129. oh my im playing?

535 22 2

Olivia's pov-
A few days pass and my mums have both been back at training and momma is retreating from mum again, im not sure why she hasnt really spoken to me. Today is the Champions League final against Lyon. Ahh yay i get to see Ellie and Daan, i dont know the starting line up yet though. I wake up in my own bed actually today, i managed to stay in it. I walk into my mums room and mum is there but momma isnt, i cant hear anyone else in the house so i message her instead.
Where are you
Just out dw
momma. Come back now before i tell mum youve left
Fine jesus it was never that deep

I lock my phone and throw it across the floor, it hits the wall and slides to my door where mum is stood
Olivia-"oh erm doesnt matter"
She picks up my phone and unlocks it
Olivia-"since when did you know my code"
Lucy-"since you use that number for everything"
She looks at the messages
"Where is she?"
Olivia-"i dont know"
Lucy-"where is she?"
Olivia-"i dont know read the message!"
Lucy-"ok ok im sorry"
Olivia-"its fine"
Lucy-"im going to the bathroom" she walks out and then all of a sudden im being shouted "LIV!" i run to her bathroom
Lucy-"show me your arms" i show her my arms, there both clean "shit shit shit shit no NO!"
Olivia-"mum mum calm down what?"
She moves sideways slightly, the sink is full of blood
Olivia-"oh no"
I grab my phone from my mum and message momma again
Please come home we know what youve done momma we want to help
I cant, you cant i might aswell just jump
Jump?! Momma please no please dont where are you?

