Supernatural | Part 2

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"Where are you going?" My friend asked me curiously. "I'm going for a bike ride." I replied as I grabbed my helmet and backpack. "Okay, but be careful. It'll start getting dark soon." She said and I told her that I would. We finished saying our goodbyes before I left. I had water, food, and a first aid kit in my backpack. Luckily my bike had lights on the front. One of my friends helped me install them. As I rode my bike I felt a little guilty lying to my friend.

But I didn't really want her to know where I was going. Especially since I was headed to that "haunted" Victorian house. If I said I was going there she would have tried to stop me. When I told her about the man I had spoken to she thought I was crazy. She thought I might have hit my head or something. She actually took me to the hospital to be evaluated. The doctors couldn't find any injuries or anything. Honestly... it kinda hurt because she didn't believe me.

But she did believe that house was haunted. She just didn't believe visible ghosts was a thing. Maybe she was right, but I had the urge to see Barns again. Even if he might have been a fragment of my imagination... or a ghost. He was nice to me after all, and I got the feeling that he was lonely. By the time I reached the Victorian house the sun was setting. It was getting a little difficult to see. I propped my bike against porch and looked up at the dark windows.

There wasn't a single light on inside. It wasn't as warm and inviting as it was that night I first came here. It seemed cold, empty, and sad. I unzipped my backpack and retrieved a flashlight I had brought with me. I switched the flashlight on before walking up the porch steps. I knocked on the door a few times, but no one came. 'Of course no one answered the door. No one lives here anymore.' I thought. I suddenly started to wonder if this was a stupid decision.

But something kept pushing me forward. Maybe it was because I wanted to see Barns again... to talk to him and spend time with him. He was so different and strange, but in a good way. There was something drawing me to him. I grabbed the door handle and slowly turned it. To my surprise it was unlocked. So I cautiously walked inside. The first thing I noticed was how quiet it was. The last rays of daylight were shinning through a few windows.

Usually in abandoned houses there are signs of vandalism. There wasn't any broken glass, random trash, offensive graffiti, or anything. It looked exactly the way I had left it. There just wasn't any lights on or anyone there. I wondered if there actually was someone living here. Just... everyone thinks he's weird and spooky, so they say the place is haunted. I walked a little further inside. A loud slam behind me made me jump about a foot into the air. I whipped around, but didn't see anything.

I then noticed that the front door had shut. "A scene right out of a horror movie." I said out loud and laughed a little. I slowly looked around the place, but no one was there. When I reached the ground floor, I walked towards the door. Since no one was here I decided to head home. I figured my friends would be wondering where I was. But when I tried to open the door I couldn't. It was like it was locked from the outside. "That's just my luck. I guess I could crawl out of a window or something." I said out loud to myself.

"Don't go." I heard from behind me. My heart started pounding in my chest, and a chill ran down my spine. I whipped around, but I didn't see anyone. "What the fuck?" I said, starting to panic a little. I didn't understand what wat the hell was happening. It felt like I was losing my mind. The lights started going crazy. They flickered and made that strange electrical sound. After a few minutes the lights stayed on, and I could see my surroundings better.

I turned my flashlight off and put it in my backpack. The I heard a roaring kind of sound, followed my crackling. I stepped into the living room to see that a fire had been started in the fireplace. It was like the house had suddenly came alive. "Please, don't go." I heard that same voice say. I turned around to see a familiar figure. It was Barns with his white hair and white clothes. "Where did you come from? I just looked all over this place and didn't see anyone." I replied. I felt a whole mixture of emotions.

"That's because I exist in limbo between the world of the living and the dead. I'm only allowed in this world at night." He said as he slowly walked closer to me. When I didn't flinch or shy away, a small smile played at the corners of his plump red lips. "Wait... so... you're a ghost? Everyone was right then, this house is haunted." I said with slightly furrowed brows. He stopped inches from me, and I felt a little awkward. He was closer to me than he ever had been.

It wasn't that I was afraid of him, but it made me nervous. He studied me with his blue eyes, which had a look in them that I can't describe. "I don't really consider myself a ghost," He said as he slowly reached out towards me. "I prefer the term... supernatural." He said softly as he gently brushed his thumb against my cheek. I gasped softly and blushed a little from my reaction. His touch was surprisingly warm. He wasn't some spiritual apparition. He was flesh and bone.

Another smile played at the corners of his lips. He gently took my hand in his and lead me into the living room. We sat down on the couch, but we didn't let go of each other's hands. Holding his hand felt comforting in a strange way. "Thanks for coming back. It's... kind of hard to be alone all the time." He said shyly. "Well... I could come and visit you as much as I can." I said, feeling sorry for him. "I'd like that very much." He said with a bigger smile this time.

What he did next surprised me. He kissed my cheek, which made me blush laugh a little. He laughed too and apologized, but I told him that he didn't have to. The spot where his lips gently touched my skin felt warm and tingly. All of this was very weird and strange, but I kinda liked it. And to he honest, I think it's because I kinda like him too.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, and share. :) <3

Extra respect points for those who can point out all the Barns Courtney song references in this. Lol

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