55. Where are you, MAMA!?

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Olivia's pov-
Or so we thought....
Mama wasnt behind us, no where to be seen.
I go into instant panic.
Olivia-"MUM MUM!"
She takes her attention away from the fans and turns to me
Lucy-whats up?"
Olivia-"m..m...m.mama not here!"
She quickly turns us around and scans the pitch
I jump out of her arms and sprint round the whole stadium checking every room possible
Nothing. Where the fuck is my mama.
Then i see the ginger hair i know all too well. Mama's. But shes not walking, theres other legs around hers. I slowly follow behind making sure i dont get seen. Shes got her mouth taped, arms and legs ropped so she cant move and being grabbed my 4 men in black wear with masks. Its all coming to reality, my nightmare isnt no nightmare anymore. I need mum.
Just then Kirsty Hanson walks past as she is on loan to Villa.
She hands me her phone confused
I quickly get a photo of the car
She sprints off and 5 minutes later my mum sprinting back to me
Olivia-"m..m..my nightmare becoming reality mum shes gone s..s..she got taken away by 4 people in black suits in a black car i..i..i scared mum, shes gone forever" i start crying
Lucy-"fuck! do you know the number plate"
Olivia-"kirsty sent it you"
Im sobbing my eyes out in fear ive lost my mama
Lucy-"lets see"
She opens her Instagram to see Kirsty has sent it
TK57GPA BLACK MERC,  olivia told me to send it to you. hope everything is okay, luce! X
thanks kirsty! helps a lot! xx
no worries luce!

She quickly looks at the message, now crying herself
Lucy-"we will get her back i promise you babygirl"
Lauren-"LUCY! There you are, Gareth is looking for you"
Lucy-"lauren tell him i cant be there i will explain later, its urgent! Oh and neither can Keira"
She quickly walks away
Olivia-"do you have her location mum?"
She quickly gets her phone out
Lucy-"last place was about 10 minutes from here"
Olivia-"mum phone the police"
Lucy-"good idea"
We quickly get in the car and she phones the police, they say there sending out a search
Lucy's pov-
I get in the car and speed out of the carpark and go to the last location
Olivia-"wait mum theres been an update"
Olivia-"turn right here it says theres a storage unit"
I quickly pull upto the storage unit and see the car
Im so panicked and so scared of losing her i just want to run in right now
Olivia-"mum we need to wait and tell the police where we are"
Lucy-"i need to get in there!"
Olivia-"i know your scared mum, i am too, i know we cant lose her but barging in will make it worse!"
I call the police to tell them where we are and minutes later theres undercover cars
Officer-"you need to wait out here, we will get her back i promise"
Lucy-"are you sure?"
Officer-"we will do everything we can"
Lucy-"that means nothing!"
Olivia-"mum calm down there police they know what there doing"
Officer-"try not to worry, we will do everything thank you for the help"
We sit back in the car and wait anxiously, my leg bouncing
Lucy-"your coping so well liv"
Olivia-"im trying mum"
Lucy-"thank you"
She nods
Keira's pov-
Im stuck in this storage unit with 4 men surrounding me all dressed in black. My mouth is taped, arms and legs roped theres no way out, this is where im going to die, without lucy, without my other half. Im in so much pain, why do people do this, what have i done. Lucy probably doesnt even know im gone, she probably doesnt care.
Man-"now what should we do with you"
Keira-"let me go"
He slaps me
Man-"shut up, were on a mission, it was either you or lucy you were easier to grab!"
Keira-"well why were you grabbing us anyway"
Man 2-"the names pete and sophie ring bells?"
I shiver
Man 2-"there mission, they want one of you dead"
I look down to see guns, knives. Just like Olivia described
Man 3-"yeah there all for you"
Keira-"so your killing me?"
Man-"slowly but surely, and look no one is here to rescue you"
I know he is being truthful, there isnt i know there isnt, they probably dont even know im gone
Man 2-"where do we start?"
He traces his hands over the knives
He comes to my neck and slices it, blood pouring
This is it, this is the end.
Olivia's pov-
Its been 20 minutes and nothing
Olivia-"screw this"
I get out the car and start my own search. If no one else will im saving my mama myself.
Olivia-"no if no one else will ill save her myself!"
I walk in and ask the receptionist
Olivia-"did 4/5 people come in here all wearing black?"
Receptionist-"ye they did about half an hour ago, one was being strongly held they went to unit 302 on second floor, heres a spare key"
I quickly grab the key and run to the unit
Thoughts- please understand that im trying my hardest. Come on mama where are you. Come on please be alive.

