Chapter 22

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"Oh honey", she said, moving to envelop me in a Grace hug, but I held out my hands, shaking my head.

"I'm fine, Grace, honestly. It was a line we shouldn't have crossed, and whatever we started, it's over now".

She nodded sympathetically. "So, everything's squared away with the paperwork?"

"Yeah, we've got a meeting on Friday with the whole crew, so that'll be... interesting", I noted with a derisive tone.

"Another cup of tea?" she offered, already heading towards the kitchen.

I'd avoided my grandma like the plague and Grace took the bullet for me by dealing with her. The week past with little interruptions.

To be fair to Grace, I opened up every day on time, though it was somewhat pointless; collectively, we had nine customers in four days. I started working on our new website to attract customers from beyond Whistlebury. I was so engrossed in revising the layout for the third time on my laptop at the counter that I barely registered the door chime.

"Bella, can we talk?"

My head jerked up, and I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Leo, what are you doing here?"

He glanced around, his eyes not settling on anything, a look of discomfort on his face.

"This is important. I need to speak with you before the meeting on Friday".

I snapped the laptop shut. "About what, Leo? The fact that you've been ignoring me? I get it, you regret what happened. Well, so do I. Let's not discuss it; let's just move on and pretend we haven't seen each other naked".

"You regret it?" he asked, his jaw clenching.

"Of course, I do", I replied in a subdued tone.

"Bella", he said, his voice almost pleading.

Grace returned, inhaling sharply when she saw Leo.

"Here's your tea. Everything okay, Bella?" She didn't take her eyes off him.


"Right, I'll be in the back if you need me", she said, giving him a formidable stare.

With a cold nod of acknowledgement, I brushed past him without making eye contact. I slammed book after book onto the display stand, trying to focus on anything but his presence. But then his hand caught mine as I reached for another book, and my body heated up instantly. I quickly pulled away, afraid that my primal desires would give me away.

Seven of Swords. Would I betray myself?!

"Can you just stop a minute, please".

"Leo, please leave", I managed to say firmly.

"I just—" he began before I cut him off.

"Just go", I repeated, turning back to the till with my head bowed, pretending to be busy.

"Fine, have it your way. As for reaching out, it works both ways Bella. You never contacted me either and honestly, I don't know what you want from me since you regret it anyway", he said bitterly before finally leaving again.

I kept myself occupied with work, desperately trying to hold back tears that threatened to spill over at any moment. Grace could sense my distress and tried to comfort me with kind words and hugs, but I pushed her away. It was ridiculous to feel this way - our friendship had been short-lived and our affair even shorter. There was no reason for me to feel so torn up inside.

Before I knew it, closing time had arrived and Grace returned with a box of sugary treats.

"These are for you to take home", she told me kindly. "If I can't offer physical comfort, at least let me offer you some sweetness".

"You're the best", I said with a dampened smile before heading home with my box of goodies. As soon as I unlocked the door, my eyes were drawn to the rug where memories of Leo and I flooded my mind once again. I made a mental note to burn that rug before running myself a bath.

The room filled with the scent of pomegranate, raspberry, and pink pepper as I eased myself into the bathtub, savouring the warmth and comfort it provided. I held a donut in one hand and a brownie in the other, indulging in the sugary goodness and trying to push away any thoughts of Leo. I told myself that Friday would be strictly professional from now on, and I meant it.

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