73. Semi-Final

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Olivia's pov-
Two days have passed since we beat Denmark, today we are playing Spain, if we beat these then we go through to the Final against either France or Germany, we are the earlier kick off so its a bit more pressure to me. Our game kicks off at 10 with Frances kicking off at 2 so we can get back and watch, but for now our focus is on Spain, i wake up at 8am, eating my usual bowl of cereal and go back upto my room at 8.25. Everyone is still asleep but millies alarm soon goes off at 8.30, my mum's did go to that hotel room and now mum has fixed her horniness isssue ahah.
Millie-"IM ACTUALLY SO HAPPY THEY WENT TO THAT HOTEL ROOM THE OTHER DAY! Now thank god i dont have to listen to 'lucy horny bronze' (A/N- Quoted by WOSO_Lx, i love it!!) Actually thank the lord"
I giggle
Millie-"im so over it, i couldnt take it any longer, and telling nat WAS NOT IT!"
I laugh, i lie back down on my head and close my eyes. I hear banging so i open my eyes to mums face, staring at me.
Olivia-"ahh you creep!"
She giggles
Olivia-"oh my god, you are such a child"
Lucy-"i know"
They both get out of their bed
Olivia-"wait mum where the hell is narls"
Lucy-"with my mum dont worry"
Olivia-"oh ok thank god" (A/N- im sorry if i offend anyone with the 'oh my god' if you prefer anything else than please let me do ill do my best to add it in!!)
They get dressed, we get on the coach at 9.15, its a 10 minute drive so we leave with plenty of time. We arrive at 9.35 as there was a bit of traffic.
Natalie-"straight out girls, warm up" we quickly jog out to the warmup, we go back in at 9.55, like always 5 minutes to kickoff (A/N- i wish real teams did it like this tbh, like im so bored just waiting for it to kicoff when there finished why am i having to wait another half an hour like bro im bored)
Natalie-"same team of course except isabella, ria is coming in for you as she returns from injury" ria bose, wow. Shes hella pretty, no no i have ivy, i want ivy.
Ria-"hi guys if you dont know me im ria bose but call me ria"
We all welcome her and go to the pitch.
We all get in position, mia is captain. The game kicks off, Spain starting with a lot of energy but also us giving it back. They score in the 10th minute butcwe soon fight back and find an equaliser in the 15th. We score again in the 25th minute, millie scoring a header off my corner. I score in the 30th minute, we go in at halftime 3-1 up. Every game the stands seem to have more people in and i do quite like it even though we are only the under 17s.
Natalie-"nice half girls, keep going and controlling the game, i will be making subs 60th minute onwards, if your number does come up it is not about your performance i am just not risking injures, lets go girls"
We go back out to the pitch, we score again 55 minutes, 60 minute and my number goes up so i come off. I am a bit pissed off but i know why ive come off so. I sit on the bench next to ria
Olivia-"hey ria"
Ria-"hiya, whats your name again sorry"
Olivia-"nah its ok, im olivia"
Olivia-"y..y..you what?"
Ria-"theres edits of you all over tiktok, how good you are, how pretty you are, everyones jealous of you"
Olivia-"they are?"
She nods
Ria-"ive always idolised lucy, keira not so much as shes a midfielder but lucy wow yeah i have but now everyone wants to be lucy, keira and olivia"
Olivia-"wow, but my mums are much better"
I spend the rest of the half laughing with ria as millie and ivy stay on. The game finishes 5-2.
Ria-"good game"
Olivia-"wait ria, didnt you say you loved lucy?"
Ria-"yeah i did but ill never meet her"
I stare at her "isnt she still in england though"
I shake my head and her eyes light up
Ria-"c...c..can i?"
I nod "follow me" i tell her and go up the stadium to my mums
Lucy-"hey babygirl im so proud of you into the finalllllll"
Olivia-"i know yeah i cant believe it"
Keira-"whose this baba?"
Olivia-"yes of course sorry, mum, mama this is ria, she plays for...?"
Ria-"chelsea, hi im ria, ria-bose but call me ria"
Lucy-"well hello ria"
I tell mum to kneel down
Olivia-"she loves you" i whisper in her ear
Lucy-"is that so?, you got a pen ria?"
She nods and passes her a pen, mum signs her top
Ria-"wow, do you want to keira?"
