Chapter 32

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"What you saw with Beau, he ambushed me with that kiss".

his face hardening "you can kiss whoever you want. Just don't call me and expect me to save you next time".

His words stung, and I drew back instinctively.

"I'm sorry for calling you, but I never asked you to come round. I don't need you to save me from anyone. I can handle Beau".

But Leo remained tense and rigid, his shoulders hunched "I don't understand why he was there in the first place, but it really is none of my business" he finally spoke, cutting off my attempt at an explanation.

"Leo, he—" I began, but he wouldn't let me finish.

His voice turned cold and distant. "Well again congratulations. I guess this concludes our dealings". He held out his hand for me to shake, but there was no warmth or sincerity in the gesture.

In a moment of rage, I smacked it away. "A fucking handshake? I can't believe you right now", I said, frustrated "I forgave you after what you did, which was a damn sight worse".

In a flat tone, he stated "I just think we're two very different people, Bella".

"That's true, because you're clearly a dickhead", I said with conviction, though my voice betrayed the disappointment I felt.

He didn't reply, instead turning on his heel and striding out of the café without looking back. The sound of his footsteps echoed loudly in the empty space, leaving me standing there alone with my emotions in turmoil.

As I walked back to my car, I made a silent vow to myself that I would never allow another man to treat me with the disrespect and disregard that Beau had shown me, or to make me feel as worthless and insignificant as Leo had.

A week had gone by, and things were moving quickly. Vincent was using everything at his disposal to acquire Crystal Clear, but Hasan assured me it was safe. I had spent a lot of time thinking about my decision, and I was certain of it; I needed to speak to Grace.

I walked towards the shop, glancing through the window to see Grace and Meera working together seamlessly. The door chimed as I entered, and both of them greeted me with huge grins before wrapping me in a group hug.

"You two seem to have everything under control here".

"Well, Meera opened up since we knew you wouldn't", Grace teased.

I fidgeted nervously, unsure of how they would react. "That's why I'm here, I guess. I want to talk to you both about something. I think it would be best for Meera and you to run the shop instead of me and you. It's obvious that you two work better together".

"I couldn't do that", Meera protested. "This is your family's legacy, Bella".

I looked around the shop. "Yes, but it never really felt like mine. I've always felt like I was just taking care of it for my grandma. And now...I don't want to do it anymore".

"But you love this place Bella" Grace chimed in.

"I do, and I always will. But I also want to do something for myself. I've never lived outside of Whistlebury, let alone left the UK. It's time for me to explore more than just this village, now that we know it's safe".

"Are you sure?" Grace asked.

"There's no one I trust more than you", I said, hugging her tightly.

After some convincing, they agreed with my decision, and there was one more stop on my list: my grandma's house.

I arrive at my grandmas. She was very welcoming after hearing the good news. It felt false to me and made what I had to say easier. We sat together in the living room, and I realised that we hadn't done this for a long time.

"I am so happy Bella; I wish I could see that Vincent's face" she grinned.

"I'm sure it's a sight to behold", I replied, picking at my nails nervously.

"Is everything alright? I thought you'd be just as ecstatic as I am".

"That's the thing, Grandma. I am thrilled about Crystal Clear, but all of this has made me realise that I need to step back from it".

"What do you mean?" Her eyebrows furrowed, pulling her wrinkles closer together in confusion.

"I mean...I'm giving control of the shop to Grace. Let's face it, she's better at running things than I ever was. And Meera is on board as well. I've decided to go traveling for a while", I said.

"Traveling? But you love the shop", she said, perplexed.

"That's what everyone keeps telling me. Look, Hasan is nothing like Vincent; he understands how much this shop means to us. Plus, Meera would keep him in line if he didn't. I need to do this for myself. I leave for Scotland on Wednesday and then I'll take the ferry to Amsterdam, I think. Please don't try to change my mind, just try to understand", I said determinedly.

She paused, lost in thought, before turning to me and taking my hands in hers. "I was so focused on making the shop a success that I forgot it was. I had years to live out my dream and it wasn't fair of me to expect the same from you. I'm so proud of you, Bella", she said gently stroking my hands. "And while I will miss you, I do understand. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith and now it's your turn".

She let go of my hands and handed me The Chariot card. "I had a feeling this was coming". she said with a smile.

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