Noise Complaint

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"Who the hell do those people think they are?!?" My house mate asked in frustration. Our new neighbors have been very noisy. I honestly didn't mind it during the day. But it was a bit annoying at night. Especially if you have to get up early the next day. "I'm going to call the police! This has been going on far too long!" He said, and his girlfriend agreed with him. "Have you went over to ask them to keep it down?" I asked curiously.

I hadn't been there when the new neighbors moved in, because I was visiting my family. "No, but who cares? They shouldn't be blasting music no matter what time it is!" He said. His face was turning red with anger. "Just calm down. Look... I'll go over and talk to them, okay? And if they don't turn it down then you can call the cops." I reasoned with him. His girlfriend convinced him to agree. I walked outside and down the sidewalk a little ways. I could hear music coming from the house.

It sounded like it was a band playing rather than music on a stereo. To my surprise the vocals sounded kind of familiar to me. Even though I didn't know the song that was being played. I walked up to the house and was going to knock on the door. But then noticed there was a doorbell. I rang the doorbell knowing they probably wouldn't hear me knocking. I rang it a few times, and eventually the music stopped. A few minutes passed before the door opened.

"Hi, may I help you?" A man I knew asked, and I probably looked like a deer in headlights. "Holy shit, you're Barns Courtney!" I said with a smile, which made him laugh a little. He had his usual brown curly hair dyed a platinum blonde/white color. He had a leather jacket on and white leather boots. He looked really cool as always. "I'm sorry for bothering you. It's just... my house mate is annoyed with the loud music." I said awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry. We didn't realize how loud we were being. We'll try to keep it down." He said, brushing some hair out of his face. "Thanks. Also, I love your music." I replied shyly, and a warm look filled his blue eyes. "Thank you so much. Um... would you like to come in? I'm actually working on some new music." He said, and the offer was tempting. So tempting in fact that I accepted his offer. He closed the door behind me and lead me into a studio room.

A bunch of people from his team were there. I felt so awkward being around so many new people. But they all said hello and seemed nice. They turned thier amplifiers and whatnot down some. Then they started playing the song they had been working on. It was a new sound and vibe compared to his other music. "What do you think?" He asked after they had finished playing. "I love it!" I replied, which made him smile. After that we sat down and talked for a while.

I told him how I first discovered his music. He was actually a very attentive listener, which was nice. Most musicians don't really listen or appreciate thier fans. So it was really cool learning that he did. Unfortunately I had to leave after a while. "Hey, come back anytime. I enjoyed talking with you." Barns said, which made me smile. "Thanks. I would invite you over, but my house mate might physically harm you." I replied jokingly, which he laughed.

When I got back home my house mates thanked me. Apparently they turned down the music enough so they couldn't hear it. I think they thought I told them off, but I didn't. I didn't tell them that I was a fan of our new neighbors music either. I didn't wanna seem like I was bias or something. I looked forward to seeing Barns again and getting to know him. He seemed like a really cool guy.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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