Chapter 9

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With a tense smile, I thanked Vincent for his time before following Leo to the lift. Grace's eyes flicked between us, and she seemed to sense the brewing storm.

"Well, no one can say that you both aren't passionate about your little witchy voodoo shop".

Grace looked at me with disbelief but said nothing. In fact, she shook her head at me knowing what was coming next.

Yes, this could jeopardise our position. And yes, I am going to do it anyway.

I shot back without hesitation "If it wasn't obvious that you had no idea what you're talking about before it certainly is crystal clear now".

He scoffed "Crystal Clear, I mean, come on. When my father mentioned your little shop, I thought he was joking". Leo's smirk only fuelled me.

"And why is that?" I demanded, my temper rising with each passing second.

Grace frantically pressed the button for our floor as she tried to diffuse the tension.

"I don't think Leo means anything by it", she stammered.

"But I do", he retorted. "How can any rational adult believe a mere piece of cardboard can predict their future? It's absurd".

Grace's eyes widened in shock as she shot me a warning look. But I was done holding back.

The lift doors opened, and I stormed in followed by the two of them. I tried to settle my thoughts but couldn't.

3, 2, 1, it's showtime Bella.

"You've got some nerve", I seethed. "Who do you think you are, mocking me just because you're a successful investor? Well, let me tell you something: I don't need a piece of cardboard to tell me you're arrogant, closed-minded, and truly pathetic".

"Both of you need to calm down", Grace pleaded.

"I am perfectly calm", I lied through gritted teeth. "And calm enough to know that we won't be needing any assistance from this impudent man in the future".

That's it Bella, cut off your nose to spite your face.

Leo mirrored my stance, his arms folded in front of him. "That's fine by me", he sneered. "Why would I want to help a woman who shows up to a meeting with ripped clothes, breakfast stains on her shirt, and hair that looks like she was pulled through a hedge backwards".

"Oh god" said Grace covering her face with her hands.

"You are insufferably rude, Bella", Leo spat. "And I'm frankly amazed your business has survived this long under your incompetent leadership".

The lift dinged and the doors opened, but I didn't wait for them to fully slide open before barrelling past Leo and making a beeline for the revolving doors.

That arrogant bastard! How dare he!

I glanced down at my shirt, only now noticing the blob of peanut butter staining the fabric. But it didn't matter anymore.

I dreaded telling my grandmother what had happened. As I sulked back to my car, I called my mum for support. She sympathised with me and couldn't believe Leo's audacity, but she also scolded me for losing my cool. And deep down, I knew she was right. He had gotten under my skin and caused me to lose control.

I needed to relax and clear my mind. After arriving home, I closed the door behind me and immediately made my way to the bathroom. Turning on the tap, I filled the tub with warm water and poured in some soothing bubble bath. My eyes fell upon the delicate Rose Quartz elephant sitting on the windowsill, a souvenir from my mother's trip to India. Whether it was real or just a figment of my imagination, it always brought me comfort during times like these.

As I settled into the tub, I heard my phone ping. A few messages came through from Grace, but I wasn't in the mood to talk about today's events.

The hot water helped ease my tense muscles and I let out a contented sigh. But it didn't last long.

That close-minded, cynical pig. "Stop", I said out loud to myself.

His words were plaguing my mind, and I couldn't shake them off. Why was I letting it bother me so much? It wasn't anything new; Mrs Godwin used to come by the shop daily just to criticise it. Except this time, it was different - I had ultimately sentenced the shop to its inevitable closure, and I had no one else to blame but myself.

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