Noise Complaint | Part 2

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A month had passed since I spent time with Barns Courtney. Mostly because I had been busy. That and I didn't really want my roommates to ask questions. Especially since they don't like Barns and his band. I did text and call him though. The two of us bonded over the things we like. His sense of humor made me like him even more as well. I was so glad that he was down to earth and nice.

I had just finished cleaning the house, so I was relaxing on the couch. My roommates were out visiting some of their friends. So I had the place all to myself. I was going to turn on the tv when my phone buzzed.

Barns: Hey, do you wanna hangout?

Me: Yeah, sure.

Barns: Come over whenever you're ready. See ya in a little bit.

I smiled at the thought if getting to see him again. I made sure I had all of my work finished. Then I left the house, locking the door behind me as I went. I walked over to the house nextdoor and rang the doorbell. A few moments passed before the door opened. Barns was standing there with a smile of his face. He was wearing a leather jacket and baseball pants. The shirt he was wearing had some kind of anime on it.

"Come in. Would you like anything to drink?" He said. "Yeah, water is fine." I replied as I walked inside. He closed the door behind us before getting me a bottle of water. I thanked him and he lead me into the living room. There was guitars, amps, cords, etc scattered all over. It really looked like a band house, which is probably what it was. "So... you're making new music?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Yeah, I'm working on a new album. I just hope my fans like it." He said, brushing some hair from his face. "I'm sure they'll love it." I replied with a small smile. "Well... you could listen to the first song I have completed. Maybe you could give me some feedback." He said, which surprised me a little. "Sure, I would love to listen to it." I replied. I was honestly so excited to hear new music from him. He stood up and I followed him.

We walked into the studio section of the home. We both sat down in swivel chairs. Half of the band was already in there. I wondered if they were planning on recording more today. He talked to his band and mentioned having me listen to the new song. So all of them came in to listen to it as well. I think they were mostly there to see my reaction. It made me feel a little nervous and overwhelmed. But when the song started playing I pushed those feelings aside.

I was surprised that it was so different from his other songs, but in a good way. It sounded so good, and I loved it. So much so, I asked if they could play it a second time. When I said that all of the were smiling like idiots. "You really like it?" Barns asked curiosity. "Hell yes!" I replied, and his band mates laughed. "Thank God. I was worried you were going to hate it." He said with a small laugh of his own.

"It sounds like your new album is gonna be a little edgy." I said. Apparently that was kind of his intentions. But of course the album was a mix of different things. It made me even more excited to hear all of his new stuff. I wondered if I would get to hear the songs early since I know him now. But if I didn't I wouldn't be upset. The longer the wait the better the music will sound.

We ended up having lunch together. Then Barns's manager mentioned they should record. "You can stay if you want." Barns said with a smile. I thanked him and chose to stay. The song I heard next had teeth, and I was excited for his fans to hear it too. I hoped that this album would help him gain more fans. Especially since he deserves the attention and love.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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