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"I don't know." I replied to my friend over the phone. "Come on, there won't be a lot of people. And Barns will be there." He said, which made my heart skip a beat. My friend knew I had a little crush on Barns, and he was using it against me. It was kind of annoying. "He will?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, and he asked if you would be coming. He wants to see you." I could hear him smiling as he spoke. I was almost skeptical that he was telling the truth.

I couldn't not go to the party though. I had to know if Barns was actually going to be there. So I agreed to go. He told me what time the part was tonight. I spent most of the day mentally preparing for the party. I always have to go through a process when I'm going to be around people. Especially since I don't want my social battery to die at the wrong time. Eventually it was time to get ready for the party. I took a needed shower and got dressed.

Then I headed out. On the way there I decided to listen to some music. When I reached my friend's house I parked my car. I sat there for a few minutes before eventually getting out. I knocked on the door and he opened it. "Hey! I was starting to think you were going to cancel." He said as he invited me inside. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked as he closed the door behind us. "Yeah, thanks." I replied as I followed him into the kitchen.

He handed me a bottle of water. I don't really enjoy alcohol, so I chose not to drink any. The two of us talked for a while. It had been a long time since the two of us had time to hangout. After a while I suddenly heard music playing from the living room. We walked towards the music. Once we reached the living room my heart skipped a beat. Barns was sitting in a chair playing an acoustic guitar. He was wearing a somewhat floral looking shirt.

It was mostly unbuttoned, so half of his chest was exposed. A pair of round sunglasses were on his handsome face. "Hey, Y/N! I'm glad you could make it. Come here." He said as he sat his guitar aside. I walked over and he opened his arms to me as he stood. He hugged me and I shyly hugged him back. "I haven't seen you in ages." He said as we sat down. "I know. It's good to see you." I replied. A small smile spread across his plump lips.

The two of us talked as other people started to arrive. A few girls started flirting with him, which made me feel uncomfortable. Mostly because they were way more confident and outspoken than me. 'Why do have to be the way that you are?' I said inside of my head. When a few of jock type guys walked in though, those girls turned thier attention to them. "Have you discovered any new bands lately?" Barns asked, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. I recently started listening to a Japanese rock band. They're called One Ok Rock." I replied. "I'll have to check them out. You always have good taste in music, and I'm not just saying that because you like my music." He said, which made me smile and laugh a little. His smiled seemed to grow when I laughed. The party was moved to the back yard after a while. Most people got into the pool, but I sat on the sidelines. "Hey, can you hold this for me?" He asked.

When I looked up he was shirtless, and I blushed. He was handing me his shirt, sunglasses, and phone. "Yeah, sure." I replied as I took it. Then he jumped into the pool with his pants on. I hoped that he had a change of clothes or he would be soggy all day. It was kinda amusing though. After a while he got out and headed inside. When he came back out he was wearing different pants. "Thanks for holding my things." He said as he sat down next to me.

"Oh, no problem. Did you have a nice swim?" I asked with a small smile. "I did actually." He said as I handed him his things back. His usually curly brown locks were still damp. I hadn't realized I was staring at him until he glanced over at me. "Sorry." I said shyly and blushed as I looked down. I fidgeted with my hands a little. "It's okay. You know... your friend told me you kinda have a crush on me." He said so no one else could hear him. "I'm gonna kill him." I said, looking around for him.

Barns laughed wrapped an arm around me to keep me were I was. "There's no need to do that. Besides... I kinda have a crush on you too." He replied and my heart nearly leapt out of my chest. "What?" I asked with wide eyes. I couldn't believe someone like him would have a crush on someone like me. "Yeah, I think you're really cute. Especially when you're so shy." He said. I blushed and got butterflies. "Oh." I said, not really knowing how to respond.

He smiled and I melted when I looked into his pretty blue eyes. He moved a little closer and kissed my temple. His arm was still wrapped around me. Even though he now knew how I feel about him, I still felt shy. I guess it's just the way I am.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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