Chapter 27 (Leo's POV)

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She allowed me to speak, but her eyes were empty and distant. There was no emotion present as she stood before me, lost in thought.

"I'm going to make this right, I promise".

She forced a smile, but it was hallow. Her arms hung lifelessly by her sides. She had nothing else to say, nothing to give. After one last look, she mechanically got back into her car and drove away, leaving me reeling.

I would have preferred for her to passionately shout at me instead of looking at me with those vacant eyes.

I booked an Uber and headed to my destination. I had one place in mind. I scrolled through her messages and was tempted to send one but thought better of it then the taxi arrived.

"Here's fine" I said as we stopped outside the elaborately decorated pompous house.

I always thought it looked tasteless, but it didn't look out of place on the street. They all blended into one another, the next one more peacocky than the last. In some strange competition with each other of who earns more.

"Argh, Leonardo, I was about to leave", my father greeted me with surprise as I arrived.

"It's important", I replied with a serious tone.

"Is that so?" he queried "well then you better come in son".

He invited me inside and offered a drink, which I declined. We both knew why I was there.

"Today was a shit show to put it lightly".

He swirled his glass arrogantly, "it went as expected. The young girl was escorted out I believe".

I couldn't keep up this façade any longer - I needed to tell him that we couldn't continue like this. He dismissed Bella as just a business deal.

"You know full well her name is Bella".

He sat across from me "I may be old, but I'm not blind. I can see you have formed some attachment to this Bella, but this is business. You know as well as I do their shop will not survive. We are giving the majority what they want. Will it please everyone, of course not. In time she will see we were right".

"There is no 'we', I stated firmly, growing tense. "You knew I hadn't read the contract, that's why you were so desperate for her to sign".

He shrugged in that annoying oh well way he always did. Completely unbothered by my revelation.

"Oh, to be young", he mocked. "You made the same mistake she did, but don't portray me as the villain here. I'm turning Crystal Clear into something profitable. We can even keep the name. What about Crystal Clear Bargains?" His tone was contemptuous. A savage smirk played on his lips as he stared me down.

"You never change", I said, meeting his gaze with determination.

"And you should", he retorted, reminding me that this was the corporate world and there was no room for sentimentality.

I stood up sharply "we'll be seeing you in court then" the words escaped me.

He laughed at my threat and warned me not to say such ridiculous things. But I stood my ground.

I didn't waver, the veins in my neck throbbed and my jaw clenched. I was struggling to control my emotions. Our eye contact intensified, and I made sure he knew I was deadly serious.

"We'll be changing the terms of the contract", I declared confidently. "This company will weigh you down with debt - is it really worth it?"

My father's smirk only grew as he challenged me.

"Leonardo, I love you and you are my son, but if you continue with this foolishness, I will have no choice but to crush you, figuratively speaking".

"Your arrogance is astounding" I said through clenched teeth.  I couldn't let him win by using his power and wealth against me.

"If that's what it takes to show you, I am not a man to be trifled with then so be it. I wish you all the luck, you will need it".

He spun away from me and carelessly snatched his coat. "I am a fair man. Just agree to end this foolishness and we can put it behind us".

I was really trying to contain my anger. "I can't do that".

A smirk tugged at his lips. "Is that all? How disappointing". He sneered, taunting me.

My hands curled into fists as I forced myself to remain calm. "For now", I growled before storming away.

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