Chapter 14

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The number of times I checked my phone was criminal.

I tried to distract myself by cleaning the cottage and organising things, but as soon as my phone pinged, I practically ran over to the kitchen counter to see his message, nearly falling over the armchair.

I cringed at myself but couldn't type in my password fast enough to read his response.

I'm free, I was thinking we could meet at Delisford Park instead though? I've been reading about the history and you're from here, so I was wondering whether you'd like to be my tour guide. I'll make it worth your while. I know you like your deserts.

His mention of dessert made me smile.

my reply was almost instant.

It's a deal, see you then.

We quickly finalised our plans and I mentally wished he had used the word "date" instead of just a casual outing although I would never admit it out loud.

I frantically rummaged through my wardrobe, tossing clothes haphazardly as I searched for the perfect outfit. We would be climbing to the top of the hill, so I'd need my boots. The effort of searching in such a flurry left me overheated, and I collapsed back onto my bed in a flustered heap, kicking the piles of clothes onto the floor.

"It's not a date", I repeated to myself in an attempt to calm my racing thoughts.

I'd pick something casual tomorrow. My eyes felt heavy, and I lazily reached for the bedside light. Thoughts I didn't want to have swirled through my mind as I fought them back, finally drifting into a deep sleep.

My alarm woke me as it shouted passive aggressively at me after I'd snoozed it the second time. I rolled over stretching my muscles and yawned feeling fully rested. It was just past 9:30am, and I already had a selfie from Grace and a picturesque photo of her and Meera at Coulstone Lake waiting for me on my phone. But then, I noticed it.

"Grace!" I scolded her mentally. "I told you not to wear that raincoat!"

She looked like a toddler who had dressed herself, but her smile was infectious, and I couldn't help but be happy for her.

I quickly retied my hair as it had escaped from its bun during my restless night's sleep before heading downstairs. The chilly air made the hairs on my arms stand up, and I hurried to start a fire in the fireplace. The flickering orange and yellow flames danced across the logs like tiny ghosts.

As my stomach rumbled, I thought about the day ahead. I usually didn't have much of an appetite in the mornings, but if we were going around Delisford Park, I would need some fuel. It had been quite some time since I had been on a hike or long walk, and I couldn't help but wonder if Leo would notice how out of shape I was compared to his athletic build.

I settled for jam and toast with a cup of tea. It never tasted quite as good as when Grace made it, but it would do. As I pottered about, I noticed the cows lying together in the pasture behind my cottage, and I quickly dressed for rain. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sceptical look Leo would give me.

As I snuggled into the couch, ready to binge-watch some shows before our meeting, my phone rang. To my ever-ending regret I answered without checking the caller ID.

"Bella, you know you have a meeting with Leo today, right?" The voice on the other end berated.

"Of course, it's not until 2pm", I replied.

"Why is it so late? I want all the details ironed out and assurance that Crystal Clear is secure", she said urgently.

"I don't know, he suggested we meet at Delisford Park", I explained.

There was a pause on the other end, followed by an exasperated sigh.

"Bella, why are you meeting at Delisford Park? This is a serious matter and you're going for a leisurely walk?" She asked in a patronising tone.

My annoyance boiled over, spilling out of my mouth as I gritted my teeth and spoke to her in a tone laced with frustration.

"This is where Leo wanted to meet, but I'm sick of the way you always talk down to me. I am not a child. If you want control of Crystal Clear, just say so and I'll gladly step aside".

With a heavy sigh, I hung up the phone, feeling both saddened and relieved at the same time. That was the first time I had been so harsh with her. Of course, she immediately called my mum who then called me, trying to mediate the situation. But I stood firm, refusing to back down as my mother understood and promised to have a talk with her own mother.

In an attempt to distract myself, I threw myself into tidying up the cottage. As I lost track of time, my phone buzzed with a new message from Leo, patiently waiting for me to open it.

Setting off soon, meet you there x

I couldn't help but fixate on the kiss symbol at the end of his message. It was a simple gesture, but it made my heart flutter with excitement and confusion. This was a professional meeting. I quickly composed myself, adjusting my hat and coat as I headed for the car, trying to push away any conflicting thoughts about where this could lead.

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