Mama signs it
Ria-"wow thank you, ill go now, give you some space"
Olivia-"bye ria"
Ria-"bye bronze-walsh"
Keira-"shes nice"
Olivia-"yeah, mama can i have a,hug"
Keira-"anyday of the week you dont have to ask"
She picks me up and i wrap my arms around her neck while mum guides us down the stairs, mama wears her ring everywhere.
I start messing with it on her finger
Keira-"careful baba, do this one instead" she tells me knowing im doing it to put my mind off thinking stuff as its quite on the bus.
Keira-"you ok baba? Sleep if you want?" I nod and rest my head on her shoulder and close my eyes
Lucy's pov-
Im so proud of how far shes come, not even a year ago my poor baby was still getting abused everyday, hating her life and now shes here, in estonia.
Keira brings me out of my thoughts by giving my thigh a squeeze.
Keira-"you ok baby?" I nod "what you thinking about"
Lucy-"im so proud of her"
Keira-"me to"
I stroke her head, and lean my head on the other side of keira
Keira-"you cant go to sleep to" she says laughing
Lucy-"hey why not, she is"
Keira-"thats different"
Lucy-"exactly shush" i put my head back and close my eyes
Keira-"ugh fine ill just be lonely"
I laugh "that wasnt funny"
Lucy-"was, night night babe"
Keira-"not even giving me a kiss, hope you get nightmares"
I sit up and kiss her, the whole bus of u17s cheers
Millie-"weyyyyyyy, get it all out now you pair! Especially you lucy!!"
Lucy-"millie shush"
Natalie-"yes please i do not want anything going on thank you!"
Lucy-"how do you-, MILLIE!"
I kiss keira again making it more passionate, i put my head back on her shoulder and put my hand as high up on her thigh as i can.
Keira-"mm, no thank you, not here"
I ignore her and move my hand closer.
She crosses her legs making my hand go down on it.
Lucy-"thats not even me"
Keira-"youve started it now"
Lucy-"well i cant fuck you on the bus" i whisper
Lucy-"no keira"
Keira-"ahh lucy your really annoying sometimes"
Lucy-"i know"
I move my hand and she glares at me
Keira-"i hate you"
Lucy-"i love you more kei"
I lean against the window as she wouldnt let me lean against her as shes in a strop. I fall asleep and we soon get back to the hotel, i carry liv in and keira 'really needs the toilet' i smirk to myself knowing why shes rushing off to the toilet. She comes back.
Lucy-"better now?" I ask with a smirk
Keira-"fine thank you"
We go back to the room, the girls watch the france game but my and keira stay in the room.
Lucy-"were alone now?"
She nods, i go over and grab her waist.
I push her down onto the sofa after i lock the door and put a movie on incase it gets a bit loud🤭. I start kissing her neck.
Lucy-"mm indeed right?"
It gets heated quick and you can imagine whats going on
Olivia's pov-
Olivia-"ah my phone, i needa go grab it" i tell ivy who i was sat with.
Ivy-"go on then, ill save your seat"
I quickly run upto my room but the doors locked, i hear noises. Oh god no. I run away from the room as fast as i can. I sit next to Ivy.
Ivy-"got it?"
I shake my head
Olivia-"the room seems occupied"
Ivy bursts out laughing
Millie-"whats so funny"
Olivia-"uhm our room is uhm occupied"
Ivy-"no no its lucy fucking keira" she laughs
Millie-"EW EW EW EW"
Millie-"right, JESS!"
Jess-"yes mil?"
Millie-"can i stay in your room tonight mine is uhm, occupied"
Jess-"occupied?" She soon clicks on "oh uh ew yeah course you can"
I dont mind it, ill stay in my room, its to be expected they have to be able to show love to eachother, i cant stop them doing that, theyve done it there whole lives with eachother so im not going to come into it and stop them.
I sit down and the game starts. France win so thats who were playing in the final, we spend a few hours downstairs before going back upto our rooms.
There cuddled up together on the sofa, luckily with a blanket covering them, barely but its there, i move it over a bit before kissing them on the cheek and saying goodnight. I climb into bed and then it hits me, im in the euros u17s final. Wow.
SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE 'SLOW' UPDATE, i had football yesterday so im sorry but i do have the next parts already started to write soooo, hope you enjoy, thanks for all the love OF COURSE!!

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