Chapter 11

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Grace nudged me with her elbow, her mouth still full of nuts from the bar. "I can't believe it; she doesn't even really seem that sad", she muttered between bites.

"I know, but I understand. She's spent the best part of 20 years slogging away in that café and now she's finally pursuing what she wants to do", I replied, my eyes fixed on Mrs Fairchild.

"Wait, Bella, you don't feel that way about Crystal Clear, do you?" Grace questioned.

"No of course not" I really was feeling torn.

"That look in your eyes just now told me a different story, but I'm in it as long as you are", Grace said with determination.

I changed the subject, not wanting to delve into my inner turmoil. "Same again, Grace?"

"No, too much gin gives me a headache. Can you get me a cider please? I'm just nipping to the loo", she requested before quickly making her way through the crowded pub.

I caught the barmaid's attention and ordered our drinks. "One Rhubarb and Raspberry Gin with a splash of lemonade and a Whistlebury Gold please", I said with a smile.

"Coming right up. Table five is leaving soon then we'll get you seated for food", the barmaid replied before heading off to fulfil our order.

"Thanks", I said under my breath before taking a long sip of my drink - sweet and refreshing against my tongue.

Suddenly, I felt a hand lightly squeeze my shoulder.

"Hey Bella", came a familiar voice slurred by alcohol.

I turned to face an intoxicated Beau. "Please don't start with me", I said firmly while roughly removing his hand from my shoulder.

"I miss you; you were the best thing in my life" he snivelled causing me to cringe involuntarily.

"That's why you ended up in bed with another woman, because I was the best thing in your life, right" I said sarcastically, feelings of anger and betrayal still fresh.

"How many times do I have to apologise? Just come outside and talk, I can't hear myself think in here", Beau pleaded, his words stumbling over each other.

"That's not the noise Beau, that's the rum", I replied.

His hand gripped my arm, pulling me off the bar stool with surprising strength. I struggled against him, feeling the urgent need to escape.

"Get off!" I yelled, trying to pry his fingers away.

My nails dug into his skin, but he seemed unbothered by it as he dragged me towards the door. Like a rag doll, I followed along, my heart racing.

As we reached the exit and he pushed open the door, we collided with someone entering. A brief moment of chaos ensued as harsh words were exchanged between the two men.

"What's going on here? Are you okay, Bella?" a familiar voice cut through the tension.


A mix of nervousness and excitement washed over me at the sight of him. I hated how things turned ugly between us.

Before I could even speak, Leo had already stepped in and grabbed Beau's arm, taking note of my body language and expression.

"She doesn't want to go with you, let her go", Leo said firmly.

But Beau's grip on my arm only tightened slightly as he sneered at Leo. "Fuck off, this is nothing to do with you townie".

"I won't ask again, let go of her", Leo repeated, his jaw clenched in determination despite his attempt at a blank expression.

Beau refused to budge, his nostrils flaring in anger. Without hesitation, Leo forcefully removed his hand from my arm, causing me to recoil and rub where he had grabbed me. They stood for a few seconds sizing each other up. Beau wasn't a fighter, and I could see this wouldn't end well for him. I did him one last favour and stepped in front of Leo with my back to Beau.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. Can we just leave please?" I pleaded with Leo.

Leo's gaze shifted from me to Beau before he finally spoke in a low tone, "sure, let's go".

"Move, Beau!" I demanded, feeling increasingly anxious about the situation.

Finally seeing sense, he stepped aside with a sneer directed at Leo. "Fucking townies".

As we left the pub and stepped into the cool air, I couldn't help but glance around and behind us, on edge from the confrontation. I quickly unbuttoned my coat as I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead. I was never one to back down from a verbal argument, but I despised physical violence.

"Are you okay? Who was that?" Leo asked, concern evident in his voice.

"My idiot of an ex". I apologised, feeling guilty for bringing him into our drama.

"Don't apologise. He was way out of line", Leo reassured me with a gentle hand on my shoulder.

We both stood there awkwardly for a moment before trying to speak at the same time.

"Look, I'm..." we began simultaneously before gesturing for the other to go ahead.

"Sorry", we said in unison before sharing a small smile.

"Fancy walking me home? I asked, adding "Unless you have something else going on". I was unsure of what had happened to Grace. "Of course, don't feel obligated if you're busy. It's not a long walk or anything—" Before I could finish my rambling., he interrupted me.

"I would love to escort you back", he said with a wry smile.

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