Chapter 18 (Leo's POV)

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I thumbed through a book titled 'Signs from Beyond' as I waited. It wasn't half as interesting as the Chakra book I bought. I'd enjoyed reading parts of it, but I wasn't about to give Bella the pleasure of knowing that.

I glanced at my phone; they had been inside for nearly 20 minutes. I had hoped to be out in five. Time was not a luxury I had, but a deal is a deal. My father had sent a message inquiring about some documents. I hadn't reviewed them yet, but I assumed they were filled with the usual legalese.

Surprisingly, I found myself enjoying her company too much to spoil it with work, yet securing her signature promptly was crucial.

They appeared shortly after, Sage comforting Bella with a gentle rub on the back, her eyes meeting mine with a deep sadness. The urge to embrace her was strong, but far from appropriate. My regret deepened.

"Leo, please come this way", Sage motioned.

Rising to my feet, the thought of fleeing crossed my mind, but I found myself drawn towards her, as if in a trance.

Passing by, I noticed Bella's adorable pout. "Was it that bad? Did she say the bakery is out of cakes?"

"It was okay, I'll wait here for you", she replied with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

I expected a witty comeback that never arrived. Her apparent sorrow troubled me.

Sage led me into what looked like a fortune tellers' boudoir. I could taste the hint of candles on my tongue, the wax melting in the warm room. It had a dusty aftertaste. I glanced around at the mismatched ornaments, pendants and other things that I couldn't identify. I took a seat, feeling out of place as she settled across from me.

"You don't believe, do you?" she asked in a smooth voice, answering before I could speak.

"It's fine, we believe in you, Leo De Luca".

That was odd. Who was 'we'?

I glanced around, half-expecting a hidden figure to leap out and declare this all a terrible joke.

"Relax", she said, clasping my hands in hers. "Just shuffle the deck and pick three cards. Simple".

Then you'll predict doom and gloom, and I'll exit looking more forlorn than Bella.

She riffled through the cards quicker than a Las Vegas dealer, spread them out, and reclined as I scrutinised them.

I selected one from each end and the centre, unsure if there was a method to this madness.

Three of Swords, Five of Cups, Judgement.

I held my breath as she pondered each card intently.

"You've suffered before, through words or deeds. The dark clouds accumulating in the backdrop echo this anguish, yet they also promise that, like the storm, your pain will eventually clear".

At best, it was ambiguous. Pain or trauma is universal, and I was no exception.

Her eyebrows lifted imperceptibly.

"Oh Leo" she tutted. "The Five of Cups depicts a cloaked figure lamenting over three toppled vessels, emblematic of his let-downs and failures. This card represents disillusionment, the sorrow that ensues when reality diverges from expectations. You're disheartened, or soon will be, by how certain events have unfolded, contrary to your wishes".

A wave of melancholy washed over me.

Why not predict a lottery win or something uplifting?

"Not all is lost; the bridge signifies there's a path forward".

"Thanks, Sage, for the... enlightenment, but I've had my fill for today".

"One card remains, and it's crucial", she insisted.

"Appreciate it, but I prefer some mystery", I replied, already edging towards the door.

She nodded in acknowledgment and remained silent.

"Hey, how'd it go? Said Bella looking more cheerful than before. She picked up the book I'd left "so what signs have you gotten from the great beyond?"

"That this was a waste of my time. Are you driving home?"

"I was actually planning to walk".

"Would you like me to walk you home? We can discuss the great beyond, Mystic Meg and everything in between".

"I would like that. Let's go, Mr Medium".

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