Chapter 17

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He returned to the table, his demeanour now strictly professional.

"That's settled then. We still need to go over some documents if you have the time today?"

Why he'd have to spoil it.

"Yeah, I'm free, I have an idea though and you can't say no".

His interest was piqued. "Go on".

"We can go over documentation to your heart's content, but there's two conditions".

He raised his eyebrows in response.

"First we have to go to Crystal Clear".

"That's fine. What's the second condition?"

"It's the last Wednesday of the month, which means our resident clairvoyant is doing readings. You have to get one. Throw caution to the wind. Be spontaneous", I suggested.

He scoffed "I don't think I'll take you up on that. I don't need a reading; I prefer to plan rather than leave things to the cosmos".

"You don't believe, right? So what's the harm? It'll just be a bit of fun, indulge me".

His slight sigh of defeat was the only response.

"So, are you in?"

"Have you ever had one before?" he inquired.

I shifted uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze. "No, I haven't".

"You want me to do this when you haven't even had a reading yourself. I'll only agree if you have one too", he challenged.

"Sure," I shrugged nonchalantly, though my foot tapped incessantly against the table leg.

"Let's get going then; no telling how many unsuspecting clients she's lined up for today", he remarked, his voice tinged with sarcasm.

"Careful Leo" I warned as we left.

"I've messaged Sage; she seemed to be expecting you", I said, waving my hands like a whimsical ghost.

"Sage, really? That's her name? You can't make this stuff up", he snorted as he climbed into his sleek Italian car.

I trailed behind, secretly hoping he'd draw the reversed Knight of Wands. I hoped Sage would humble him a bit while hoping not to draw anything ominous myself.

As I arrived, I nervously bit my lip. Even though I wasn't entirely convinced that she could commune with the unknown, the thought of drawing an unfavourable card filled me with unease.

He was already there, leaning against the shop wall with an insufferably wide smirk.

He glanced at his watch. "Did Sage know you'd be late?"

My lips pursed. "I'm not late; I just wasn't rushing to get here. It's like you can't contain your excitement", I retorted, brushing past him.

The shop glowed with candlelight, casting an almost ethereal ambiance.

"This way", I said, leading him toward the back room.

Sage, hearing us, appeared in a stunning blue lace dress with bell sleeves. Tall, slender, and fair, she looked almost elfin with her long blonde hair and widely spaced eyes.

"This isn't cliché at all", he whispered as she gestured for me to come closer.

"Shh", I hissed, nudging him before stepping forward.

I loved the way she decorated when she was in the shop. It was dimly lit by flickering candlelight. The walls were adorned with beautiful crystal sun catchers, each one catching and refracting the light in different patterns. In the corner, stood a gorgeous Bohemian wooden floor lamp, with intricate carvings and a vibrant, patterned shade. The room had an otherworldly feel, almost like stepping into a different time and place.

The air was filled with the sweet and calming scent of jasmine incense, but underneath it lingered a hint of anxiety and unease. I moved a heavy Ouija board to the side, my fingers grazing over the smooth surface as I traced the engraved letters.

"Don't be nervous, Bella," she said, sitting opposite me with a warm smile. She hovered her palm an inch above the card deck and nodded. "I'm getting a mixed message, but don't worry".

Yeah, that wasn't reassuring. I was already anxious.

She opened the pack, shuffled the cards, and fanned them out into a crescent moon. "Please choose three cards you feel drawn to", she instructed.

I reached for the middle card, then hesitated, seeking her guidance.

"I can't help you, Bella. You must choose on your own", she insisted.

"Right", I muttered, wavering for a moment before closing my eyes and selecting three random cards, flipping them over.

Seven of Swords, The Lovers, and The Fool.

"Interesting", she murmured as if in conversation with someone unseen.

"Great, betrayal", I muttered gloomily. "So, when should I expect this?"

"You know that's not how it works. I'm sorry, but I told you the reading was mixed. We should focus on The Lovers. This card is tied to mental activity, especially communication, which is crucial for healthy relationships. It represents balance and harmony, symbolizing a cosmic union between two opposing forces".

"I'm single as you're aware, Sage", I remarked with sarcasm.

"Hush, just listen. The Fool typically signifies the start of a new journey, one filled with optimism and free from life's usual constraints".

I nodded politely, listening as she elaborated, but I had to admit, her references were lost on me.

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