Chapter 5

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"There's nothing much to tell. He's the idiot from earlier".

"Wait, you didn't mention how disgustingly handsome he was. It should be illegal to look that good", she said with a dreamy tone.

"Eh, he's alright. Nothing special", I shrugged.

"This is why you need to date outside of our small village. You're too used to beer bellies and plaid shirts. Give me a man in a suit any day".

"Beau didn't dress like a farmer", I joked, pretending to take offense.

"True, but he does have a beer belly and a temper", she admitted sheepishly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that".

"Well, it's not a lie is it" I said turning the open sign to closed. "Do you want me to lock up?" I said half-heartedly.

"No, go home. But don't be late opening tomorrow, Bella!" She warned, crossing her arms.

"I won't", I promised as I wrapped my scarf around my neck and snuggled into it for warmth.

I made sure to avoid Tib Street, in case Mrs Godwin was lurking in the shadows. The evening air was cool but refreshing, brushing through my hair as I made my way back to Honeybee Haven - my little sanctuary. It was a quaint cottage, cosy and all mine.

My phone buzzed in my bag, and I rummaged through the cluttered contents to find it. A familiar voice startled me, causing me to stumble back slightly.

"Do you need my spare key, Bella?" Beau's outstretched hand offered the key to my cottage.

I glared at him, lips pressed in contempt as I resisted the urge to snatch it from him.

"Why do you still have a key? Did you get another one cut?"

His response was a drunken stumble towards me, gripping the key to his chest like a precious secret.

"Don't be weird, just give it to me", I spat out, my patience running thin.

But he didn't listen, swaying unsteadily before falling into the gate with a loud crash.

"You're drunk, again. I'll call you a taxi", I said, moving towards him to help him up.

"No, I don't want to go, I want to talk. I'm sick of being dismissed" his words were barely coherent.

"It's been a long day; I can't do this with you right now. Please just leave" I sighed in frustration.

I've missed you", he leaned forward, his breath reeking of alcohol and desperation.

"You miss being taken care of. I've told you it's over" I said firmly, my voice laced with bitterness.

He laughed bitterly in response. "Did the tarot cards tell you that?"

My blood boiled at his mocking tone, remembering all the times he had lied and cheated on me.

"No, you told me, when I found you passed out in the bathroom again, almost choking on your own vomit. You told me when the work friend you said not to worry about was the woman you had an affair with", I spat out each word like venom.

He stood frozen in place looking like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

"Leave, Beau", I commanded sternly, my eyes burning with anger and hurt.

"Okay Bella, but we will talk about this", he garbled, clumsily pushing himself up and teetering on the edge of falling back into the gate.

"Wait", I said sharply, holding out my hand for the key.

He walked over to me and held it out before coldly dropping it at my feet.

"See you around, Bella", he mumbled as he stumbled away into the duskiness.

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