127. Vs Ireland

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Olivia's pov-
I wake up the next morning and remember i need to apologise to Beth, i quickly get up and go to leahs room to see if shes still there
Olivia-"leah? Is beth here still?"
Leah-"no sorry kid, shes sharing with less i believe"
Olivia-"thanks le" i go to lessis room and knock on "hi less is beth here?"
Alessia-"yeah come in"
Olivia-"hi erm hi beth"
Beth-"hey sweet, how are you?"
Olivia-"i just come to say sorry for erm for yesterday"
Beth-"oh kiddo come here" i cuddle her "dont be sorry for yesterday sweetheart you didnt know what you was doing"
Olivia-"yeah but i shouldnt of hit you"
Beth-"stop it"
I nod against her "its okay, come on were going for breakfast" she picks me up and carries me on her back downstairs to the canteen
Lucy-"theres my little girl"
Olivia-"im not littleeeee"
Lucy-"come here"
Beth puts me in her lap and she smotheres my face in kisses
Olivia-"ewwww mummmmm"
Olivia-"stopppp" keira comes over with 2 bowls of cereal
Keira-"theres my 2 girls"
I have half a bowl when Sarina walks in
Sarina-"morning everyone, we are playing ireland today, 3pm kick off training later then gym and then to the coach we will get back to here at around 7-8pm depending on fans thank you, olivia a word in my office please"
Lucy-"go on, we will wait here and then me and your momma need to speak to you to"
I walk to Sarinas office and knock on the door
Sarina-"come in"
I walk in "liv please sit down" i sit opposite her "ive spoke to ella and i would like to start you against Ireland"
Olivia-"wait really?"
Sarina-"yes olivia"
Olivia-"thank you thank you thank you!"
I run out her office and sprint to mum
Lucy-"good talk?"
Olivia-"yes but im not telling you"
Lucy-"ok, liv can you sit down please me and momma need to speak to you"
I sit down "erm so weve had a reference from people of you trying therapy ah ah ah before you sah anything it can be online so you can stay with us but we think it will be good for you liv"
Olivia-"therapy? You think im some speccy who needs therapy? Yeah well i dont! Im fine without stupid therapy i know my problems! I dont need fucking therapy!" I walk out super angry, how dare they think im that broken i need therapy? Fucking therapy! I go to the pitches and hit the ball against the fence tears streaming down my face when the rest of the team come out, i quickly wipe my eyes and go over to the team huddle, mommas eyes are bloodshot, mums cheeks red, i dont make eye contact and i stand away from them, i see a few eyes shoot from them to me but i ignore them and soon start with drills away from them, we finish the drills and then we go into a game of 4 teams
Sarina-"team 1 is Mary, Leah, Beth, Georgia, Olivia" thank god not on there team now hopefully there not team 2 "Team 2 is Hannah, Lucy, Keira, Ella, Alessia" shit "team 1 will play team 2 then team 3 and 4" my hands start shaking and i cant control them at all, my chest gets tighter and i cant put it off, the game gets started which does help me a bit but my breathings getting worse and my shakings not better and now im super close to momma in midfield, the ball comes to my feet and i quickly pass it onto beth
Keira-"i know your not speaking to us right now but breathe"
"Deep breaths" Beth plays a ball into my feet, i skill past momma and then get past mum and score in the top corner, beth celebrates and Sarina blows her whistle
Sarina-"last minute winner well done liv, csn i have a word with you please" i nod and walk over to her "is everything ok?"
Olivia-"yeah fine"
Olivia-"erm fine no not really just my mums said something to me and erm yeah"
Sarina-"okay i saw your face and your mums and you were kicking a ball before"
Olivia-"yeah im erm im gonna run laps bye"
Sarina-"careful liv" she walks off and i start running laps, my ribs kill but i keep running, tears are streaming down my face but i need to run, ive got a water bottle with me so i keep running knowing i have a drink, no one is out here to come get me clearly dont care that much. I see alessia come out and she sees me running and tjen goes back inside and a bit later she comes back out and comes onto the pitch.
Alessia-"liv come on youve been out here a while now"
Olivia-"ok and im still running so no"
Alessia-"liv come on"
Olivia-"no alessia"
Alessia-"liv dont alessia me"
Olivia-"f..fuck my legs"
Alessia-"liv stop now!" She runs next to me and holds me while my legs collapse underneath me "ive got you, ive got you" i burst out into tears "oh darling whats happened"
Olivia-"my mums said i need therapy"
Alessia-"it could help you liv, you know find ways to help yourself calm down"
Olivia-"yeah but they think im that broken"
Alessia-"no liv, theyve just said it so they can help you not because your broken" i nod against her chest "ive got you liv"
Olivia-"i love you auntie lessi"
Alessia-"i love you too darling" i see mum walkikg over so i cower into lessi and hide behind her "hey she just wants to speak to you"
Olivia-"no i dont want to no auntie lessi no!"
Alessia-"hey hey calm down"
Olivia-"i domt want to speak to her lessi no no no auntie lessi make her go away"
She gets closer
Lucy-"liv? Can we please talk?" I shake my head against alessias back
Olivia-"no go away"
Alessia-"liv come on"
Olivia-"fine but you stay"
Alessia-"i will sit on my lap yeah?"
I sit on her lap
Lucy-"im sorry..im sorry im so sorry babygirl i didnt mean it like that, i dont think your broken at all i just think it would be helpful for you and it would help you a lot you can think of your own way to help yourself and you know"
