Chapter 10

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I woke up in a foul mood after a restless night of sleep, angrily clattering inoffensive items around my cottage. I had planned on spending the day wallowing in self-pity while watching reruns of my favourite cancelled TV shows to cheer myself up.

But just before 5pm, there was a sharp knock on my door that interrupted my plans and saved me from devouring a second bag of Doritos. I crouched down, knowing that I was still visible with the curtains not fully closed.

"Bella I can see your dressing gown", called Grace through the door.

"Alright, give me a minute", I replied as I hit pause and licked the remaining crumbs off my fingers.

When I opened the door, Grace gave me a sympathetic look that made me want to hide even more.

"I fucked up. You probably regret ever taking a chance on Crystal Clear", I moped.

She smiled reassuringly. "Nope, remember, I knew what I was getting into. But what I can't take is you sulking all day. What's done is done. And honestly, after thinking about it, fuck him!"

"You're right, fuck him", I agreed.

"He obviously didn't really want to be part of Crystal Clear. Maybe it was just his dad pushing for it, but we would have clashed anyway. It wouldn't have worked out".

I nodded in understanding. "You're right, it wouldn't have".

"You did us a very unprofessional favour" Grace continued.

I cringed at her words. "I really need to work on keeping calm and business-like".

"That's just one thing among others", she teased. "Have you talked to your grandma? She called me yesterday, but I didn't answer in case you hadn't told her yet".

"I haven't spoken to her and don't intend to anytime soon. I'm not even sure if Vincent, or Leo for that matter, have informed her. But right now, I'm just done with everything", I explained.

"We need a night out", Grace declared.

"I really don't want to", I groaned.

"Okay, then how about just some drinks and good food at The Rose & Crown? It's always a safe bet".

"Fine, but I'm not staying out late. Come on in while I get ready".

She wasted no time in making herself comfortable on the couch, hitting play on the TV and helping herself to my snacks.

As I made my way upstairs, I couldn't help but smile fondly at our friendship. Despite our differences and occasional arguments, she was always there for me when I needed her.

An hour later, I emerged looking much better than the day before. My brunette locks were styled into loose curls and my makeup was flawless, with hints of copper and gold to bring out my blue eyes. Grace let out a wolf whistle as I descended the stairs.

"You look amazing. But you do know we're just going to a pub, right?" she joked.

"Yeah, but after looking like a crazy woman yesterday, I needed to make an effort", I replied.

"You did not look like a crazy woman. Maybe just a woman dealing with some stuff, but definitely not crazy", she laughed.

We both joined in on the laughter as we made our way out the door. "Alright, let's go", I said as I grabbed my coat.

Living in a small village had its perks, like everything being within walking distance and never needing taxis. After a pleasant ten-minute chat, we arrived at our destination. It was bustling with people, as if the whole village had the same idea. We struggled to find a seat and ended up perching at the bar. That's when I noticed Mrs Fairchild making her way towards us.

"Sorry to hear about the café", we both said simultaneously.

"Thank you, girls. But honestly, it might be for the best", she replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Well, now I have time to go on the cruise I just booked. I was too tied down to that café before. As sad as it is to see it go, I'm ready for the next chapter", she explained while waving at someone behind us. "I'll catch up with you later".

As much as I hated to admit it, I couldn't help feeling a little envious of her new adventure.

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