75. WE DID IT!!

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Olivia's pov-
Ive missed, im sure i have. Wait no. Nevermind. IVE DONE IT! I SCORED! IVE WON THE EUROS! I turn around and see everyone running at me, they all tackle me to the floor.
Lucy's pov-
I cant watch, i sit there with my head in my hands, i hear the refs whistle blow, and then it goes silent but then. Theres screaming. I look up and see all the england team running at liv, the French team dropped to the floor. Shes done it, she did it. Shes won it.
I jump up and start cheering
I turn to keira whos got proud tears in her eyes, she leaps into my arms.
I bring her into a tight hug
Keira-"im so fucking proud of her"
Natalie waves an arm telling us to go down
I practically run down the stairs before finding her, she jumps into my arms
Olivia-"I DID IT MUM, WE WON!"
I spin her round in a circle squeezing her.
Lucy-"im so proud of you babygirl"
She squeezes my neck. I put her down and she runs off to rach. I meet keiras eyes. I walk over to her and hug her.
Keira-"hey baby"
We walk hand in hand over to the bench while the girls lift the trophy.
Olivia's pov-
We all stand ready to lift the trophy, gold medals around our neck, i told mia to lift it. She brings the trophy to the front.
I pull a confused face
I quickly make my way to the front of the stand to her
Mia-"hold it"
Mia-"no time for comprimises hold it"
I hold a half with her on the other and lift it into the air. We all cheer and confetti goes off. Everyone comes over and we do a few more lifts. I get a photo with, mum and mama, ivy, millie and ivy. This is going to be a long day. Mum starts playing in the confetti so i knee slide next to her landing on her, if it wasnt for her, i wouldnt be here today.
Olivia-"thank you mum"
Lucy-"for what babygirl"
Olivia-"if it wasnt for you i wouldnt be here"
Lucy-"oh babygirl, i love you so much"
Olivia-"i love you too mum"
We both get up and i jump into mama's arms.
Keira-"hey you, well done"
Olivia-"thank you mama"
I see rach and lessi messing about
Olivia-"mama look" i say pointing to rach and lessi
Keira-"aw bless them"
I get down and go over to them
Alessia-"HEY YOU!"
Rach-"ahh olivia my superstar"
Olivia-"have you seen stephy?"
Rach-"over there"
I run over and jump on her back
Olivia-"i knew i couldnt miss, you were sat right there"
She piggybacks me to the changing room where the party continues. We party on the coach, we party at the hotel. It gets to about 11 and i start getting tired. I make my way over to mum whos talking to ivy, it looks serious but i dont ask about it.
Olivia-"mum can i go to bed, im sleepy?"
Lucy-"course you can, ill let kei know im carrying you up"
She picks me up and takes me upstairs, she tucks me in and sits with me until i fall asleep, i left my phone in here but i dont bother checking it.
I wake up the next morning and millie is in bed still, so is mum but no mama, i check the time and see it is 9am so where is she? Shower? No. Breakfast? No. Gym? No. What in the world, i head outside to see her kicking a ball against the fence violently straching at her wrists. I run over to her.
Olivia-"mama stop it" i her eyes are red raw and bloodshot, shes been crying.
Olivia-"mama, stop" she keeps scratching
Olivia-"MAMA!" I raise my voice, she jumps and instantly stops.
Keira-"oh uh hey"
Olivia-"mama whats wrong"
Olivia-"mama your eyes are red raw and bloodshot, ylur scratching at your wrists, there bleeding, todays meant to be a good day?"
She shakes her head
Olivia-"mama, look at me" she turns her head and our eyes meet "you always look after me, now its my turn so what is wrong"
Keira-"i..i..i..its my grandad"
Keira-"h..h..h..h..he-" she cant get her words out and hee bloody hands start shaking.
Olivia-"mama sit down, your gonna have a panic attack"
She listens and i quickly calm her down
Olivia-"im here when your ready to talk"
Keira-"m..m..m..my grandad h..h..had a heart attack and he..hes in in...i..intensive care" i look at her eith sympathetic eyes
Olivia-"oh mama im sorry"
I lay her head on my chest as i sit against the wall so she knows im here
I start playing with the ends of her hair
Keira-"thabk you liv, i know this isnt what you need"
Olivia-"dont thank me mama 'its what im here for'" she laughs "you can sleep if you want, i wont leave" she nods and closes her eyes quickly falling asleep, i reach for my phone out my pocket and message mum telling her mama needs her.
Morning mum, dont panic me and mama are out on the pitches, she needs you, i wont say why as thats hee choice but she needs you xx
Im coming rn xx
Shes asleep atm but ok xx
I lock my phone after taking a photo of us as i dont really see my mum's vulnerable as there always trying to stay strong for me. I close my eyes waiting for mum still stroking mama's head telling her im still here, i soon see a small figure walking towards us from the building. I figure out its mum as shes heading our way, hair quickly up in her usual bun and still in her pyjamas ahah, i mustve woke hee up or something. I love that she always puts me and mama over everything and anything even getting changed.
Lucy-"how longs she been asleep?"
Olivia-"uhhh half hour i think or something"
Lucy-"okay" she slowly strokes keis head
Lucy's pov-
Something is wrong with keira and i dont know what it is so im finding out, her face is read like it is when shes been crying, her wrists are red raw, bleeding shes been scratching. I stroke her head to wake her up but not scare her.
Lucy-"can you hear me kei? Kei kei? Come on baby wake up" she slowly flutteres her eyes. "Morning baby can you come sit with me?" She nods and sits on my lap. "Whats wrong baby?" She shakes her head "come on kei, talk to me" she doesnt move
