Corner Store | Part 2

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I woke up around nine o'clock and got dressed after having a shower. When I looked outside I knew we would most likely be snowed in for a few days. I called my mom to see how she was doing before going downstairs. Barns was laying on the couch sleeping. His soft snores were adorable and made me smile. I quietly walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Luckily the power wasn't out. I fried some eggs and bacon to go with toast. Plus, I made a pot of coffee. "Something smells good." I heard Barns say in a cute raspy morning voice. I blushed a little and hoped he didn't notice. "I hope you like everything. I wasn't sure how you liked your eggs." I replied with a small smile.

"The way you cooked them is just fine." He replied with a small smile of his own. We filled our plates with food and filled our cups with coffee. Then we sat at the small round table in the kitchen. "How did you sleep?" I asked him curiously after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "I slept great actually. You have a very comfortable couch." He said with a smile before taking a drink of coffee. "I'm glad." I replied. It felt odd being here with him eating breakfast. I was so use to just seeing him when I went to the store. I hoped that he and I could spend more time together after this.

A/N: I'm sorry this is short, but I just wanted to published something.

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