82. 'ITS MY BURFFDAY!'~Tooney

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Olivia's pov-
Today im 15, ill prob not do anything like usual, ive never celebrated my birthday, im usually locked away and they have friends over with alcohol which is then later shoved down my throat. I wake up at 9 my phone spammed loads of people @ me in there stories, some private messages, my mum's arent in the bed, what the? Are they keeping me in here? Is this,just gonna be like my old usual birthday? I hear a knock which makes me jump
Keira-"happy birthday baba"
I domt respond not knowing what to say, no one has ever said that to me
Olivia-"im sorry i dont know how to respond to that" "no ones ever said that to me" i mumble
Keira-oh baba, you just say thank you"
I nod "thank you then mama"
Keira-"want presents?"
Keira-"yeah people buy you presents on your birthday like Christmas"
Olivia-"i havent done anything to get presents though"
Keira-"its your birthday thats what happends come on"
We go downstairs and there's presents on the floor, piled up.
Olivia-"for me?"
They nod
"I cant have these"
Lucy-"of course you can"
I shake my head so she passes me one. I hesitantly start ripping it.
Keira-"go on"
I open it and its a pandora bracelet (A/N- WILL BE SHOWING THE PRESENTS ON AN INSTAGRAM POST AT THE END!!)
They pass me the rest, i got: 2 rings, one a fidget one, a phone case, a station 19 blanket and new trainers.
Lucy-"do you like them?" I nod "i love them" i hug them both.
Keira-"glad you like them"
Lucy-"a few people are coming oger later okay?"
Lucy-"i think, rach, lessi, leah,katie, millie b, ivy, millie m, hempo, jill few others"
We have breakfast mum says the girls are coming around at about 2-5 dependent on where there staying. It gets to about 1 so i get changed into something other than my pyjamas while my mum's walk narla.
It gets to 1.30 and im doing my hair when the bell rings.
Olivia-"hang on!"
I run down the stairs, clips still in my mouth and my hair in my hands, i struggle to open the door but eventually i see rach and millie b.
I wave with my elbow.
Millie-"uh hi liv are you ok?"
My mum's walk back up the driveway and let the girls in, i go back upstairs and finish my hair when the other girls are there and katie comes over to me, im stood with mum and mama.
Katie-"IVE BROUGHT THE ALCOHOL!" The alcohol? Are they going to shove it down my throat? Make me drink it? My eyes start flickering over everything into the room, i cant hear anything and i start shaking unable to breathe, i cant focus on anything, not even mama's voice i can hear. I move back and accidentally crash into the side knocking a glass, i jump at the sound and run upstairs. I run to the bedroom and lock the door having a seriously bad panic attack. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs so i sit against the door.
Lucy-"babygirl, are you ok?"
I dont respond
Lucy-"babygirl come on talk to me"
No response, i cant move, tears streaming down my face, the worst possibilities coming to my head, shaking like mad.
Lucy-"liv move away from the door now"
I try and move "5,4,3,2,1" within seconds shes through the door and by my side helping me breathe, holding me.
Lucy-"what are 5 things you can see liv?"
Olivia-"y..y..y..you, the bed, the b..b..broken door, the tv, the floor"
Lucy-"deep breath in" "now 4 things  you can touch"
Olivia-"uhh your arm, the carpet, my jumper, your hand"
Lucy-"good deep breath in" "now 3 things you can hear"
Olivia-"y..y..you, the other people and a really annoying squeak"
Lucy-"well done babygirl keep going, deep breath in" "now 2 things you can smell"
Olivia-"uhh your prefume and y..y..your jumper"
Lucy-"well done deep breath, good, now 1 thing you can taste"
Olivia-"m..m..my tears"
Lucy-"good, how do you feel?"
Lucy-"good what happened?"
Olivia-"k..k..katie had alcohol"
Olivia-"well alcohol always made him worse a..a..and on my birthday or something t...t..theyd lock me away in my room and then theyd pour alcohol down me and force me to have it"
Lucy-"oh babygirl come here" she pulls me into a hug "we would never do anything like that to you"
I nod "come on"
I go downstairs and i open some other presents from people, everyone leaves and i sit on the sofa, i post on Instagram.

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