38. Game day

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Olivia's pov-
Today is the day. England play Netherlands, England have to win to keep Team GB's olympic hopes alive
I get woken up at 9.30
Lucy-"liv up please"
Lucy-"because were travelling to Wembley, then walking, then getting ready to go"
Lucy-"were going for breakfast but you dont have to come"
Olivia-"ill eat later"
Lucy-"you better"
Olivia-"i wil i will"
Lucy-"I know you will"
Olivia-"will i really?"
Lucy-"yes you will bronze-walsh"
I get up
Olivia-"woah shit"
Lucy-"you ok?"
Not wanting to tell her i went dizzy i just reply "yeah fine"
"You sure?" She asks wantingly
"Yes mum im fine"
"I dont believe you but ok im going for food"
"Bye mum im fine"
She leaves as Keira is already down there
I start packing some stuff
They get back
Olivia-"uh yeh"
Keira-"you better not be lying"
She comes in and stares and be with worried and concerned eyes
Olivia-"fine no i havent i packed some stuff instead"
Keira-"right well youll be eating on tje way"
Olivia-"but ma-"
Keira-"dont but mama me misses your eating"
"Fine" i coldly reply
"Dont even try and go in a mood with me, i care for you, your not going back to that place again Olivia, none of us can take that"
I walk away to the bedroom
"Dont." She sternly says as i walk out
"Whatever" i say
Keira-"olivia. Dont be rude"
"Ahh what is wrong with you today picking on me for everything!" I say starting to get angry
"Come here liv"
I cautiously walk down the stairs not knowing what to expect
Keira-"im only caring about you liv, im not letting you go like that again, especially without me knowing"
Keira-"im sorry if you feel like im picking on you im not trying to, im only trying to care, come here"
She opens her arms, i carefully walk over and wrap my arms around her
She moves her arms and i flinch
Keira-"sorry baba, i needed to itch my nose, i will never ever do that"
I dont reply and snuggle further into her
Keira-"right lets get ready to go"
Im wearing my Bronze-Walsh shirt, not caring about fans and my mum's said i could
We go onto the coach at 11.20
We arrive at Wembley, 1.57
Lucy-"right walkies"
Keira-"come on"
We go for a walk
We get back at 2.45
They have a quick training session as they have time to kill
They come in at 5.30
They have some food
I start getting ready as i know it will be cold
Mama told me they have a surprise for me
Keira-"right youll find out your surprise at the stadium"
Olivia-"ok mama"
Skip to game time
We head down to the bit where we are waiting for the lionesses to go into the changing rooms
Keira-"right liv, before we get changed we are going to show you your suprise come on"
I quickly follow mama with mum behind me
Olivia-"hurry up mum"
Im quickly taken into some posh area of the stadium
Im met with one of my favourite faces
Olivia-"LEAHHHHHHHHH!" I quickly jump into her arms
Leah-"hey you"
Olivia-"ive missed you"
Leah-"ive missed you more"
Keira-"your watching the game with leah okay?"
Olivia-"yes yes yes"
Keira-"be good you"
Leah-"say bye to your mum's
I jump down and give my mum's hugs
Olivia-"good luck mama and mum go smash it like i know you will i love you"
Lucy-"i love you more babygirl"
They leave
Leah-"come on then lets go"
I quickly skip off like a little kid
Leah-"hang on liv, remember ive done my acl"
Leah-"weve still got ages liv, do you want a drink?"
Olivia-"yeah, coke please?"
She buys me it
Skip to kick off
Olivia-"leah im scared"
Leah-"about what kiddo?"
Olivia-"this game and and mum she wasnt doing training properly and limping more"
Leah-"its probably worse because its cold liv"
The game starts
It was quite equal until The Netherlands take the lead in the 12th minute
I feel myself getting more anxious
England keep fighting but then Netherlands then score again in the 36th minute
Olivia-"come on england" i keep repeating to myself
England 0-2 Netherlands
My leg is bouncing
Leah-"theyll be okay liv, they can come back from this im sure"
I nod
Second half starts
Meado comes on for the second half
England start with energy
Goal. Georgia Stanway. 58 minutes
Olivia-"YES G COME ON"
Goal. Lauren Hemp. 60 minutes
Im nervous the rest of the game until another tooney goal at Wembley comes
Goal. Ella Toone. 90+1 minutes.
England 3-2 Netherlands
Leah-"told you"
My throat hurts but i couldnt care less
They needed that win
Leah takes me down to the pitch where i find mum struggling to walk
Olivia-"MUM! let me help you"
I take her arm round my shoulder and help her walk to the changing rooms
I know she feels weak so i tell her "your not weak mum, its okay to need help" she replies with "no because i dont even know why its so bad today i dont like it" "its probably because the cold mum" i quickly reassure her
I take her into the changing rooms and keira quickly looks up
Mum goes to speak but i cut her off
Olivia-"she was struggling to walk so i helped her"
Keira-"why didnt you say something lu?"
Lucy-"because im fine"
Olivia-"because she doesnt want people to see her as weak"
Keira-"seriously luce what have i told you"
Lucy-"the now sorry kei"
We sit down
Sarina-"well done second half girls but we need to be better, so i have brought someone to try and give you some inspiration words"
Leah walks in
Leah-"hi girls, that was a great second half but we need to control games better, start quicker, press faster you know im not blabbering onto youse you know what i mean, i cant wait to back out with all youse"
Sarina-"thanks leah that might knock something into these" she laughs
We get back on the bus and i fall asleep quickly in my mums arms
Lucy-"get good sleep babygirl i love you"
I snuggle into her telling her i heard her

How are you my mum?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora