Chapter 16

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After multiple slips, I was thankful for the support. Without Leo, I would have slid down on my arse. Once our feet hit solid ground, we dashed towards the coffee shop. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation, wondering if he found me odd, even though I couldn't see his face through the rain.

He opened the door and held it for me. One waitress looked us over from head to toe with a horrified expression as we dripped onto the tiles. Another quickly fetched a wet floor sign but courteously showed us to a table first.

"How embarrassing", I murmured, lowering my head.

"What? It's just rain. We can't control the weather. Besides, you kept your part of the bargain, so pick anything you like, my treat. And don't worry, I won't judge if you go for a selection of desserts", he said, his lip twitching slightly as he tried to stay serious.

"I think a single piece of Victoria Sponge will suffice" I replied playfully.

As if on cue, the first waitress approached to take our order. She addressed me but couldn't take her eyes off Leo. His wet shirt defining the contours of his arms and torso, his muscles not overly large but well-defined. I coughed subtly to regain her attention.

"Can I get a mocha, with extra cream and sprinkles please and a slice of Victoria Sponge". I smiled closing the menu.

"Typical Auggie" he teased.

"What? After what I've been through, I deserve some sugar for comfort".

"Just a double espresso for me, thanks", he told her, passing both menus.

I noticed she brushed his hand intentionally as she took them, fluttering her eyelashes, but he seemed unaware.

Leaning back, I crossed my arms. "You can't just sip coffee while I indulge. They have lovely desserts here, though not quite as delightful as For Goodness Cakes".

His deep voice rumbled with amusement as he leaned back in his chair. "I don't have much of a sweet tooth, to be honest. Would it make you feel better if I got something?" he asked.

A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as I chuckled and shook my head.

"Oh, no, I'm not one of those girls who won't eat in front of men. I just don't want you to be horrified as I greedily shovel cake into my mouth", I replied.

He smirked and shrugged "I don't mind".

The waitress returned with our order, casting longing glances at Leo, who seemed focused on me.

"Here you are, and I brought two spoons", she said, grinning at Leo.

"We don't need two, thanks", I declared, feeling a pang of jealousy at her flirtatious behaviour.

Her perfectly groomed eyebrows shot up in surprise. "It's all for you?" she asked, her tone dripping with judgment.

"Yes," I said assertively, lifting my chin defiantly. "I like cake, so sue me".

She didn't reply as she walked off to clear another table, her hips swaying enticingly as if she was daring him to follow her.

"I think you've got a fan there", I said with a smirk, wiping icing sugar from my mouth. "I wonder if she's poisoned this cake to have you all to herself", I joked.

"What? Is there sugar on my cheek?" I asked dabbing a napkin blindly around my face.

He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "No, you look great, fine, you look fine," he quickly corrected himself. "I just can't figure you out. You come up with such random lines; you have quite the imagination. Do you think I'm dull in comparison?"

"I think you're anything but dull", I replied earnestly. "I'll admit, our first impressions weren't the best, but there's more than meets the eye with you, Leo De Luca".

A soft smile played on my lips as I turned my attention back to my cake, savouring each bite of the rich and decadent dessert.

After we finished and argued over the bill, he went to the till himself. I couldn't help but notice the waitress's face light up as he approached, and I felt a twinge of possessiveness.

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