Chapter 24

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"Thank you all for coming in today, I also share Mr De Luca's sentiment and don't see the point in delaying the inevitable. Crystal Clear may be sentimental to you all and as much as I love seeing women empowered in the workplace this venture must unfortunately come to an end".

"What do you mean, 'come to an end'? This is our legacy!" my grandmother exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

As Mr Reynolds words hung in the air, a suffocating sense of dread descended upon us. We were caught off guard, blindsided. We exchanged panicked looks. As I looked at each of them, searching for some semblance of hope in their faces all I saw was fear, anger, and disbelief.

His lips curled into a cold, mocking smile as he continued to speak. "My client considered investing in your company, but it would have been a waste of money. Where's the sense in that? The future of Whistlebury isn't Crystal Clear. It's a convenience store. With little amenities close by and many stores closing we simply need to provide what the residents want".

I could feel my muscles tensing, ready to defend what was rightfully ours. But before I could even begin to argue, Leo sided with Vincent, betraying us with his silence.

"This is all wrong, Leo tell him!" I said with despair.

"You need to calm down and listen", he said flatly, his eyes avoiding mine.

Vincent looked proud as punch, then he turned to Mr Reynolds giving him the signal to continue.

I looked at Grace, who was sitting next to her with an ashen face, and then at Leo, who seemed torn between guilt and shame.

Vincent remained unfazed as his solicitor explained his plan for a hostile takeover and revealed that Mr De Luca was now a board member of their target company.

"Target company" my grandma interjected this is our company and you're going to take it from us. I can't, I don't understand" she stood, and her legs buckled from underneath her. Leo instinctively rushed over before me or Grace even had a chance to move holding her steady.

"I do not wish to cause any of you distress, I want us all to move forward as one into prosperity".

"What are you talking about?!" I hissed "you're tearing everything my grandma worked so hard to build up. This is wrong and you all know it. This isn't over, we'll fight every step of this".

But Vincent just shrugged me off, smug and satisfied with his power play. As he left, he dropped one final bombshell - "a word of advice to always thoroughly read what you sign".

It took everything in me not to physically attack him then and there.

"Don't you dare walk away from us!" I shouted after him, but he was already gone.

I rushed to my grandmother's side, her frail form supported by Leo's steady hands. "How could this happen? They were supposed to help us", she sobbed, her heart breaking at the betrayal.

Grace sat her down putting her arm around her.

"How did you do it?" I demanded; my fists clenched with anger.

He gestured for me to follow him outside, promising to explain everything. Despite my anger and disbelief, I followed him outside where we stood face-to-face in a tense standoff.

"Well, Leo!" I spat; my arms crossed tightly across the chest.

His shoulders drooped in defeat as he closed his eyes. "I'm sorry", he whispered.

"How could you be so underhanded, so callous? How did you even pull this off?" I demanded, my voice rising with each word.

"I don't think—" he started to say, but I cut him off.

"How did you fucking do it?!" I screamed causing several people to stop and stare at us.

Leo sighed heavily before finally admitting the truth. "A proxy vote disguised as innocent paperwork", he confessed. "The papers you signed unknowingly agreed to install my father as a new board member who would be more receptive to change".

I couldn't believe it. We had trusted him, and he had used that trust against us. My grandma's company was now in the hands of strangers, all because of their calculated deceit.

"I can't believe you've done this to us", I said shaking my head in disbelief.

Leo hung his head with regret before finally admitting, "I truly am sorry Bella". But it wasn't enough.

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