131. No..not you again

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Olivia's pov-
Im in the uder 17s again as im not properly registered for the senior team yet, today im playing Seville. Its an early kick off though which im not excited about because i now have to set alarms to be up at 8 which is an absolute joke. Ugh. I am trying to get up at 8 but im so tired my body doesnt want to move so im not and no one else seems to be up.. thats until my phone pings
Up now. You have football

So much for no one being up

I message her back 'but mummm' 'but nothing get up' 'ughhhhhhhh' soon after comes a knock on my door
Lucy-"alright missy calm yourself"
She waits by the door until i actually get out of bed
Olivia-"this is a joke"
Lucy-"do you want to play?"
Lucy-"then get your ass up"
Olivia-"alright alright" i get out of bed and get changed into my training kit "right im here"
Lucy-"took your time"
Olivia-"momma not awake?"
Olivia-"so i have to get-"
Lucy-"she doesnt have a football game to get ready for also your autism and adhd tests are today"
Lucy-"are you ready?"
Olivia-"mum its half 8 i dont need to go yet"
Lucy-"i didnt say you did i asked if you were ready"
Olivia-"well no im not i need to brush my teeth and do my hair"
Lucy-"ok go on then"
Lucy-"now move yourself"
Olivia-"oh my days"
Lucy-"heard that"
Olivia-"jesus someones in a mood my god"
Lucy-"just get ready, you know your not the only one who gets moody when theres blood coming out there fucking vagina"
Olivia-"right erm you know you couldve just said your on but sure you do you"
Lucy-"just move"
I go upstairs and brush my teeth before putting my hair up, i go back downstairs but dont speak
Lucy-"im sorry for being moody im not great in the morning"
Lucy-"excuse me?"
Olivia-"its calm"
Lucy-"would you care to look at me instead of being on your phone?!"
Olivia-"its calm leave it"
Lucy-"phone now"
Olivia-"what? You cant do that"
Lucy-"your not even looking at me now! Let alone when i apologised to you so yes i can give me your phone!"
Olivia-"stop shouting!"
Lucy-"phone olivia"
Olivia-"ughhh oh my god" i slap my phone into her hand, what the fuck is wrong with her shes never like this, shes the fun mum, i huff and walk out the back door and sit on the cliff edge side of the pool not giving a shit about if i fall, i hear the door open but i dont move
I ignore her
"Olivia move away"
"Move away from the edge"
I dont move so she gets closer to me and i go closer to the edge
"Stop it liv"
Olivia-"why did you take my phone"
Lucy-"because, i have to be a mum to you if your being rude there has to be consequences, i have to punish you for bad behaviour yes i know im the 'fun' one but i have to give you consequences liv"
Lucy-"oh babygirl no of course i didn't mean like that, i just meant i have to take your phone off you for example"
Olivia-"o..ok im sorry"
Lucy-"im sorry for confusing my words, can you please move now"
Olivia-"fine bit please stop getting angry with me"
Lucy-"ill try come on who are you playing today?"
Olivia-"yeah why"
Lucy-"oh erm no reason"
Olivia-"mum what"
Lucy-"nothing dont worry" she goes upstairs, avoding the question. It gets to half 9 and we now have to leave to get there for 10
Olivia-"mummmm come onnn"
Keira-"were coming"
Lucy-"right come on lets go"
Wr all get in the car and momma drives, mum sits next to me in the back
Keira-"do i smell?"
Lucy-"no why"
Keira-"youve both left me"
Lucy-"whoops no you dont"
Keira-"alright" we get to the ground slightly late but its ok
Lucy-"right go on babygirl you hurry in"
Olivia-"okay bye"
I run in and see Andrea, the centre midfielder, i jog to her when my phone pings, mum gave it me back in the car
Daniellesavre has sent you a message
Hey kiddo, youve kinda ghosted me, im just checking if your alright?
Ahh danielle im so sorry i didnt mean to
Its okay, but your ok yeah?
Yeah, do you watch womens football?
No but if you tell me what team you play for i might have to start
Wait really?
Normally i dont interact with my 'patients' but i need to know your ok so yeah, id meet with you again if your available
Problem. I live in spain
Problem solved, im coming there soon with stefania

