70. Seriously Mum's

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Olivia's pov-
One day passed and i am back at the hotel, we won our game 3-1. My mum's have been really taking care of me, making sure i eat everyday. Today im allowed back in training as i couldnt yesterday due to safety precautions, blah blah blah, i was fine but you know i said that when i passed out so you know, i wouldn't believe that. Training today is at 10 and then we have an hour gym then were going to the beach, its cold but its still the beach.
I wake up at 8.30, not for a reason just thats when i wake up. Mama wakes up shortly after, but mum and millie are still asleep. Im sure they could be secret twins the way they sleep.
Keira-"morning baba, time is it?"
Olivia-"half 8"
Keira-"ok im just gonna jump in the shower quick"
She gets in the shower and millie wakes up
Olivia-"finally im not alone"
Millie-"is no one else awake?"
Olivia-"keiras in the shower, lucys here haha"
Mama gets out and comes in, mums still asleep
Keira-"lucy up now"
She groans
Keira-"dont make me say it especially infront of someone"
Lucy-"me sleepy"
Keira-"1,2,3" she still doesn't move "right thats it, lucia up now"
Lucy-"ughh no dont do thattt"
Keira-"now lucia roberta"
Lucy-"ah okok im up" she doesnt move
Keira-"get up, now, lucia roberta tough"
Lucy-"ahh the full name okok im fully up" she eventually sits up
Keira-"it really wasnt that difficult"
Lucy-"whatever, whos coming for breakfast im hungry"
Millie-"your hungry? Youve only just woke up"
Keira-"shes always hungry"
Lucy-"hmm for yo-"
She goes red "sorry"
Millie-"im off, lucy do not sit next to me at breakfast please."
Lucy-"of course"
Millie-"bye liv see you later"
Olivia-"bye mil sorry about her"
Millie-"its alright dont worry"
We go down for breakfast and i get my usual, cereal, we go back to the room at around 9.15.
Olivia-"mums are you watching us today?"
Keira-"no not today sorry, were going for a walk arent we luce"
Lucy-"huh oh yeah yeah walking around"
I get changed for training and head out to the pitches, the team are gathering in a circle as natalie called us in
Natalie-"morning girls, welcome back Olivia hope your better, at least better than the eye" ive still got a black eye "today we have 2 special guests, one of you know them very very well and are close to them the others are getting to know its LUCY BRONZE AND KEIRA WALSH! Everyone!!!"
We all clap as they walk over
Olivia-"whos the person who knows the very well?"
Lucy-"well i could take a guess eh?" She says as she nuzzles my head and ruffles my hair
Olivia-"could you not"
Lucy-"what you to cool for me?"
She lets go "then fine ill go back to kei"
She wraps her arms around her neck and holds onto her
Keira-"lucy, your distracting" everyone is laughing at her
She lets go "sorry"
Natalie-"thank you lucy. I hope thats got everyone riled up, today is just a game and some extra shooting if anyone would like to have a few extra shots, we will be swapping players out of teams, so if you score you swap out for someone else, if your team doesnt score then they automatically switch after 2 minutes, got it?"
We all nod
Natalie-"right then, so team 1 we will have actually liv come here" i go over to her "not to pick favourites or anything but who do you want on your team out of your mums"
Olivia-"Keira, i wanna go up against lucy" i say with a smirk
Natalie-"battle of bronzes cant wait for this"
I put a purple bib on
Natalie-"right team one  is purple bibs, its 5v5 with keepers and then obviously the subs, team one: teyah, millie,olivia,isabella, keira. Team 2 red bibs: charli, lucy, ivy, jess, sarah keeper. If i have not said your name you are a first sub,you will be subbed on do not worry"
We get onto the pitch and start playing. I quickly score so get subbed out. Mama skills past everyone on there team and is now against mum, she skills past her and scores, she gets subbed out and sits next to me.
Im laughing at mum because her face fully dropped when she scored
Olivia-"mama look at mums face"
Keira-"haha, maybe work on your skill stopping luce!" Mum stares at her so gets skilled by millie "see lucy!"
Natalie-"right you, keira, stop distracting her!" She says laughing
I get subbed back on and so does mama. Were now both against mum as she hasnt scored. I skill past the midfield and then im up against mum
Keira-"get here baba"
I rainbow flick it over her head and chip the keeper. Natalie blows the whistle and the games over. Mum sits on the floor after i scored the winner
Lucy-"im never playing with under 17s again"
Olivia-"oh its ok mummm" i go behind her tip ice water down her back
Lucy-"ah ah ah ah cold cold cold" she jumps up and takes her top of to get it out
She lays her eyes on me and sprints at me.
Olivia-"ahhhh" i scream as i sprint the other way. I run past everyone in the corridors who looks and stares, then sees Lucy coming through
Millie-"what in the world"
Keira-"olivia put ice down lucys top"
I keep sprinting around the whole building until suddenly a suprise visitor shows up infront of us. Sarina.
I quickly stop
Sarina-"hiya olivia i dont think we should be sprinting round her do we" i hear mums footsteps which suddenly stop, i turn around and see her slowly walking away.
She slowly walks over still with no top on
Sarina-"what the hell is going on, i do not expect to see sprinting round the corridors from one of my most senior players!"
Sarina-"well! What is going on"
Lucy-"olivia put ice down my top"
Sarina-"oh blaming your daughter are we" i love that sarina takes my side, shes like my older mother figure, if i didn't have lucy and keira.
Lucy-"she did!"
Sarina-"right whatever go back to your team" we go to walk off "oh and lucy"
Sarina-"please put a top on"
She goes bright red
Lucy-"of course"
Sarina-"bye liv come to me if your mum is blaming you again" she says laughing
I run off and mum starts chasing me again
Lucy-"oh you are so dead"
I run back to the pitches where mum eventually catches me
Lucy-"can i?" She asks before tickling me
I nod and she starts tickling all my stomach and shoulders.
Olivia-"ah okok"
She lets go and picks me up from the floor
Sarina sees us again
Lucy-"whoops?" She shrugs her shoulders
We go back to the room and see keira and millie watching tv
Olivia-"were back, mum got told off by sarina"
Olivia-"yeah shes here i don't know why"
Keira-"oh ok, yeah lucy please put a top on millie is right there"
Lucy-"hm youd rather me with-"
Millie-"LUCY! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! If you want to have bloody sex with keira then please just go and do it"
Mum looks and mama with intrigued eyes
Keira-"No we are not going to have sex because a 17 year old told us to"
Lucy-"fine. Ill just get dressed"
Once mum is dressed, we head to the gym where i get on the bike and post on Instagram.

 Ill just get dressed"Once mum is dressed, we head to the gym where i get on the bike and post on Instagram

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Liked by alessiarusso99 and 2,985 others
Caption: @oliviabronze-walsh: well training was fun, 2 intruders though😐😉@lucybronze @keirawalsh ❤️
Sarina.weigman: your mum needs to improve her behaviour and stop blaming her daughter😂
Lucybronze: was not fun
Keirawalsh: i had loads of fun
Milliemadden_6: i quite liked the intruders, especially the skillful one😉-> keirawalsh: i like her to😉 not so sure on the defending tho -> lucybronze: i hate you -> keirawalsh: you love me
Racheldaly3: looks like i need a floght to estonia -> mbrighty4: ill join ya
Alessiarusso99: looks well fun darling hope your enjoying it

I put my phone down and go to the treadmill, we finish our gym session and we go down to the games room.

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