23. Flashback for Keira

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Lucy's pov-
My girlfriend goes into the kitchen while my daughter starts to stir
Lucy-"morning babygirl"
Olivia-"morning, what is the time"
Lucy-"im not sure actually, could you sit with narls while i talk to your mama upstairs?"
Olivia-"uhh yeah"
She hesitates but slowly moves over to sit with narla
Lucy-"15 minutes?" I ask
Olivia-"yeah ill watch tv"
I go into the kitchen and hold my girlfriend by the waist and slowly kiss her neck
Lucy-"livs sitting with narla watching tv" i say kissing her
Lucy-"mm indeed"
I go upstairs and she follows, we walk into our room, i pin her against the door kissing her and you can imagine the rest (if you cant stay innocent😭)
Lucy-"i missed you"
Keira-"ive missed that to"
Lucy-"now that we are here talking, i want to talk to you about your dark place, when i was at lyon"
Keira-"oh uh"
Lucy-"and we are talking because you never said you were struggling"
Keira-"i know but i couldnt worry you"
Lucy-"i care about you kei, i did when i was there"
Keira-"ok uh i couldn't sleep, i couldn't eat, i couldn't play properly, having hate online, i couldnt cope, i nearpy decided to end it but i didnt because i knew you would be back so i just struggled, but yeah thats why i know how she feels, because i couldnt eat i felt fat even though everyone told me i wasnt, i couldn't sleep without you and uh yeah i cried everyday/night, i had panic attacks about you not coming back but now your back and im back ok i think so"
She starts crying
I cant believe she went through all that
Lucy-"oh kei im so sorry, im here now, im not going anywhere, ive got you"
I quickly wrap my arms round my girlfriend
Keira's pov-
I dropped Lucy off at the airport and got back in my car, i sunk down into it crying my eyes out, i knew shed be back, i knew we would text and or call eachother everyday i just couldnt live without her, i needed her here with me but i couldnt, she was in france, i was in England, both having a job to do
I drive home to my excited westie
I sit on my sofa and cry even more
2 hours later
I get a message telling me that Lucy had landed, i was happy she was safe
Hey babe, i just landed, call you soon xx
Okay baby, go smash it xx
I lock my phone and sit with my head in my hands
The next day-
I did not sleep. At all. I felt like a lost puppy without lucy, i did have narla as lucy and i agreed it would be best if she stayed with me she didnt fill the lucy shaped hole that was in my heart
I get to training feeling empty
I train the worst i ever have for ages and it gets picked up on
"WALSH I EXPECT BETTER!" my manager screams at me
"Sorry boss" i reply back
Game day-
I play the worst i ever have i think, giving the ball away, lose passes, bad passes, knocked off the ball easy etc, and this gets picked up by everyone. Players, staff,manager, fans, myself
Chloe Kelly-"kei are you ok?"
Keira-"yeah fine ck thanks"
Chloe-"are you sure?"
Keira-"yes ck im fine"
Georgia-"keira are you ok?"
Keira-"please everyone stop with all the questions"
They all leave me alone
I open my phone go on Instagram and see 'walsh is so slow' 'walsh is so weak' 'shes so big but so weak, must be fat instead' etc
My eyes flood with tears
I run to my car and cry
Once ive sorted myself out i pull myself into a 'state' to be able to drive
I need Lucy, i just need my lucy
Skip a few days
I havent eaten, i havent slept, i havent been happy apart from acting ok to lucy which she seems to be buying, i havent been myself. Im as thin as a stick but still getting all types of hate for everything
Ive even had to end up giving Narla to my mum, i was looking after her but it wasnt fair on her she was always so excited to see me and i just wasnt in it, it werent fair on her
Lucy's pov-
I finish training, so far ive really liked lyon but recently ive noticed keira hasn't been playing like herself and has been dropped from the starting lineup, weirdly i get a message from Georgia, i read it and my eyes fill will tears, i cant believe my girlfriend has been like this and i havent noticed, i feel terrible
Hey lucy i know i shouldnt be messaging you and i dont want you to be worried but im worried about kei, she hasnt been herself for weeks, hasnt been training/playing properly, she looks like she hasnt slept, shes getting really skinny really fast luce im really worried, im sorry for disturbing you at lyon but yeah im just really worried about her
Oh uh thank you so much for letting me know g ill talk to her
Dont say i said anything please
I wont g dont worry
I lock my phone and head back to my lonely apartment
I ring keira, i need to speak to her
She instantly picks up
Lucy-"hey you"
Lucy-"you ok?"
Keira-"yeah yeah you"
Lucy-"yeah you look tired though kei"
Keira-"yeah im just a little tired dont worry"
Her eyes fill with tears she tries to hide them but i can read her face like a book
Lucy-"kei, why are you crying?"
Keira-"its nothing dont worry just something at training, im fine"
Lucy-"keira, please talk to me"
Keira-"im fine lu, im going to bed now ill speak to you tomorrow, goodnight i love you"
Lucy-"goodnight kei i love you to"
I hang up the phone, kinda realising i shouldve made sure she was asleep but to late now
I book the first flight back to England i could
Tonight. 11.45 pm.
I need to get back to her and i will
I get back to England, i know she will be asleep, i slowly creep into the house with my key
I go into the bedroom to see her having a panic attack
Lucy-"hey hey kei baby breathe"
Lucy-"worry about that later, just breathe for me"
She calms down
Lucy-"whats wrong"
She tells me everything what has been going on with her
Lucy-"oh kei baby im so sorry youve got through that"
Keira-"its ok lu it wasnt your fault"
I cuddle her to sleep
Lucy-"ive got you kei, i promise"
As much as my career is amazing in france, i need to come back to England and thats exactly what i do
Back to present-
Lucy's pov-
I cuddle my girlfriend and then go back to our daughter
This part is really based on keira and lucy but i didnt know what to do so hope you enjoy it
Thank you xx
Leave any requests xx

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