Chapter 29

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We reached Honeybee Haven and a silence lingered in the air. I tried to ignore the familiar stirrings of enjoyment in his company, knowing it would only complicate things further. As we sat in the car, I couldn't help but debate whether or not to invite him inside. But then I remembered the repercussions of my last decision and decided it was best to stay on safe ground.

Turning to him, I braced myself for more bad news.

"Not that this could get much worse, but if it's more bad news, I'm opening this Crunchie right now".

He shook his head. "It's not... well, I don't think it is". His finger grazed lightly over his lips, and I couldn't help but bite my own as memories of our last kiss flooded back.

"I want to help you", he stated firmly. "We'll fight this together. We'll take our case to The Hearings Committee, and if need be, The Takeover Appeal Board. My father will have the best team of solicitors money can buy, but if you believe that Crystal Clear is worth saving, then I will do everything in my power to help". His serious expression softened as he gauged my reaction.

I couldn't hide the shock on my face. "Help us? Why? Does your dad know about this?"

"He does" he nodded "obviously he's not happy about it, but it's the right thing to do, I think".

"But why? It's not going to benefit you or your company. And you've even admitted before that you don't believe in any of this".

"That's true. But you do. And for some reason, what you think of me matters". He paused, searching my eyes. "I know right now you hate me, and I want to change that".

His words felt honest and sincere, despite his typically blunt delivery.

My voice faltered as I spoke, trying to sound threatening. "So, you're feeling guilty and now you want to play the role of Mr Saviour? Don't fuck with me because I am on the edge and if you think the worst I can do is run you over, then you are gravely mistaken".

Whoa, slow down there Goodfellas, I don't want to end up in the boot of your car, they'll be no need for violence. I really do want to help he said with a mix of amusement and sincerity.

I chose to ignore his remark and continued, "I'm glad we have an understanding", even though I knew I sounded ridiculous making empty threats.

"So, are you on board?" he asked.

"Yes, we've got nothing else to lose, it's worth trying, isn't it? I could feel my stubborn resolve begin to crumble. "Thank you", I said with a hint of gratitude in my voice, "I know it can't be easy going against your dad's wishes".

His gaze remained focused ahead. "It's been a long time in the making. He's made choices for the company that I haven't agreed with before, but I've kept my opinions to myself. I can't stay silent this time".

I should probably feel thankful, I thought to myself as my emotional barrier weakened under his gaze. His intense grey eyes and genuine smile were enough to break through any defences I had left.

"You're more than welcome. I can't make promises, but I'll try.

I nodded in acknowledgment.

"So, I guess I'll leave you to your sugar feast, Auggie", he said, glancing at the bags on the back seat.

He reached for the handle, and I spoke without thinking.

"You don't have to go", I said, my voice a mix of nerves and curiosity. His gaze lingered on me, my eyes holding a promise of something more, my body language clearly conveying my intent.

Leo's face was etched with uncertainty and hesitation as our eyes met. He'd made his decision. With a regretful smile, he declined my invitation.

"I don't think that's a good idea. We really shouldn't blur the lines any more than we already have", he said, sounding disappointed yet resolute.

My heart sank like a heavy anchor, pulling me down into the ground. I longed for the earth to open up and swallow me whole in that moment.

I quickly looked away. "Sure yeah, I have to go. Talk soon".

Before he could utter another word, I hastily exited the car. But he was right behind me, eager to speak his piece.

"It's not you —"

"Right, it's you. Save it, Leo. Honestly, I thought you were above using lines like that", I snapped, my voice cracking. "I understand wanting to maintain boundaries", I added as I grabbed my bags and slammed the door shut, refusing to look back at him.

"I better go", he said quietly.

As he walked away, abandoning me once again, I watched his retreating figure with a mix of resignation and disappointment.

Finally reaching the safety of my cottage, I shut the door behind me. Even the thought of indulging in my favourite treats couldn't lift my spirits now. The rejection from Leo had hit me harder than I expected. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Yes, saving Crystal Clear was important to me, but was it worth facing him again? The ache in my chest told me otherwise.

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