Andrea-"liv come on"
Olivia-"si coming"

I go to go play my match bye
Bye message me later please
I dont live with them anymore you know
I know but still i dont care
Ok fine bye

Andrea-"messaging someone special?"
Olivia-"si you could say that"
Olivia-"yeah come on"
We go to the changing rooms and quickly change into our kit, we all go out and warm up, i look around at there team and thats when i see them both. Why. Why both. I dont want one of them here let alone bpth. But it does confuse me, i get why one's here, shes my age blah blah but the other? She was in the senior team at city no? So how is she now playing for u17s? God no i cant do this, my hands start instantly shaking. I look around the stadium and i cant find my mums, oh shit. No i cant. I cant focus on the drills in the warm up, i cant breathe properly and i cant stop shaking
Gemma(coach)-"OLIVIA! What is going on with you!"
Olivia-"i..i..i-" she instantly switches after she realises i cant get my words out
Gemma-"go inside ill get your mums to you"
Gemma-"go! And next time just speak to me"
I nod and quickly walk inside and go to the changing rooms, im trying to control my mind but i cant, how am i meant to play against both, i physically and mentally cant, where are my mums, where are anyone. I need someone, i need something, i quickly check my locker and i cant find anything, why do i not have anything "FUCKKKK!" i scream and the tears start pouring. No blade=punching, i start punching them hard, the door swings open and im held tightly in mums arms, im swinging my arms and legs
Lucy-"stop stop calm calm calm down stop it breathe, shshshhhhh ive got you breathe" i stop swinging my arms and wrap them around her, choking over my tears "breathe deep breath"
"Ive got you" the team starts coming in so she takes us into the bathroom "breathe"
"W..w..wheres mo..m..momma"
Keira-"im here im here now, come here"
I climb into her lap, still breathing rapid "lets calm this breathing down"
Olivia-"i..i..i c..cant"
Keira-"yes you can, breathe with me come on, did your therapist help you with helping yourself"
Keira-"what why not"
Olivia-"erm i didnt go to tje link"
Olivia-"i know"
Keira-"there we go theres your breathing slowed down"
Olivia-"i..i..i cant play today i cant"
Keira-"yes you can you have to prove to them you can play"
Olivia-"no i cant"
Lucy-"come on your team is waiting for you to speak"
Olivia-"why me?"
Lucy-"captain speaks no?"
Olivia-"but im not there captain" she smirks "what?" I walk out the bathroom and they all shout congratulations "w..what?"
Gemma-"may i introduce you to our new captain Olivia!"
Gemma-"yes, you would start as captain normally but as your on the bemch to start it will stay with juana, and then she will pass it on"
Gemma-"right team lets go"
They all walk out and i sit on the bemch, gemma allowiny my mums to be with me after what happened at the start. Halftime- Barcelona U17s 1-2 Seville U17s. Were losing. Were fucking losing to them. Your having a laugh. I go into the changing room and the mood is way below what it needs to be
Olivia-"girls! Wheres the positive attitude! Do you want to fucking win this?!"
Juana-"well nah"
Olivia-"then show it in your mentality and on the fucking pitch!"
Gemma-"listen to your captain! Camilla your coming off, Liv are you ok to come on?" I nod hesitantly knowing i need to play "right then lets go girls" the team run out onto the pitch, i stand by the 4th official my hands shaking, my knuckles bruising, the board goes up and my number shows, 6, yes its odd for an attacker but i have reasons. I jog onto the pitch and wait for Seville to kick off the second half...i can do this.
Can anyone guess who the mystery two people causing Liv trouble is?...
I LOVE THAT MAN U BEAT CHELSEA, now Chelsea only getting 1 trophy bc bffr there not beating barca. LAURAS BACKKKK AND TEYAHSSS ON THE BENCH YAYYYYY.

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