Chapter 26

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"There's nowhere for you to go, he said with unease. "So, unless you're committed to assaulting me with your car, please me give me a chance".

"Do you have some kind of death wish?" I cursed under my breath.

"No, I'll just do anything to make this right with you", he pleaded, desperation evident in his voice.

I wrestled with conflicting thoughts and emotions before finally pressing the unlock button. He eagerly made his way to the passenger side, but I couldn't help but wonder if his hand lingering on the bonnet was a precaution in case I decided to make a run for it.

"Where are we going?" he implored as he settled into the seat.

"I don't know", I mumbled, starting the car and pulling out onto the road.

He dutifully sat in silence for the ride. I didn't really have a destination in mind, but I found myself heading towards Coulstone Lake.

I swerved around the streets back to Whistlebury. I must've been driving a little recklessly as I noticed Leo clutching his seatbelt with one hand as the another clung to the dashboard.

"I can let you out here if you want", I grumbled between curses aimed at both Leo and his father's company.

"No, I'm coming with you" he said simply.

"How could I be so stupid, I made it so easy for them. I let this man in to my house and more. Good god what a mess I've made, what a fucking mess!"

He had the good grace to sit there and let me rant on, I must've called him every unsavoury name I could think of, and he didn't say a word in his defence.

I yelled out the window at another driver for being too slow as I aggressively took the corner to the car park. I slammed the break and dragged the handbrake up turning to Leo ready to unleash another barrage of rage, but instead my voice trembled, and a forceful cry engulfed me causing the inability to speak or even produce any sounds resembling words.

I fumbled to unbuckle my seatbelt, feeling like I couldn't breathe as tears began pooling in my eyes. I stumbled out of the car and slammed the door behind me, trying to steady myself as I swayed on shaky legs. The passenger door opened, and I immediately demanded answers.

Leo's eyes were downcast as he fidgeted and scratched the back of his head. Gathering some semblance of calmness, I tried to meet his gaze.

"Did you know?" I asked, needing the truth. "Because this is crazy. This whole thing is insane".

"I didn't, I promise you I didn't know at first", he said, his eyes dropping again at the end of his sentence.

"At first? What does that mean?"

"When I found out that's when I came to see you at the shop. I'd finally read through everything".

"Well thanks for the heads up. Really appreciate it", I said sarcastically.

"I know I've let you down, and I'll take whatever you want to throw at me right now", he said earnestly. "But I did try, Bella. You didn't want to know".

"I thought you were there to talk about us", I argued, throwing my arms up in protest. "Not the shop. I had no idea it was about the shop",

He moved closer to me, but I instinctively backed away, needing space between us.

"What's going to happen to Crystal Clear?" I demanded, my voice quivering.

"As Mr Reynolds said, it's going to become a corner shop", Leo answered, looking off into the distance before meeting my eyes again.

"So, you make a living by pretending to help struggling businesses then usurp them. A vulture waiting to swoop in and take what's not rightfully yours with a weasel of a solicitor to make sure the con is legal and above board. I can't believe I fell for your lies" I ranted and raved. "These businessmen are nothing but snakes and rats in disguise. I should have read the fine print", I said, realizing my own gullibility. "But did you know that your father had other plans for the shop?"

There was a long pause, I held my breath, hoping he would say no and that he was just as blindsided as I was.

"I knew", he sighed. "He mentioned changing the shop completely, and at first, I was on board with it. But after getting to know you and Grace and seeing your passion for Crystal Clear, I changed my mind".

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