I find the unit, locked. Of course. I put my ear upto it, talking. Then i hear the one voice i wanted to. Mama's. Shes alive. I let out a quiet sigh of relief knowing shes alive. Now getting in.
Theres a slight gap in the door and still no sign of the police there doing a fantastic job them. A slide my fragile body threw the gap.
Lucy's pov-
Great. Now both my people are in there, brilliant. I stay in the car and wait.
Olivia's pov-
Im sliding through the door which leads to a vent, hopefully im small enough. I am. I slide through the vent and reach above the room, i find some stuff i can throw to distact them to get mama out of this vent. I throw some ball things to distact two of them, mama looks upto see me, i show her how to undo her hands and feet while i throw another ball. The last two men go off to investigate what the noises were. I grab mama's hands and pull her upto the vent.
I tell her to be quiet and follow me, she nods and follows me, we slowly climb through the vent until we are back at the reception and there we are met by the police who are only just asking if people come in. Seriously never count on them.
Officer-"olivia? We told you to stsy in the car"
Olivia-"yeah and no offence you took to long so i went and saved my mama myself, the men are still in the unit, 302 second floor" they quickly make there way and i untape mama's mouth and jump into her arms
Olivia-"i..i..im so happy your alive"
Keira-"how did you know i was gone?"
Olivia-"you were right behind us then you were gone, and then i searched round the whole stadium checking every room possible and then i saw your ginger hair and other legs around you so followed you and yeah now were here and im saving you because the police take too long"
Keira-"thank you baba"
Olivia-"i..i..i thought it was just a nightmare mama i..i..i didnt think you would actually be gone"
Keira-"i know be too"
Olivia-"come on mums worried sick"
I take her out to the car and ive never seen mum move so fast. She sprints out the car and wraps her arms around her waist
Keira's pov-
Im alive. They found me. They actually looked for me. Im still here with my two favourite people in the world. They saved my life.
Olivia's pov-
We saved her life. Shes still here, one of my favourite faces in the world is still here.
Lucy-"olivia has done so well today, im so proud of you"
Olivia-"i have?"
Lucy-"of course you have, you havent had 1 panic attack and youve just gone in there by yourself and saved her"
Olivia-"yeah i did"
Keira-"i love you both so so so much"
Just then the police come out holding the four men in cuffs.
Man-"look there she is!"
He wriggles out of the officer and heads to mama
Mum steps in the way. Haha hes dead.
Lucy-"you need to leave now"
Man-"you what"
Lucy-"you need to leave now before i hit you"
He instantly backs away and the police grab him and put them all in the back of separate vans
An officer comes over to us
Officer-"well olivia that was very brave of you today, well done, even if you did call us slow"
Olivia-"yeah sorry about that but yeah"
Officer-"no its okay i get it, but what you did there, you love your mom, you really do, not everyone runs into a storage unit to save someone"
Olivia-"thanks officer"
Officer-"no, thank youself, these officer were pretty useless today ill be honest"
I giggle
Officer-"anyway i must be off, take care though, all of you"
We say bye and sit in the car
Mum holding mama's hand scared to let go
Olivia-"i..i..i..i thought it was just a nightmare"
Lucy-"hey hey dont start having a panic attack now, you have done so well im so proud of you"
Olivia-"thanks mummy"
We get home and snuggle on the sofa taking in everything thats happened today
Keira-"i am so lucky to have you both, thank you so much"
Lucy-"we were always going to find you, say thank you to liv, she noticed you were gone and got you out"
I go shy that it was me who saved mama
Keira-"yeah she did, thank you baba"
Lucy-"you were amazing today babygirl"
Olivia-"thank you mum's"
Lucy-"do you want to go to the park later?"
Keira-"i think id like to"
I nod
We snuggle for a few hours just talking. Narla then jumps up and lands on mums face
Lucy-"sorry but she just jumped on my face the dickhead"
I giggle at her swearing
She looks down
Keira-"yeah exactly stop swearing!"
Lucy-"not my fault, my face really fucking hurts"
Mama rolls her eyes at mum. Im so happy mama is back, i was so scared i was going to lose her forever.
Olivia-"im so happy your alive mama, i thought id lost you forever"
Keira-"i know baby i know, im here now"
She holds me tight.

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