipboard and pen. "Kevin, you know I've delt with types like him before. Don't worry about me." I reported with a small smile. "I know, but he is... different. He can do things that other subjects can't." Kevin said. I held in a grimace when he used the word subjects. "Sorry." He added when he noticed my reaction. I've told him multiple times that I hate it when my coworkers use that word.

Even though they treat the people here like science experiments, I refuse to dehumanize them. I prefer calling them by thier names, or thier preferred names. "It's okay, I know you use to using that word when you refer to the people here." I said, not blaming him for the way he was trained. Compared to him I was fairly new here at this company. But I managed to gain a good reputation quickly. All due to hard work and skill.

I didn't have to sleep with higher ups like some other workers here. But I guess you have do what you have to do to get by. "Anyway... if you need any help or assistance you know how to reach me." He said with a small smile and an apologetic look. "I do, thanks." I said before we parted ways. As I walked to my next patient I looked over papers on my clipboard. The clamp on the board was barely able to contain the stack of papers. I stopped just outside of the room I needed to go in.

I wanted to know all I could before entering the room. The more information I had the better.

Subject Number: 404

Name: Unknown.

Race: White.

Eye Color: Blue.

Hair Color: Brown roots,  platinum blonde.

Sex: Male.

Origin: Unknown.

Reason For Capture:

      Organization and operation of a cult. Bodily harm and or murder of those who refuse to join him.


       Subject 404 is unlike any other subjects we have encountered. He is very manipulative and persuasive; almost as if he always knows what to say. May have supernatural powers, further testing advised.

- Scientist, M. Carter.

The report wasn't surprising in the least. Especially since Dr. Matthias Carter was the scientist involved with initial examination. I glanced over the paperwork about the testing and frowned. They had basically been putting him through torture. Most of the tests here have been very humane, but recently things have been changing. Dr. Carter was the source of many of the changes.

I've spoken to higher ups about his change in ethics. But my words have been falling on deaf ears. It was typical in a business like this when the new man in charge is the CEO's grandson. 'Alright, focus. You have to keep your head together.' I said to myself as I used my key card to get inside of the room. When I walked in I spotted him right away. He was sitting on the ground crosslegged. It looked as if he was meditating.

I stayed as quiet as possible, but he opened his eyes anyway. "Hello, my name is y/n. I'm here to speak with you for a while today." I said in a kind tone. Hoping he would be willing to talk to me. All the other scientist haven't been able to get anything out of him. He just watched me with his blue eyes. His featured were quite handsome, and I couldn't help but notice his plump lips. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to. We can just sit and do whatever you like to do." I said, and a I thought I saw a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

There was an acoustic guitar nearby and he grabbed it. As he started strumming the strings he began singing. His voice sounded beautiful. I wondered if he ever thought of a career in music. "You're a wonderful singer and guitar player." I said once he was finished. "Thank you." He said with an actual smile this time. I asked him questions about when he started playing music and singing. He slowly started to open up to me about his past.

He was still very guarded, and I didn't blame him for that. Especially since my coworkers were conducting violent experiments on him. My work phone dinged when to let me know my time with him was finished. I was actually kind of disappointed that I couldn't stay longer. I knew his files said he was manipulative and had a silver tongue. But... there was something about him that I liked. He didn't seem as bad as everyone else thought.

Maybe I was being naive, but I couldn't stop myself from feeling that way. I said my goodbyes to him, but his puppy eyes and pouty lips made me wanna stay. I fought the urge to stay though. Once I left the room I quickly made some notes. Then I messed with the settings on his room so I could see him from the hallway. He smiled when he saw me and I smiled back. "I see you met the weirdo today." Dr. Carter said and I clenched my jaw.

He looked at my new patient and smiled with menace. "He's not a weirdo. You just don't understand him yet." I replied, but it was obvious he didn't hear me. If he did he chose to ignore me. "So... y/n. When are you going to go out on a date with me?" He asked, which annoyed me even more. "I told you, I'm not interested." I said. "No one rejects Matthias Carter. You'll come around eventually." He said  before he walked off. I rolled my eyes and waved at my new patient. He waved back before I left to go about my day.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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