Nature Boy | Part 4

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A nice and beautiful week turned into a unseasonably chilly weekend. But I decided to visit Barns anyway. I figured we could hangout in his home if it started raining again. There was a slight fog lingering in the air. It was actually one of my favorite kinds of weather. When I reached Barns's home, I knocked on the door. A few minutes passed before it opened. "Hey, how are you? I wasn't expecting you." He said. "I kinda just wanted to see you today." I replied shyly.

"That's okay. I love having you around." He replied with a smile as he closed the door behind me. I walked into the living room and he made us some tea. After talking for a while, he suggested a walk. He put on his leather jacket before we left. "I wanna show you something. It's where I go sometimes to clear my head." He said as we walked towards the back of his home. We walked through the woods. He was my guide, because I never been here before. I was in unfamiliar territory.

I knew I was safe with him though. After a while I started to hear water. We took a few more steps forward and I spotted a stream. The way the trees grew around it made the place look magical. Like I was in a scene from The Hobbit or something. When I was with Barns everything seemed like a fairytale. "Wow. It's so beautiful here." I said softly, which made him smile. "I had a feeling you would like it." He replied happily.

The two of us walked around and explored our surroundings. He knew the place like the back of his hand. But he was willing to indulge in my fascination and wonder. All of a sudden it started to sprinkle rain. "We better get back. I don't want you to get sick." He said, and I followed him back to his place. Once we were inside it started pouring down rain. I helped him build a fire in the fireplace. Then he made us some more tea. We sat next to the fire and talked.

I wondered if he got any other visitors. Mostly because I've been the only one who come to his house. Or at least no one else it there on the days I come to visit. I just hoped that he didn't get bored with me. Especially since I was starting to get a little attached to him.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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