Chapter 12

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I absentmindedly adjusted my coat collar for the third time, even though I was already bundled up.

"So, about yesterday. I owe you an apology for how I spoke to you. It wasn't professional".

"No need to apologise. I shouldn't have said what I did. Your personal beliefs have no impact on our investment in your business", he replied calmly.

"Thanks, I'm guessing your dad doesn't want to invest now anyway after you told him".

"I never told him anything about our conversation. I figured it was just a heat of the moment thing", he explained.

We waited for a car to pass before crossing the street, and our eyes met for a moment. Everything around me seemed to freeze, he smiled warmly at me causing a slight panic and I quickly look away.

"So, you're still interested in Crystal Clear?"

"Yes, among other things", he answered, and my heart fluttered at the way he said it. I silently cursed myself.

"What other things?" I asked intrigued.

"Oh, nothing really" he said flatly.

I couldn't help but study his face as he spoke.

Grace was right; he was handsome, but there was something devilish about him too. He seemed like the type who could sweep you off your feet and be completely devoted one day, then suddenly wake up and decide you weren't the one for him anymore. He would break your heart without any remorse or emotion behind it.

"Bella, is this where you live?"

My thoughts were interrupted "oh yeah, sorry, I was daydreaming".

"Am I that boring?" he teased with a charming grin, his grey eyes shining in the dim light.

"Not at all. I just got caught up in my own head for a second. You're anything but boring", I reassured him with a smile of my own.

"Are you worried about your ex? I can stick around a little longer if you want—"

"No, it's fine", I spoke too quickly, cutting him off. I had been about to invite him inside for coffee or some snacks. The Doritos even to save me from me, but now it would just seem awkward.

"Okay, well take care of yourself, Augustus", he said as he turned to leave.

I'm so stupid!

"You too, Mr Knight in Cynical Armor", I called after him, and I heard him chuckle as he walked away. I could've kicked myself. If only I'd kept my mouth shut.

Then it hit me as I opened the door, I really wanted him to come in. For nothing other than having the pleasure of his company. What a difference a pleasant walk home could make. But it was too late now.

As I entered my cottage and took off my coat, I prepared myself for a night of overthinking and playing the "what if" game with my own thoughts when there was a light knock on the door.

My heart skipped a beat as I imagined a romcom scenario where Leo had come back and was knocking on my door. But no, it was just Grace.

"What happened to you? I came back to find Beau ranting on about you and putting some guy in his place. I mean he was clearly pissed, but I was worried when you disappeared".

I didn't disappear Grace you did. You'd been gone about 20 minutes when it kicked off" I said as I stepped aside to let her in.

"Sorry, I didn't realise I was gone that long. I ran into Meera, and we got caught up talking. She's amazing in every way", Grace gushed dreamily.

"Finally! You've been crushing on her for months now and been too chicken to talk to her", I teased her with a smile.

"Actually, I was still too chicken, she stopped me first", Grace admitted, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red.

"Bella, she's incredible. But let's not focus on that. What happened with Beau?"

"I don't even want to talk about it. Luckily, Leo was there to help me".

The thin line of her brow jumped in surprise "Leo, why were you with Leo? I thought you'd never want to see him again".

"I wasn't with him," I clarified, gesturing for her to sit beside me on the couch. "He was walking in as Beau was dragging me out".

"What the fuck Beau, she exclaimed, placing a comforting hand on my back. "Are you okay?"

"Actually, I am. I don't think he'll be bothering me again".

"Good, because he'll have to answer to me".

I leaned my head against her shoulder and caught a whiff of the shea butter she used in her hair, a warm and comforting scent.

"So, Grace..."


"I think I had Leo all wrong. We talked and I believe we're back on track with the investment".

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