Chapter 27: Signs of war

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I leave the mysterious church, and when I get home safely, I notice that my phone is flashing.

 I forgot my phone again.

'The time of battle, the turbulent times are coming, ......'

 I nod my head at the line message from Kouya.


'Shuntaro Jintaro, are you pussyfooting around?'

 Are you logged out? An additional question was sent to him.

 Did you have something to do with me over there in the Clan Clan?


 Hastily typed reply.

'Did you hear about the event announcement? It's called the Fairy Ball.

'I heard it, I heard it, I heard it'.

'Oh, then it's a quick story. We at the Hundred Horsemen are thinking of moving our contract city from Michelangelo to the mining town of Gredi.

 Contract cities? The mining town of Grelidi?

'Sorry, I don't see what you're talking about. What's a contract city?'

'Ah. Right, my bad. Because Jintaro Bentaro didn't belong to a mercenary clan.'


'Contract cities, as the name suggests, are cities with which the Mercenary Clan has a contract. Depending on the contracted city, the Mercenary Clan receives various bonuses.'

'Sounds like something useful.'

'Yes. It depends on the city, but in the pioneer city of Michelangelo, all mercenaries get +2% experience as well - that's a lot of experience - and...'

''That's really cool.''

 I see.

 So if you join a mercenary clan, you get those benefits?

'And if you have a contract with a city, you get more quests in that city's Bounty Hunters and Auction Wanted.'

'Does that mean that if I sign up at ...... Michelangelo, I'll see more quests posted on Michelangelo's 'Bounty Hunters and Auction Wanted'?'

'In short, yes. Though the number of quests depends on the trustworthiness and rating of the mercenary clan.'

 I think I'll join a mercenary group. ......

'Trust level?'

'The confidence level of a mercenary clan increases with the number of quests completed that are put up in that city's Bounty and Auction Wanted.'


 That's some serious stuff.

'Well, it's not just the benefits when it comes to contract cities.'

'Mm, what is it?'

'Mercenary clans have a maintenance fee. Every two weeks, each mercenary clan member pays that maintenance fee to the contracting city.'


'Well, still, some of the Mercenary Clan functions are quite useful. It doesn't hurt to pay for it.'

'What about mercenary clans that don't have a contract with the city?'

'The maintenance costs are automatically brought down to the management. So it's more beneficial to have a contract with somewhere else, so most of the mercenary clans have a contract with some town or city.'

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