She bit back her cries, feeling her bottom lip wobble.

"Are you like me?" he continued, "or do you take after your whore of a mother?"

"You killed Laura" Derek said, desperately trying to change the subject.

'We've already been over this Derek" Peter exclaimed in faux annoyance, "that was an accident. I am so terriblysorry it happened. If you had been through what I have been, you would have acted out too".

"I wouldn't kill my family".

"Wouldn't you?" Peter smirked, "I feel that you want to kill me right now".

"You're not my family" Derek growled, "not anymore".

"Harsh" he said, "we're all family. We need to stick together. You know what we need to do".

"Let her go" Derek continued, "you've done enough".

She felt Peter shrug, his grip loosening.

"If you insist".

She was so weak that, when he let go of her, she crumpled to the floor by his feet, every ounce of energy being drained away as she gripped at her arm, trying to stop the bleeding.

"The bite will change your life, Kayla. I've just given you the greatest gift of all".

Then why didn't it feel like it?

"You could've just killed her" Derek growled, "her genes-"

"Are special" Peter interrupted, "the bite won't kill her. It'll just make her who she's meant to be".

She didn't understand the cryptic crap. She was a blunt, straight-to-the-point kind of gal. She didn't have the time or the energy to decipher the meanings of things, unable to understand what the hell was good about getting bitten.

Derek, riled up and angry, partly shifted, tried to take Peter off guard by charging at him, leaping over Kayla and tackling him backwards into the wall, both rolling along the floor of the corridor.

"Stiles" Derek shouted, "get Kayla out of here and go, go NOW".

She felt as if she was suspended in time, staring blankly up at the ceiling as her entire world crumbled down around her – yet again. Her mind was whirling but at the same time she couldn't think of anything, everything just seemed to get stuck in the cogs, as if her brain needed oiling. Unable to process what was happening around her, oblivious to the destructive fighting happened five feet behind her.

It wasn't long until a pair of gentle arms helped coax her up, half lifting her to her unsteady feet and she barely recognised Stiles' panicked voice trying to penetrate her mind.

"Kayla? Kayla? Are you okay?" he asked in worry, trying to coax her back to the present, "hey, can you hear me?"

Something about him drew her back, blinking back to the sudden and painful reality she was thrust into – everything she thought she knew about the world, and her family, being thrown into the air and she was left scrambling to pick up the pieces.

She didn't know what to say, frail and delicate in his grasp as he held her up, his warm brown eyes scared and concerned, swirling with anxiety.

"We... we need to help Derek" she murmured, fear welling up in her chest as she heard the fighting and knew Derek didn't stand a chance. If Peter wanted to kill him, he would. He had already killed Laura, what was stopping him from killing his nephew? She was not going to lose Derek, not like she had lost everyone else.

"Derek will be fine, we have to go" Stiles told her, beginning to pull and guide her down the corridor.

"But-" she protested weakly, trying to crane her neck to see what was going on but Stiles was determined, half carrying her down the corridor.

I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite) // Stiles Stilinski x OCWhere stories live. Discover now