I nod not completely understanding her "i think its good for you liv, really good i think it will help you a lot" i nod against alessias chest and her arms come around me
Lucy-"can you come here?" I nod and sit in her lap, she snakes her arms around my waist "im so sorry babygirl"
Olivia-"its okay mummy"
Lucy-"i love you babygirl so so so much"
Olivia-"i love you too mummy"
She carries me back in with Alessia walking next to us
Sarina-"girls? We ok?"
Olivia-"yeah were okay"
Sarina-"still ok for our plan?"
Olivia-"of course"
We go back to the room before its time to go to the coach, we all sit on the coach but im still snuggled upto mum so i sit on her lap. We pull up at the stadium and go to the changing rooms to put our stuff down, we put all our stuff down and then go out to warm up, i see auntie katie talking to Anna Patten who recently got called up
Olivia-"AUNTIE KATIEEEEEEE!" i run over to her, she kneels down and i run into her and she falls over
Katie-"hey youuu, let me up let me up" i get off her so she can get up "liv this is Anna Patten, Anna this is Olivia.. Bronze-walsh"
Anna-"ahhh yes of course it is, lucys kid"
I nod "how you doin?"
Olivia-"im good you?"
Anna-"im alright"
Katie-"weve got to go you big little kid see you later yeah"
Olivia-"yeah bye captain" i wink
Katie-"shullup you, come on anna"
Anna-"bye" they turn around and i hear someone speaking but i cant make it out so i turn back around and see louise quinn over there
Louise-"yo katie why you talking to opposition and you anna, you wanna go back to english or something?"
Katie-"mate shes like my niece im going to speak to her"
Louise-"whatever shes just some adopted kid"
Katie-"dont speak about her like that!"  I hear shouting and see katie now pushing louise so i quickly walk away and run back over
Leah-"you ok kid"
Olivia-"erm yeah"
Sarina-"girls changing rooms now"
We all jog into the changing rooms, my leg starts shaking when i sit down
Lucy-"your leg"
Olivia-"yeah erm louise quinn just said something to katie"
Lucy-"what do you mean?"
Olivia-"she said-"
Sarina-"right girls the starting 11 is Mary, Lucy, Leah who is captain, Jess, Alex, Keira, Georgia, Ella, Beth, Lauren H and our newest starter, everyone give a round of applause to OLIVIAAAA!"
Everyone claps
Lucy-"what did she say?"
Olivia-"she asked katie why she was speaking to me and then she said im just some adopted kid"
Lucy-"oh babygirl"
Olivia-"im fine, i dont want to speak about it"
We lineup, im next to mum after georgia and momma, we walk out and sing the national anthem, my mums still do there thing with me before going to there own positions. We get kick off so i kick off the game.
3rd Person Pov-
Gabby Logan-"hello everyome and welcome to England vs Ireland, sarina weigmans england is a very stromg swuad with debutant olivia bronze-walsh starting and Ireland also are playing there strongest squad, Alex who do you think will come out on top?"
Alex S-"its a very good start for England this game i think they will edge it oh and gabby bronze is running diwn the wing woth players getting into the box but bronze-walsh hangs back she pulls it back, its curled towards the top left corner and GOALLL! WHAT A GOAL BY THE YOUNG STARTER GABBY!"
Gabby-"that is absolutely incredible goal what a start of an England career for the young girl"
Olivia's pov-
Lucy-"yess babygirl"
I jump into her arms, the rest of the first half is scrappy but we are 2-0 infront, the secomd half starts and Louise Quinn makes a hard tackle on Momma, i run over to her
Olivia-"oi you quinny!"
Olivia-"yes you! Tjeres no need for that!"
Olivia-"piss off you bitch"
I walk over to momma to check shes ok when quinn pushes me, mum gets up and she ends up on the floor
Lucy-"move now!" She walks away after katie pulls her away "dickhead" she helps keira up and we get the free kick
Beth-"liv you want a shot?"
Beth-"yes were 3-0 up come on"
I put the ball down and take a few steps back, i wip it over the ball and it nestles into the top corner. Beth jumps on my back and we all celebrate. Fulltime 4-1 England, Katie scored in the last minutes.
Louise-"twats" she says as she walks past us, i ignore her because katie comes over
Katie-"hey you, come here, i want you to meet people"
Lucy-"we will be in the changing rooms" i go with katie who takes me to lucy quinn
Lucy-"ah hey, your the funny bronze-walsh right?"
Olivia-"erm apparently"
Lucy-"yes yes come with me i want you to meet someone extra funny but katie you should stay there"
I walk with lucy who takes me to ruesha
Ruesha-"well hello there!"
I hug her
Olivia-"my favourite midfielder obviously under my momma"
Ruesha-"of course i am"
I keep talking with her for another 5 minutes before katie comes over
Katie-"liv ive come to take you back. Lucy...Ruesha"
I go back to the changing rooms and my myms are kissing well a bit more than kissing
Olivia-*clear throat*
They freeze and smirk at eachother
Olivia-"come on"
We get on the coach and get back to the hotel. My phone pings
Mille M-
Saw your debut. 🌟girl
Tjanks milly mil

Auntie Kkkkk💕-
Well played today mush, ignore louise i know you heard her
Thanks auntie katie goodnight i love you xx
I love you too mush sleep well xx

I fall asleep in mommas arms when she carries me back to our room.

One long one for you all. Had to give rue an appearance the icon she is❤️ My dream of seeing Lucy, Keira and of course the rest of the barca team play irl is over because im not going to the Chelsea game so thats just great😒

How are you my mum?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora