Chapter 3

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The remainder of the day was spent organising and putting things back in their proper places. We were both sombre as we came to terms with the fact that we could soon lose this place. I could sense that Grace was feeling the same way.

We decided we needed fuel and comfort as we needed to go through a SWOT analysis. It was a tiresome but necessary task to assess our small business' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. I bundled up and headed over to For Goodness Cakes, known for their delicious, sweet treats and freshly made desserts.

"Good afternoon, Bella. What can I get for you today?" asked Mr Lockheart with his trademark friendly grin.

He was a round, jovial man with a height that matched his width. His baking skills were unrivalled for miles around, earning him numerous awards at local fairs. His wife, Mrs Lockheart, was the complete opposite; tall and slender with sharp features that could give her a fierce appearance, but it was just her natural expression. She was just as friendly as her husband.

The air was filled with the warm aroma of freshly baked goods, making my mouth water in anticipation.

"Well", I said, tapping my finger against my lips as I looked hungrily at all the baked goods on display.

The door opened behind me, revealing a stranger far too young to be part of the coach trip.

The man's perfectly tailored navy suit and crisp white shirt exuded a sense of professionalism and authority. His sharp jawline and carefully styled dark hair gave him a handsome appearance, but the stern set of his brows and tightness around his mouth hinted at a coldness within.

His eyebrow shot up as he noticed me noticing him and I quickly averted my eyes back to the cakes. As a blush crept up, I readjusted my scarf to hide my cheeks.

"I'm not sure what to get today, it's going to be a late one", I mused.

"I baked these Belgian Buns this morning and if I say so myself, they are probably the best I've ever made" Mr Lockhart proudly recommended.

Sold, I ordered two of those and four brownie batter filled donuts, struggling to choose between an Eccles Cake or a Liverpool Tart.

"Ahem" was spoken in a tone that was neither amused nor patient, but rather impatient and annoyed. I chose to ignore it and set my sights on the Cherry Bakewell's.

"Excuse me, but I have somewhere to be. Can you speed this up? It can't be that difficult to choose a cake when you already have 10 boxed up", the man sneered from behind me.

Glaring at him, I spun around on my heel and rolled my eyes at his condescending attitude.

"Actually, there are only six and I was here first", I quipped.

Turning back to Mr Lockhart, I ordered two Cherry Bakewell's. I looked at the man with a fake smile plastered on my face. He pretended to be interested in the specials board, refusing to look my way as he impatiently tapped his foot. Mr. Lockhart tried to lighten the mood with some jokes, but the man barely acknowledged him.

How rude!

I felt agitated as I grabbed my bag and the man let out another exasperated huff. He muttered something under his breath as I reached for the door handle.

"Finally, Augustus Gloop", he grumbled.

I turned to him with my mouth hanging open. "Excuse me", I said in disbelief. "Did you just call me fat?!"

"What? No, I-" he stuttered, his face turning red.

"You are incredibly rude and impatient. And who are you to comment on someone's weight when you're not exactly Mr Skinny yourself?" I spat out the words as Mr Lockheart slowly retreated into his kitchen for safety.

The insult didn't make any sense since he clearly had a broad physique, and I suspected some abs under his clothes as well.

"You've got it all wrong. I wasn't calling you fat. I meant it in jest".

"I'm clearly not laughing Mr Funny".

"Can you please stop calling me Mr Skinny and Mr Funny? My name is Leo, and it was just meant to be a light-hearted joke. You know, with all these desserts, it's surprising that your figure is still so petite".

His eyes quickly travelled down my body before returning to my gaze for a moment before looking away.

"Fine, whatever", I said dismissively, suddenly distracted by the subtle scent of his aftershave- an intoxicating mix of wood and citrus. I quickly snapped out of my daze, nodded at him, and left to return to Grace before he could say anything else.

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