Chapter 1

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Walking down the uneven cobbled road, I couldn't help but notice the changes that had taken place on Tib Street. The once bustling street, filled with small family-owned businesses, was now almost unrecognisable. The familiar sights and sounds that I had grown up with were slowly disappearing.

I passed by yet another 'for sale' sign. Mrs Fairchild's café, a staple in our town for decades, was now gone. I shook my head with desolation, knowing that there was not much else left here. It seemed like every time I walked down this road, there was something new to mourn. We were still hanging on though, barely.

As I turned the corner, I caught a glimpse of Mrs Godwin already standing at the door like a sprinter waiting for the starting gun. I glanced down, knowing that if she had her way, she would keep me trapped in conversation for at least an hour.

"Bella, Bella dear!" she called out in her falsely sweet old lady voice. She was anything but innocent.

"Sorry Mrs Godwin, can't stop today. I have to open up shop", I said quickly as I walked by, giving her a small wave.

She looked at me with disappointment but let me continue on my way. She was always prying in the most passive aggressive manner. I knew she wanted to gossip about the café and I also knew she had tried, unsuccessfully, to convince others that my shop needed to be rebranded to fit her idea of traditional values. I didn't want to be rude to her, but I didn't have time for her two-faced behaviour.

As I approached the shop, I noticed the shutters were up, revealing shimmering window displays of shiny stones that glinted as the sunlight caught them.

Grace's here, shit.

My business partner and friend, Grace, was there waiting for me. This was the third time she had covered for me as I struggled with punctuality. We always had a hard time separating our friendship from our business partnership, which made it difficult for her to reprimand me when we both know I deserved it.

It felt like being a child again, about to be scolded by a parent for doing something I knew I shouldn't have done, except this time I knew I should have been on time.

"Hey Grace" I said casually as I unwrapped the snake of a scarf from my neck. The lavender incense she was burning filled the shop with a calming smell that didn't match her irritated mood.

"Don't hey me, where have you been? It's 10am. You were supposed to be here hours ago.
Thea came by for her incense and called me".

"I'm sorry, I was working on some things last night and lost track of time. She has them now, right? And let's be real, the smell of white sage doesn't really go well with fish and chips anyway".

I began unnecessarily rearranging the tarot cards avoiding her glare.

"It's not funny, she's one of our best customers. When we became partners, I expected us to share the workload equally, but lately it feels like you're not pulling your weight".

I put on my best apologetic face and promised to be more punctual in the future. But deep down, I knew it was a promise I would likely break again.

"What's that on your face?" Grace asked with a hint of amusement in her voice.

Panicked, I frantically felt around my face for some foreign object.

"Oh, it's just your nose growing", she teased.

"Ha-ha I replied rolling my eyes "speaking of Thea, chippy tea, my treat obviously".

"I hate that you can win me round with food, yes".

"No post this morning?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's on the counter, I'll make us a cup of tea. There are a few coaches coming from Sheffield today so we should be busy".

I nodded while examining the crystal packs we'd ordered. "These look a bit too gimmicky don't you think" I shouted through to the back room.

"Look fine to me, put them in the window, we need to try and sell as many as we can today" Grace replied.

Business just wasn't picking up lately and we'd been avoided the conversation that we really needed to have.

Strange AttractionsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora