65. Flying out

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Olivia's pov-
2 days pass and today is the day we fly out to estonia so i will be fully alone, no sarina there to help me either, i quite like flying though so thats nothing to worry about, although i have had a few nightmares ever since what has happened with natalie so im going to avoid sleeping on the plane best i can. I wake up pretty early as our flight is at 11 and i need to make sure i have everything, i wake up at 6 to have breakfast, have a shower and triple check my case. Most people are waking up at 6.30-7 but i just want my own space to prepare.
I quickly have a shower and head down to breakfast, it seems to be like im the only one awake, i know both my mum's are still asleep as none of them have messaged me, i know millie is still asleep too. I have some cereal as i didnt want anything big.
I go back to my room to pack my case for another 3 times before i actually say 'ive got everything' the clock hits 7 and millie's alarm goes off
Olivia-"millie, come on"  i lightly shake her shoulder
Millie-"what time is it?"
Olivia-"just gone 7, your alarm did go off"
Millie-"oh im useless with alarms, how did you sleep, were you ok?" She asks visibly worried
"i was better than the other days, dont worry" i quickly reassure her "good good, is anyone else awake?" She asks
"Not that i know of no" "oh ok have you had breakfast?" "Yeah i already did thanks though" she stares at me and raises and eyebrow, like mum, i hold back the tears and say "i have dont worry" "ok, im gonna go now" "ok bye" she leaves the room and i let a few tears fall. I hear a knock at the door.
?-"hi, i just wanted to tell you ivy werent well this morning, and was asking for you"
Olivia-"oh ok thanks, whats your name again?"
?-"im isabelle"
Olivia-"hiya, thanks isabelle, how is she doing?"
Isabelle-"shes very pale, and says her stomach hurts and says she feels sick"
Olivia-"oh no not sick"
Isabelle-"i thought that, you play for city right?"
Olivia-"yeah, yeah i do"
Isabelle-"ah, yes ive seen you, your 15?"
I nod
Isabelle-"your amazing for you age, not many get called up to be here"
Olivia-"thanks where do you play?"
Isabelle-"haha well anyway i must be off, ill see you soon bye Olivia"
Olivia-"bye Isabelle thanks again"
She leaves and i make my way to ivys room, i knock on her door, she opens in and she looks like a ghost.
Olivia-"oh ivy" i help her back to bed
Ivy-"i dont feel good"
Olivia-"you dont look it either" i laugh
Ivy-"hey its not funny"
"No no i know of course it isnt, but we do have a very important flight" just then my phone pings
Morning babygirl hope your flight is ok, and your feeling better, we miss you lots, its not the same, love you xx

Olivia-"can i just reply?"
Ivy-"olivia. Of course you can shes your bloody mum"

Morning mum, ivys not well😬but still flying dont worry! Love you both more xx
Oh thats no good, send her my love❤️xx
Ill message youse before i board, is mama ok she hasnt messaged me much? Xx
She will be babygirl dont worry focus on you xx
What, what do you mean? Xx
Shes missing you, thats all xx
Are you sure?
Yes babygirl, now message me before ok?

Olivia-"my mamas not ok"
Ivy-"what do you mean"
Olivia-"i dont know,mums not letting in on much, but she hasnt messaged and she said she would"
Ivy-"im sure shes just missing you"
Olivia-"maybe" i check the time and it reads 7.30 we have to be on the coach in half an hour and ivy does not look good
Olivia-"we only have half an hour"
Ivy-"oh great"
The time passes and i have to go to my own room to check again that ive got everything.
I pick my suitcase up after messaging the family gc
Just getting on the coach now, message you when i can i love you both loads and mama i hope your ok😢xx
Have a good flight babygirl xx

No response from keira so i message mum
Mum have i done something to mama?
Then why the fuck wont she message me

We have to leave so i cant read her last message, i sit next to millie on the coach as ivy said she wanted to be alone so i gave her her wish. The coach ride was ok and then we board the plane, some people are scared of flying but i like it. I ask ivy if she wants to sit next to me but she shakes her head so i sit behind her with Isabelle.
Isabell-"is she ok?"
I shake my head "shes really ill"
"Has she been sick or anything yet?"
I shake my head "nothing yet, im hoping for no turbulence "
"Yeah same"
We take off
Its a smooth flight so far but now there is turbulence, i cross my fingers hoping for no sick, and luckily there wasn't, we land and as soon as ivy steps off the plane she shouts "im gonna throw up" she runs towards a bin and throws up. She comes back over
Olivia-"are you ok?"
Ivy-"oh god, i feel much better"
Isabelle-"looks like you needed to be sick"
She puts her arm round my shoulders and we walk with the team to the bus to get to the hotel. Its a bit chilly today, so we go into the games room and play a few games. I remember my mum messaged me before so i check my phone. Two messages, one from mum, one from mama.
LANGUAGE! You havent done anything to mama i promise, shes just struggling with you gone, she will try and be better with you and message you more, she is sorry

I feel anger build in me, if she was that sorry shed message me right?
Hiya liv, im really sorry i havent messaged you, im really struggling with you not being here, i havent even been at home some days, im really sorry for putting this on you, i love you so much, im sorry❤️xx
I decide to message her back
Its ok mama, im really worried about you, i thought i did something to you, im sorry if i have, please go home, mum will help you, please mama xx

I put my phone away, tears flooding my eyes.
Ivy-"babe are you ok?"
I nod and quickly go to get my room key. I hate that my mama is hurting this much because of me, i shouldve never came into there lives, i just cause them more pain, and here we are, the truth coming out, i cause them more pain clearly.
I go to my room and let the thoughts fill my head. I want to do it so bad but i know if i do my chances of playing are blown. I hear a knock on the door but i just ignore it while tears are streaming down my face.

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