Chapter 124 - A Night for Each of Us

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This time, it is from the perspective of Yuuki and Kouya.

There were too many surprises today.

After the fireworks display, I went home and quickly got ready for bed, and as I lay on my bed, I let out such thoughts inside.

But, the silver-haired little girl has a ......."

With a puff of air, as if to exhale the tension that had been in his chest.

i thought i was used to seeing that beautiful girl in games, but when i saw her in person, i just felt so cute and complicated.

But I can still treat him as he is now, and I don't have any problem with that.

But when I see that ...... young goddess or angelic figure, I am made aware that he has become a girl.

'Well, but. I guess it's my turn to protect ...... many things .......'

I always forced Inoutarou to take care of things.

He has always taken on the role of making me refuse other people's requests that were beyond my capacity. He protected me a lot.

"To be honest, if he cried like that, you know... ......"

It was easy to see from the tears that were falling from his eyes that Inoutarou had been suffering from a lot of anguish.

I don't want Inoutarou to look like that again.

I think she will have a hard time from now on, because she has suddenly become like that. The reactions of the people around her, the environment, school, and many other things.

At that time, I want to be there for her as a best friend and help her as much as I can.

To do that, I have to restrain myself, don't I?

I know it's what's inside, but I can't believe that there was a part of me that was so upset when I saw that cute crying face. ...... I even hate myself for having felt that way.

I'm not the kind of guy that Shoutarou would want me to be.

I believe in friendship between men, and I want it, just as I always have.

I have to protect Shoutarou, we have to protect her."

Suddenly, my phone vibrated as if in response to my voice.

Thinking that the timing was good, I picked up the phone I had left by the bed.

When I looked at the screen, I saw that it was a line from Shoutarou.

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"'Arghhh ...... I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. ......'"

I was so surprised to see the change in my best friend Shoutarou that I muttered to myself. In order to calm my faltering feelings, I stretched my limbs lazily on the top bunk of the bunk bed and turned over.

Until now, I've only seen avatars in games.

I had only thought, "What a cute character you're using, you bastard.

I thought that even if it was a bug, it was too funny.

Inside is Shoutarou, and that is why I have been able to casually tease him without worrying about the appearance of the character.

I had no particular intention to be a character, I just thought of him as a nekama.

But what about when you open the lid?

I can't believe she's a little girl with silver hair like an angel. ......

The girl I met at the fireworks display was unmistakably a girl.

And she's not even young, like the character in the game, about the same age as a middle-schooler.

And she's a super beautiful girl. The girl's beauty was so good-looking that I wondered if such a thing existed in real life. ...... What a joke it is, really, that one day your best friend suddenly has the appearance that makes you nod your head in agreement that she is a god.

The inside is certainly still Shoutarou,...... but every time that guy's beautiful voice, that guy's beautiful eyes, turn towards me, I get weirdly nervous.

'Huh. ......'

I guess Shoutarou was afraid that our attitude would change, so he kept quiet.

So, I told myself to deal with him as before, and managed to be calm and cool with him on that occasion.


'It's too early to tell, it's too difficult ......!'

I guess if you're now totally black-hearted with a poker face, you're probably pretty good at these tricks.

For me, it's very difficult not to show it on my face.

If I'm conscious of it, I'm likely to end up with a frown on my face.

'Hey, brother? You're still awake?'

I wonder if my muttering to myself has been overheard, but my brother, who was sleeping under the bunk beds, peeks out at me.

'Ah, it's nothing. Sorry if I woke you up.'

'Uh-uh, it's okay. I was just playing Clan Clan.

'Oh, well, .......'

After saying this, I looked at the contact lenses my brother was probably wearing on his eyes.

And suddenly, I noticed something strange.

It's true, it's not right.

It was a completely fairy tale that he could play such an epic game with such tiny contact lenses.

Since when did we come to accept these games as second nature?

Even though it is a VR game, there is no way that the technology is reachable for mankind at ...... present time to enjoy the game while perceiving it as virtual and real at the same time.


If there is a God-like entity, is this the work of God?

If so, what is the purpose of all this?

There are so many things I don't understand.

But this much I do know.

Shoutarou was frightened, trembling and in pain.

He was crying.

He couldn't tell us for a long time, he was immersed in the game to escape his anxious feelings, and he cried all the time.

Even if ...... here has become a beautiful girl to the extent that she is almost upset inwardly, she is still Inoutarou.

The sex-transformation disease has something to do with the Clan Clan.

I think so, and Yuuki probably thinks so too.

I'm going to expose the source of my best friend's suffering and give him the closure he deserves.

'The short version is that I, we ...... have a lot of things to get through together.'

As if in response to my voice, the phone left next to my pillow vibrated.

Who is it at this time of night? I snorted, but as soon as I realised it was a line from Shoutaro, I opened the app.

The content was .......

'We're going to have an emergency meeting, please come! Meet at the Clan Clan's [Shining Sword Shop Skill☆George]! There's an elf in my house and I've discussed this with my sister.'

What about ......?


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