A cliff
Where momma please


Along the beach

Olivia-"mum come on quick!"
We both run to her car and she drives to the beach, we pull up at the cliffs and thankfully shes still sat there mum goes to get out but i stop her "ill go" i get out and carefully walk over "momma? Its just me liv. Please move back"
Keira-"i cant"
Olivia-"can i sit next to you?" She nods  so i sit next to her a bit further forward than her "whats going on"
Olivia-"its clearly something momma"
Keira-"theres a few things"
Olivia-"good thing im a great listener"
She sighs "its just its ona again for the first thing i just cant with her shes just a constant thought in the back of my mind everyday im terrified of lucy leaving me i just yeah a..a..and its near the end of the season a..a..a.and that means lucys contract is over and i dont know what shes going to do"
Olivia-"oh momma, i cant help you with the ona thing thats mums job i also cant really help you with either of them but i know mum will always think of you first over anyone" she nods "now show me your arms momma"
She takes her jacket off and her arms are red raw "oh momma"
Keira-"i tried, i tried to just do it a bit but that didnt really help me so now i...im here im sorry you shouldnt have to help me"
Olivia-"we always get low momma, its just about surviving the lows and getting back to the highs on about highs its the champions league final come on you have an important game to play" she smiles but its more a cheeky smile "i love you momma"
Keira-"i love you more baba, come on"
I turn around and see ona walking towards the car "momma don't turn around" mum puts her head down which makes ona walk away "come on" she gets up and we go back to the car
Keira-"im sorry luce"
Lucy-"oh kei come here baby" we all get in the car, we get back to ales who is still sleeping, my mums both cuddle up on the sofa. I go into the kitchen and make them both waffles
Olivia-"here you go"
Keira-"aw thank you sweetheart"
Lucy-"thanks babygirl"
Olivia-"hope you like them"
Keira-"babygirl where are yours?"
Olivia-"erm just in the kitchen"
Lucy-"babygirl your therapy is tomorrow"
I sit down on the opposite sofa when ale comes down
Olivia-"breakfasts in the kitchen lex"
Alexia-"thanks chica"
She sits next to me "mmmmmmmmm"
Keira-"i thought that to"
Olivia-"glad you like them"
Lucy-"come on time to get changed into training kits"
Olivia-"mummy can i?"
Lucy-"course you can"
She smirks at keira
We all go upstairs and get changed but i realise i left my tracksuit top in mums room so i walk to mums room and when i get there they both have no clothes on
Olivia-"ahhhhhh my eyessss! Put some clothes on for god sakes!"
Olivia-"seriously there was never a need for that"
Lucy-"theres every need to fuck my soon to be wife"
Olivia-"thanks for telling me what my mums are going to do" i cringe and quickly grab my tracksuit top and run out there room "fucking lucy horny bronze!"
Lucy-"i heard that!"
Olivia-"you were meant to!"
I put my top on and go downstairs
Keira-"im so sorry baba you shouldnt of seen me or your mum like that"
Olivia-"oh momma don't be silly its not like ive not seen it before"
I smirk
We all leave the house and go to the training ground where were getting collected by the coach to take us to the stadium, its Madrids Stadium. Ew. Alexia and Mapi are gonna love it.
Jonatan-"liv come here a sec"
Jonatan-"si si" i walk to the front of the coach and sit next to him "i have some very special news for you"
Olivia-"you do?"
Jonatan-"you are in the squad for today"
Olivia-"i..i i am?"
He nods "thank you gracias ah thank you gracias so much"
Jonatan-"you deserve it" i go back and see ona sat next to mum, mum is reserved in the corner of the chair "move im sat there"
Ona-"ok and?"
Olivia-"and you need to move"
Ona-"no im talking"
Olivia-"move now"
Olivia-"move now!"
Ona-"im sat here soz"
Mapi-"ona get over your humongous crush on an engaged woman and move yourself!"
She gets up so i sit down. "Thanks maps, you ok mum"
Lucy-"yeah thanks babygirl"
Olivia-"wheres momma"
Lucy-"in the bathroom"
I glare at her "the bathroom? How longs she been in there?"
She comes back "your lucky mum"
Momma sits down so i sit on her lap and nuzzle into her
Keira-"ah careful baba let me move my arm"
Olivia-"oh sorry momma i can move"
Keira-"no its ok come back"
Olivia-"did you bandage it?"
We pull up at the stadium and all get off and walk in, fans are piled up outside, we do a pitch inspection and i see Ellie and Daan
Olivia-"can i go mum please please can i go!"
Lucy-"yeah go on be quick"
I run to ellie who sees me, i jump into her arms
Ellie-"heyyyy" she says in her aussie french accent "daan daan we have a visiotor!"
Daan-"ahh hello livvvv" she has a stronger frnech accent than ellie as ellies aussie comes through sometimes especially with the number nine (ifykyk😭)
Olivia-"i need to go but ill see youse later okay"
Ellie-"of course bye darling wait is the goat playing?"
Olivia-"who Keira?"
Ellie-"no you silly"
I smirk but dont give her an answer
I go back to mum and we go into the changing rooms
Jonatan-"right the starting eleven is: Cata, Mapi, Ingrid, Frido, Bronze, Walsh, Aitana, Patri, Salma, CGH, and everyone a round of applause to our debutant BRONZE-WALSH!" Everyone claps, it takes me a minute to work out what he just said, what a minute, IM STARTING, i smile wide and mapi picks me up
Mapi-"yayyyyyyyyyy, my little bestie"
We go out to train and hear cheers
Ellie-"i see you starting then ay!" She smiles so i smile back
Olivia-"i see you are to"
Olivia-"ill see you out there" i wink and warm up, we go back in and then line up ready to walk out, its momma-me-mum on the end of the line, Mapi is our Captain.
We shake hands, i yank ellies really hard as a joke and smirk, the game starts us with kick off. The referee blows his whistle so i kick us off, the first half is a bit boring really but to be honest im so angry i shouldve scored at least 4 and ive missed every single shot. Halftime- Barcelona 0-0 Lyon. I walk into the changing rooms and punch my locker hard, my knuckles quickly start bleeding but before i can wash them the rest of the team come in so i quickly sit down and put my hand over them, once Jonatan stops speaking its time to go back out, i look at my hand my one is covered in blood the other still bleeding.
Olivia-"shit" i quickly run to the medics and ask for a bandage and wipes, they wipe my hand up and bandage it for me, when mum comes out the medics talk to her, i see them looking at me and mum nodding worriedly, she knows. She raises an eyebrow at me, she definitely knows. The second half kicks off and Lyon score. Fuck no. Corner for Barcelona, im on the edge of the box unmarked, i slightly raise my hand just so Patri can see me, she pings it across to me i quickly scan like momma does, no one is running to the ball so i take my time and take a few steps back, i volley it and it ripples into the top left corner, i run to Patri and she lifts me up. We all celebrate and i jump onto mums back
Lucy-"silyl girl" she says pointing to my hands
The game restarts. 91st minute, Momma plays a ball over the defence and i break through but then i look to my left and Ellies running at me, its me or Ellie.....
Really apologise for the cliffhanger but sorry not sorry
LEAH IS BACKK WOOOO, did you see the leah and katie hug at the end it was so cold omgggg
And i mean the performance was better but the last 20 was very scary but my bronzey and kei played better too, katie megged lj that made me giggle so hard, i hate lj. Erm laura is now invisible bc my wonze content has disappeared so there invisible, also
Who was your first mens/womens favourite player. Mine was: Men- Jonas Olsson, i loved him so much i cried when he retired and Women- Lucy Bronze, i love her so much❤️

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