Olivia-"come on mama you told me"
Keira-"its my grandad"
I nod "hes had a heart attack and hes in i..i..i..intensive care"
Lucy-"oh baby why didnt you say anything"
Keira-"i domt know, im sorry"
Lucy-"dont apologise kei, but we need to sort your wrists out and then why dont you ring your mum eh?"
She nods and i carry her back into the building upto our room, the girls are all at breakfast so its easier to help her. I clean her wrists and put bandages on them before helping her get changed and ring her mum.
Keira-"hi mum how is he?"
Tracey-"not good kei kei, you need to get here"
Keira-"im flying back today?"
Tracey-"he will try and fight for you kei i know it"
She puts the phone down and instantly breaks down in tears. Liv goes and sits on her bed. Lucy-"liv babe are you ok?"
Olivia-"i dont like seeing mama like this"
Lucy-"be neither babygirl, i really dont, but weve just gotta help her, shes very close with her grandad"
Olivia-"she shouldve stayed with him instead of coming here"
Lucy-"hey hey hey no dont start blaming yourself"
Olivia-"i shouldve never got involved in your lives"
She looks at her bed and start fiddling with her fingers, our flight is early so we pack and head to the airport, we baord the flight keira already asleep so i carry her to her seat. The flight is alright, keira sleeping the whole way throygh we jump in a taxi and i get us straight to the hospital, not caring about our stuff. I quickly carry keira in as i know she isnt strong enough to walk herself, olivia walks next to me so i know shes still there. I see Tracey.
Tracey-"LUCY! Thank god your here hes getting worse fast"
Lucy-"ill wake her now, is anything getting better" she shakes her head
Tracey-"hes gonna go luce"
I tear up knowing how much this is going to break her. I wake her up "baby were here now"
Keira-"with grandad"
Lucy-"with grandad"
She gets down and goes into the room, i give her space with him
Tracey-"look after her luce, shes gonna need it, she saw him pretty much everyday after training"
Lucy-"i know, this is gonna break her"
Tracey-"shes gonna deteriorate luce, hes like a second dad to her, better than her own"
Lucy-"i know trace, ill try and do my best"
Tracey-"thank you lucy" soon doctors come to the room, this cant be good
Doctor-"tracey walsh?" She nods "he isnt breathing on his own anymore, im sorry"
I feel my heart drop
Tracey-"s..so hes gone?"
Doctor-"effectively yes, we will give him 5 more minutes to see any changes but if nothing then yes it will just be the machines breathing" she nods
Tracey-"thabk you doctor" tje doctor goes back to the reception and comes back 5 minutes later with a sad and sorrowful look, i know that look, hes gone.
Doctor-"im sorry for ypur loss"
Tracey breaks down, i pull her into a hug.
Lucy-"do you want me to tell her?" She nods "ill be back in  minutes babygirl ok im just going to tell kei"
Olivia-"wait mum do you want me to do it?"
I shake my head "no thank you liv, ill do it" she nods and i enter the room
Lucy-"hey baby" her eyes, bloodshot. Her wrists, bandages ripped off and there bleeding bad again. "Oh kei, theres no easy way to put this baby in sorry"
Keira-"no" she looks at me, tears flooding her eyes
Lucy-"hes gone keira, im sorry" i go to hug her head but she pushes me away
Keira-"NO GET AWAY FROM ME LUCY GET OUT!" I move away from her as she breaks down next to him, it breaks me as all i want to do is hold her, i need to hold her. "NO GRANDAD YOU CANT LEAVE ME, PLEASEEE GRANDAD COME BACK!" She cries out, i make my way over to her, she flings arms at me but i pull her into me letting her soak my jacket with tears
Keira-"GRANDAD!" she cries
Lucy-"hes gone kei hes gone shshshsh"
Lucy-"kei breathe shshsh, hes gone"
I rock her sideways, she cries and cries, her mum comes in and she runs to her.
Tracey-"hes gone darling i know"
Keira-"NO LUCY GET OUT, GET OUT!" Im,not even near her so i leave
I hear her sobs through the door
The doctor turns the machine off
She sobs louder until eventually i give in and go into her
Lucy-"no kei im not going anywhere" i cradle her and carry her to the car
Lucy-"come on liv"
She follows us, we get home and keira runs straight to the bedroom locking the door, and sobs. I hate it.
Olivia-"and today was supposed to be a good day"
Lucy-"i know im sorry"
Olivia-"its ok, ill post tomorrow i was going to anyway, about the euros not this of course"
I go to the kitchen and start cooking, i asked my mum to watcj narla another day as keira needs me, i hear the shower running, i hear loud sobs coming from the bathroom, i also hear glass shattering, oh no you dont keira walsh. I sprint up the stairs going straight through the locked door, there she is sat on the bottom of the shower, her arms pouring red. I jump in the shower fully clothed and wrap myself around her naked body rocking us side to side.
Lucy-"lets move this kei" i say taking the piece of glass of her "would you of gone further?" She nods "ok, shshsh, do you want to go to bed?" She nods, i turn the shower off and wrap her towel around her, i pull out some of her pyjamas and one of my hoodies. I help her get changed as she is so tired. I help her into bed and hold her to sleep, not long after liv comes in ans snuggles next to her
Olivia-"it will be ok mama, were here"
And with that we all fall asleep hoping for a better day tomorrow.

KEI WON SHES A BALLER PLAYER OF THE YEAR, IM SO HAPPY FOR HER, AND THE 'LUNA' CONTENT WERE GETTING RIGHT NOW ISNT IT!! Also i apologise for the sad part i was planning on writing a happy part but as i wrote this just came to my head, if you dont like it i wont carry the storyline on i will continue celebrating the euros etc, i may do thay anyway buttt love you all!!

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