Chapter 25

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His voice was filled with apology as he spoke, "I didn't know", he said, his tone soft.

My heart froze at the realisation. "Sure, you didn't", I replied coldly, my body tensing in anger. "Everything you've done has been leading to this. The other night, when I signed those papers, what happened between was all a part of your contrived plan!" I yelled, my voice echoing throughout the corridor as I paced back and forth, my body shaking with rage.

Someone must've alerted security as two men looking like Laurel and Hardy stepped out of the lift towards us.

"Is everything okay here, Mr. De Luca?" The short stout one asked, eyeing me cautiously.

"Miss, you're going to have to calm down or come with us", the taller one added firmly.

Before I could respond, Leo intervened. "Gentlemen, there's no need for that. We can talk in here". He gestured towards a nearby door. "Please Bella, room five is free. Give me the chance to at least explain".

For a split second, I considered his offer.

He's stolen your company. He used you to get what he wanted. He'll just manipulate you some more.

But then I remembered who he truly was and what he had done to me. Without hesitation, I shook my head and turned towards them once again.

"No!" I announced boldly. "Well, let's go then. Escort me out". With newfound confidence, I marched towards the lift.

The two men flanked me like prison guards as we walked towards the lift. It was almost comical how they seemed to think I would try to escape or do something drastic. In another situation, I may have found it amusing.

"Let me walk her out, she's not a criminal", Leo argued with the guards as we approached the lift doors.

My head spun so fast I nearly gave myself a neck injury "no, the criminals here are you and your poisonous father".

As we exited, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances from a few onlookers. Nevaeh, however, openly gawked at me in shock, her mouth agape and revealing a blob of chewed up gum.

"I think this is me guys" I mocked as we got to the main entrance.

"Take it easy, Miss", the taller guard said softly as he held the door open for me.

I pulled out my phone to call Grace, I didn't want either of them in this pit of vipers any longer. She picked up straight away.

"Hey...I've been escorted out of the building, don't my grandma okay? I'll wait for you both outside".

Silence greeted me in response.

"Grace? Are you there?"

In the background, I could hear muffled voices and the sound of shuffling feet.

"Sorry...yeah, I'm here. Your grandma doesn't want to go with you", Grace said hesitantly.

The weight of disappointment and guilt settle onto my shoulders.

"I'll call us a taxi. We can talk later?" she suggested.

"Sure". What else could I say.

I held myself together until I was sat in the car and on my own. My throat constricted and my eyes welled up with tears. In an effort to stop them, I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, only to feel warm snot start to drip from my nose. With frantic movements, I wiped at my face, smearing tears and snot on anything within reach. Even my mother's expensive suit wasn't spared from my emotional breakdown. I held my head in my hands letting it erupt from me as I knew I couldn't drive like this.

A sudden tapping noise startled me from my slump. My eyes narrowed with fury as I recognised Leo standing outside the car window.

Is he completely insane? My mind screamed in frustration.

He moved quickly to stand in front of the car, placing his hands firmly on the bonnet.

"I'm not going anywhere until you give me a chance to explain. You'll have to run me over if you want me to move," he said determinedly, locking eyes with me.

My hand automatically went to the ignition and started the car. His mouth gaped, probably uncertain whether to breathe or scream. He didn't move however, not one inch as he then stared me down defiantly.

I wound the window down so he could hear me "move, or I'll do it". I spoke through gritted teeth, my foot still hovering dangerously close to the accelerator.

"Fine", Leo replied calmly, but I could see a single bead of sweat forming on his forehead. "But then you'll feel so guilty that you'll have to come visit me in the hospital. And then I'll explain everything to you there".

I hesitated, weighing my options. The angel on my shoulder must've been running late as the little devil screamed release the handbrake!

I'm not cut out for prison I decided I turning off the car and removed the key from the ignition.

Leo may have regained his composure and serious expression, but I could see through it to the hint of panic hiding just below the surface.

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